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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Smackdown Results - 21st Apr 2006

    Smackdown Results - 21st Apr 2006
    Location - St. Louis, Missouri
    Announcers - Tazz & Michael Cole

    Quick Results:

    - King of the Ring: Booker T def. Matt Hardy
    - Paul London def. Joey Mercury
    - Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley def. Finlay and Orlando Jordan
    - The Great Khali def. Funaki
    - Gymini def. Paul Burchill and William Regal


    We start off with Booker T saying that we will see him start his run to become the King of the Ring. He says that everyone is gunning for him. He mentions that Bobby Lashley took a cheap shot last week. This week, Matt Hardy will learn how to bow down to your next king. Matt Hardy says that in the last year he has been to hell and back. He has been beaten down, but he will not stay down. He will bow down to no man because he will not die.

    King Of The Ring First Round Match
    Matt Hardy vs. Booker T

    Referee: Jim Korderas

    The start:
    Booker wants to lock up, but Hardy pushes him away. They finally tie up and Hardy back Booker into the corner and Hardy with a clean break. Booker with a waist lock and a take down. Hardy escapes, but Booker with an elbow followed by chops and punches to Hardy. Hardy puts Booker in the corner and he punches Booker and then he runs Booker’s head into the opposite turnbuckle and then he hits a flying clothesline for a two count. Hardy with a side head lock take down into a side head lock. Booker gets to his feet and he hits a belly-to-back suplex to escape the hold.

    Mid-match notes:
    Booker chops Hardy and then punches him in the corner. Hardy punches Booker, but Booker responds with knees to Hardy. Booker with an Irish whip, but he charges into a boot from Hardy. Hardy with a running clothesline and a kick followed by a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Hardy goes up top, but Booker crotches him and then Booker sets up for a super belly-to-back suplex. Hardy punches Booker off the turnbuckles, but Hardy misses a moonsault when Booker moves out of the way. Booker gets a two count. Booker with a back heel kick to Hardy’s chest for a two count. Booker punches Hardy and Hardy goes down to the mat. Booker stomps Hardy and then he proclaims that he is the king. Booker with a side slam for a two count. Booker with a snap mare and a rear chin lock on Hardy. Hardy gets to his feet and he hits a jawbreaker on Booker. Hardy with a back elbow to Booker and then he goes to the second turnbuckle for a screaming elbow. Hardy with a kick and then he tries for the Twist of Fate, but Booker pushes Hardy off and then he pushes Matt to the ropes. Sharmell was on the apron and she pulls down the ropes and Matt goes to the floor. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Booker kicks Hardy by the ropes and then he chokes Hardy with his boot. Hardy punches Booker, but Booker with a knee. Booker follows that with a suplex. Booker hits a second suplex and then he gets a two count. Booker chokes Hardy in the ropes and then he distracts the referee and that allows Sharmell to rake Hardy’s eyes. Booker hits a super kick on Hardy but he only gets a two count. Booker punches Hardy and then he goes to the apron and up top. Hardy punches Booker and Booker gets crotched. Hardy with a superplex to Booker and both men are down. Hardy covers Booker and gets a two count. Hardy charges at Booker, but Booker with a hot shot. Booker with a back elbow off an Irish whip and he gets a two count. Booker with a rear chin lock on Hardy and he puts his body weight on Hardy. Hardy gets to his feet and he elbows Booker, but Booker pulls Hardy’s hair to get him back on the mat. Booker with another rear chin lock. Hardy gets up and he punches Booker, but Booker responds with knees to Hardy. Booker gets Hardy up for a suplex, but Hardy floats over and hits an inverted DDT. Booker punches Hardy but Hardy responds with punches until he gets the advantage. Hardy with forearms and punches to Booker followed by a running forearm and clothesline. Hardy with an Irish whip and Hardy with a running clothesline and bulldog for a two count.

    The Finish:
    Hardy punches Booker in the corner followed by an Irish whip. Hardy charges into an elbow from Booker and Booker with a jumping leg lariat for a two count. Booker punches Hardy and Booker hits the Bookend and . . . STOP . . . Spinaroonie time. Booker tries for the Scissors kick but Hardy moves out of the way and Hardy hits the Side Effect for a two count. Sharmell gets into the ring and she distracts the referee. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate, but Booker with a low blow followed by the scissors kick for the three count. We go to commercial.

    Winner: Booker T

    JBL Great American:
    We have a video package of Bradshaw winning the WWE Title at the Great American Bash in 2004 against Eddie Guerrero in a bullrope match.

    Paul Burchill walks into the locker room and William Regal is dressed up as a woman. Paul says that it was funny when Regal started making fun of the way that Burchill dressed. Burchill says that he is going to enjoy tonight because Regal tried to screw him last week. Regal says that he is a gentleman so he can be trusted. Burchill tells Regal that they are going to be tag team partners. Regal says that he looks like a bloody fool and Burchill says that he has something else for Regal to wear. Regal tells Burchill that he was nothing before Regal met him. Burchill suggests that Regal dress up like a teddy bear. Regal says that he has standards.

    Joey Mercury vs. Paul London
    Referee: Chris Kay

    The start:
    Mercury tries for a knee but London blocks it. Mercury with a punch and knee and then he slams London’s head into the turnbuckle. Mercury with a punch to London. London with a rana to Mercury followed by punches. London with a rollup for a two count followed by a drop kick for another two count. London with a punch to Mercury. Mercury with an Irish whip, but he charges into an elbow from London. London goes up to the second turnbuckle, but Nitro gets on the apron to distract the referee and that allows Mercury to push London off the turnbuckles and to the floor.

    Mid-match notes:
    Kendrick checks on London while the referee counts. London makes it back into the ring and Mercury with a knee to London followed by a two count. Mercury chokes London on the top rope and then he slingshots London off the ropes followed by a drop kick for a two count. Mercury with a reverse bear hug on London while on the mat. London makes his way to his feet and he elbows Mercury. Mercury with a knee and he tries to slam London, but London lands on his feet and he gets a waist lock on Mercury. Mercury with a standing switch. London with an elbow, but Mercury with a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a two count. While the referee deals with Mercury, Melina with a head scissors to London. Melina and Kendrick get on the apron and Mercury knocks Kendrick off the apron. Kendrick tries to get into the ring, but the referee stops him. That allows Nitro to get on the apron and he hits a slingshot elbow drop on London after Mercury hits a back breaker on London. Mercury gets a two count. Mercury tries for another series of covers, but he can only get a two count each time. Mercury with a neck vice on London into a front face lock. London gets to his feet and he runs Mercury into the turnbuckle. Mercury with a forearm to London’s back. London with a jawbreaker to escape the hold.

    London with an elbow to Mercury. Mercury tries for a punch, but London avoids them and he connects with punches of his own followed by forearms. Mercury misses a clothesline but London hits two running forearms. London with a double stomp to Mercury’s back when Mercury telegraphs a back body drop. London with a spinning heel kick for a two count. London tries for an Irish whip, but Mercury blocks it. Mercury with an Irish whip, but London moves out of the way when Mercury charges. London goes up top, but Mercury goes up to and tries for a superplex, but London blocks it and punches Mercury. Mercury and London exchange punches but London with forearms and head butts and Mercury goes down to the mat. London with a cross body block for a two count. London with a running shoulder tackle for a near fall. London with another running shoulder tackle for a two count. London comes off the ropes again but Mercury grabs London by the hair and he throws London over the top rope. London holds on to the ropes and he skins the cat. London with a rollup for a two count. London avoids punches from Mercury and then he hits the dropsault.

    The Finish:
    London goes after Nitro who got on the apron but he gets off before London gets to the ropes. London comes off the ropes but Nitro trips him. London kicks Nitro and then he hits a slingshot plancha on Nitro on the floor. Kendrick comes into the ring and Mercury takes him down. Mercury catapults Kendrick over the top rope and Kendrick takes out his own tag team partner. Nitro rolls London back into the ring. Mercury takes his time to cover London and London gets a small package for the three count.

    Winner: Paul London

    William Regal is in the locker room and he changes into the bear costume. Regal complains about how he looks like a bloody fool. Then he talks about the tail and how things are riding up his crevice. He also comments on how the costume is going up his armpits, but Burchill stops him by putting the costume head on Regal. Regal says that he hopes Burchill is enjoying this as much as Regal. Regal says that he doesn’t even like picnics. Burchill says that he has something serious for Regal. We go to commercial.

    Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay and Orlando Jordan
    Referee: Nick Patrick

    The start:
    Jordan and Lashley start things off. Lashley with a side head lock on Jordan but Orlando with forearms to Lashley. Lashley with a shoulder tackle and then he press slams Jordan. Benoit is tagged in and he kicks and chops Orlando followed by forearms. Jordan with a knee and punch to Benoit. Benoit with a shoulder tackle. Jordan tries for a hip toss but Benoit blocks it. Benoit tries for a hip toss but Orlando blocks it. Benoit tries to get Jordan into the Crippler Crossface, but Finlay pulls him off. Benoit chops Finlay. Orlando with Divorce Court to Benoit and then Finlay tags in.

    Mid-match notes:
    Finlay punches Benoit in the shoulder and then he works on Benoit’s shoulder with a key lock. Finlay turns it into an arm bar and he hits an uppercut and elbow on Benoit’s arm. Jordan tags in and he kicks Benoit. Jordan continues the attack with a wrist lock and kicks to Benoit’s ribs. Jordan with a step over sit down splash on Benoit’s shoulder for a two count. Jordan with a hammer lock and then he throws Benoit into the ring post. Finlay wrings Benoit’s arm into the ring post two times while the referee is busy dealing with Jordan and Lashley in the ring. Jordan with an arm bar on Benoit and he works on the shoulder. Jordan with a rollup for a two count. Jordan with a shoulder tackle for a one count.

    Finlay tags in and he punches Benoit followed by a short arm clothesline. Finlay slams Benoit’s arm to the mat. Benoit chops Finlay twice, but Finlay with a drop toe hold into an arm bar before he tags Orlando Jordan back into the match. Jordan kicks Benoit in the arm and then Jordan kicks Benoit in the head and then he stomps on Benoit’s arm. Jordan with an arm bar but Benoit with forearms. Jordan with a knee and then he tries to slam Benoit, but Benoit escapes and he hits a German suplex on Jordan. Both men are down and Benoit works his way to his corner, but Jordan grabs Benoit’s leg. Benoit with an enzuigiri and he is able to tag in Lashley.

    The Finish:
    Lashley with a clothesline to Jordan and then he knocks Finlay off the apron. Lashley with a kick and punches to Jordan followed by a back body drop. Lashley with a delayed vertical suplex but Finlay breaks up the cover. Benoit with a chop that sends Finlay out of the ring. Benoit follows that with a suicide dive onto Finlay. Jordan kicks Lashley followed by a punch. Lashley with a spear and then it is time for the Dominator and the three count.

    Winners: Bobby Lashley and Chris Benoit

    JBL Great American:
    We have another JBL Celebration video package. This time it was Bradshaw protecting the borders on a 2004 episode of Smackdown. We go to commercial.

    Teddy Long is in the Office and he announces that off of the momentum of Kurt Angle’s victory over Randy Orton last week and by popular demand, he will give Kurt Angle his rematch next week from London.

    Paul Burchill wants to see Regal’s newest outfit. Regal is in a chicken outfit and he tells Burchill that he does not want to hear any Colonel Sanders jokes. He talks about how he has a reputation in Blackpool as a fighter and that this outfit does not help him. Burchill tells Regal that this is not working so it is time for the next outfit.

    Kristal Marshall is with Funaki to talk about Funaki’s match against The Great Khali. She wants to know if she has seen anyone his size before. Funaki says that he has never seen anyone Khali’s size and that he is huge. From out of nowhere, Khosrow Daivari and The Great Khali enter the interview area. Funaki is not in a good mood. Khali takes the mic and he says something to Funaki. We go to commercial.

    Funaki vs. The Great Khali
    Referee: Charles Robinson

    The match:
    Khali corners Funaki and grabs him by the throat. Khali with a chop to the top of Funaki’s head. Khali grabs Funaki by the head and connects with a kick. Khali picks Funaki up by the head and then he gets Funaki up for a vertical choke and drops him to the mat. Khali covers Funaki with a boot to the head for the three count.

    Winner: The Great Khali

    We see William Regal in a gorilla costume and Burchill tweaks Regal’s nipple. Burchill tells Regal that he has one more costume and we go to commercial.

    Paul Burchill and William Regal vs. The Gymini
    Referee: Jim Korderas

    The start:
    Burchill and Jake start things off. Jake backs Burchill into the corner but Burchill moves when Jake tries to punch him. Burchill with punches to Jake in the corner followed by a head butt. Burchill with a flying clothesline and he tags Regal into the match. Jake attacks Regal before he can get into the ring. Jake with a suplex and he tags in Jesse. The Gymini with a double shoulder tackle and Jesse gets a two count. Jesse with a rear chin lock on Regal.

    The Finish:
    Jesse with a front face lock followed by a snap suplex for a two count. Jesse with a rear chin lock on Regal into a side head lock. Regal with an escape and Burchill refuses to make the tag. Jesse with a clothesline and then he tags in Jake. Jesse and Jake with the cross trainer to Regal for the three count.

    Winners: The Gymini

    JBL Great American:
    We have another JBL Celebration Moment. We see footage from his victory over Chris Benoit for the United States Title at Wrestlemania 22. We go to commercial.

    Outside the arena:
    We are back and Mike Mizanin is outside the Savvis Center. He talks about how it is his debut on Smackdown. He talks about Bradshaw’s celebration and how he likes to crash parties. He gets ready to walk into the building, but we see Palmer Canon with security telling Mike that regardless of how cool the Miz thinks he is; he is crass, offensive and uncouth. As far as the network is concerned, the Miz is cancelled.

    Next Week:
    We find out that Bobby Lashley will face Mark Henry next week in the first round of the King of the Ring Tournament. We are also reminded that Kurt Angle will get his rematch against Rey Mysterio next week.

    In the arena:
    The ring is getting ready for the Great American JBceLebration as we go to commercial.

    In the arena:
    Tony Chimmel is in the ring and he brings out Jillian Hall to host the JBceLebration. Jillian leads a marching band to the ring and there is an inflatable eagle by the TitanTron. Jillian brings out a man who represents each and every one of the people in the crowd. He is the Undisputed United States Champion, Bradshaw. The JBhummerLimo comes out and balloons fall from the ceiling while Jillian celebrates in the ring while she awaits Bradshaw to get into the ring. Bradshaw gets in the ring and he takes the mic. He asks Jillian if this is it. He wants to know where the horns, the strings, the tenors, and the champagne. He says that he deserves the New York Philharmonic, but Jillian gets him refugees from a Big Brother program. He tells the crowd that they are not worthy. He has supported them long enough and he tells the band to leave. He says never trust a woman to think. This is just another mistake. Just like last week when she almost took the greatest prize from him when she slammed a steel door in his head. Jillian says that she didn’t mean to do it. Bradshaw says that Jillian is just standing there with her over-inflated balloons like an idiot. He fires Jillian and tells her to go back to whatever main stage and pole she came from. Jillian leaves the ring.

    Bradshaw says that the boys may be whipped, but he knows how to treat his property. He understands that everyone cannot live the American Dream so they have to live it through him. That is why everyone loves him. He says that he is not your average American. Like Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Ronald Reagan; Bradshaw is a true American hero. Holding the United States Championship has made it the single most prestigious title in sports entertainment. He is America because who do you consider to be your champion but Bradshaw. None of them consider Rey Mysterio to be the champion except for the twelve million illegals out there. Because everyone depends on him and chants his name and pays money to see him, he will take the United States Title to England to defend it against England’s very best. Then he will focus on the match between Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle. He guarantees that he will defeat the winner of that match next week. Kurt Angle’s music plays and he comes to the ring.

    Bradshaw tells Angle to take a picture if he wins the title next week because he will have it for one week. Kurt Angle says that he has a problem. He won a gold medal representing his country. He is a six time WWE champion, but Bradshaw calls himself an American hero. Bradshaw corrects Angle and says that he is a True American Hero. Angle figures that compared to him, Bradshaw sucks. Angle wants to know why Bradshaw is picking on Rey. Is it because Rey is an underdog champion? He says that Rey is a better champion than Bradshaw was or ever will be. Angle says that Rey will not be champion long. Angle says that he is going to win the title next week and then he will kick Bradshaw’s teeth down his throat. Rey Mysterio’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Bradshaw says that the crowd doesn’t care about him because they won’t even chant his name in response to the crowd’s Eddie chants. Bradshaw tells Rey to speak in English. Rey wants to deal with Angle first. He tells Angle that he respects him and he is looking forward to their match next week. Rey says that the title is not going anywhere. Bradshaw asks Rey and Angle if he wants to leave so they can swap spit. Bradshaw wants to know why they respect each other. Bradshaw tells Rey that he has already taken two titles off his buddies, Chris and Eddie and Rey can be the third amigo; or he can take it from Angle. Bradshaw comments on how the title belt looks bigger than Rey. Bradshaw tries to get Rey’s attention, but Rey ignores Bradshaw until he punches and kicks him. Angle with an Angle slam to Bradshaw followed by a 619 from Rey. Angle and Rey stare each other down while Bradshaw leaves the ring. We go to credits.

    Report by PWInsider.com

  2. #2
    WWE Legend Infinite Vision's Avatar
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    It was an alright show.

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