It's "hump day" and the day that I will do two radio shows, one at 3:30 central on 1400 KREF here in Norman and then at 5 p.m. on on the highly rated Sean and John show.

We're working on some new offers in our on line store as we gear up for the holidays. I will be personally, autographing JR's Cookbook which means that I will customize it to your order. We will begin this in a few days but it will be for a limited time only and will end on December 12. So if you have a wrestling fan in your midst and want me to personalize them a JR's Cookbook now is your chance. These books will be $19.88 and that includes FREE SHIPPING in the USA.

We're also going to do a 1560 The Game Blitz Package with our pals down in Houston that includes 1 bottle of HOT JR's BBQ Sauce that will be signed by yours truly, a bag of our awesome Beef Jerky and a FREE sample of our JR's Dry Rub. This one will sell for $15.60 and includes FREE SHIPPING.

Stay tuned for all the great specials coming your way and I have decided to keep our Power Slam, Triple Threat and Jerky Mania offers up and running thru the holidays but I do encourage you to shop early.

Here's a sampling of some BBQ'ed Feedback....

Been exchanging emails with Matt Cappotelli, former WWE Tuf Enough winner and developmental wrestler. Matt has been undergoing chemotherapy for cancer seemingly forever and hopes to finish chemo next summer which will mark three years of chemotherapy treatment. Matt's a warrior with an amazing spirit and is an inspiration with which to speak. I always thought this kid had "it" but he has been sidetracked with battling cancer which has had to become a huge part of Matt's life. Matt is an assistant manager at a Louisville health club and is also finishing his college degree at the University of Louisville in Exercise Physiology. I love Matt Cappotelli's mental and physical toughness and his undying Faith. What a great young man.

Some apparent whack job is emailing me to death, perhaps there are more than one, and is obsessed with me hooking him, I think it's a him, up with Mickie James. This isn't "E-Harmony" pal but a place to congregate and order BBQ products, etc. This person can't figure out why Mickie hasn't responded to his/her many, many attempts at reaching her. Duh. Did you ever think that just maybe you've scared the hell out of her? As Larry the Cable Guy might say, "Let it go."

The mysterious Brett Rogers, yes that Brett Rogers, who will fight Fedor Saturday night is making the PR rounds and none too early. Fedor's English is akin to mine so Rogers, who has a dangerous punch w/o question, is carrying the load of doing media for the deadly Russian. I hope that the Fedor-Rogers bout is competitive even though most MMA purists will want Fedor to dominate. Never eliminate the chance of an upset in MMA especially when the big guys start banging with rights and lefts. Not a bad gig for Fedor....he's gets WAY more money than likely the entire card...doesn't have to do any press to speak of and doesn't have to interrupt his training regime. Mr. Rogers might have found himself in the middle of the wrong neighborhood but time will tell come Saturday night on CBS.

I'm going to enjoy watching William Regal, who seems to get more relevant just before each WWE, UK tour, face Christian Tuesday night from Sheffield for the ECW Title. Regal and Christian are the two of the most viable reasons that I watch ECW on a regular basis and if their title bout occupied the majority of the broadcast I would be content. These two have the potential to have a helluva bout on TV.

Just an opinion, but when Regal's wrestling days have ended, he would make a tremendous manager. Plus, when some one realizes that really good wrestling managers can help any company's presentation and that many of today's fans would look at managers as "new" we'll see it happen. A contemporary approach to an old school presentation is what I'm trying to say plus it adds "new" to TV Wrestling presentations. Plus, some young stars don't have a clue as to how to verbalize and rely on memorization and how they "perceive" a wrestler would react and respond to particular situations.

What a night I had Tuesday night....two hours of the World Series of Poker and then a little ECW. I am a major fan of WSOP, think commentator Norman Chad reminds me of Jerry Lawler and Bobby Heenan, am pulling for the lumber guy who wears the Saints cap and Phil Ivey at the final table, and would love to be sitting down at Norman's Riverwind Casino right now playing Texas Hold 'Em.

I had a dream bout our new mustard we will be working on after the first of the year last night. See how exciting my life is since I started on the CPAP machine? I dreamed that our new product would be called, "J.R.'s Main Event Mustard"'s Sweet and Spicy.

I'm still looking for your suggestions on "name that mustard."

Should I Tweet or not? How would it benefit our BBQ biz?

We are getting lots of redundant emails from our constituency regarding Hulk going to TNA. Many of you know more than I about this development I can assure you. I can only say that it's way too early to either condemn or commend the development until fans see what changes in philosophy or direction are taken. It's like a new coach being hired to coach, say the Washington Redskins or the Tennessee Titans, for example, who are not where they want to be. How does one judge the results before the process starts? It will all come down to results and results won't/can't come over night.

Speaking of Hulk, I just received my copy of the new, WWE produced Hogan DVD and I'm anxious to watch.

Also, I got a rough copy of the Jeff Hardy DVD that's coming out soon that I hope to watch in the next few days.

Keep an eye on the site for all the new deals we're offering. We sure appreciate your support! Order it today and we'll ship it tomorrow.

Still don't know about my Nebraska trip this weekend as I'm taking it a day at a time on healing from my dear, close, personal, long time friend, Bells palsy. (Thanks, Mean Gene.)

My top priority remains getting healthy and then seeing where my next assignment will be. That "next assignment" isn't something that I dwell on as it really doesn't matter until I'm well and ready to kick down the door and get back in the hunt.

Boomer Sooner!
