ECW for March 18th opened with Kane coming to the ring. It was mentioned that Kane would be part of the 24-Man Battle Royale at Wrestlemania, with the winner getting an immediate title match with ECW World Champion Chavo Guerrero. It was also mentioned that the Battle Royale will contain wrestlers from all three brands.

Kane vs. Elijah Burke.

Burke threw a few punches at the start, but Kane caught one and decked Burke. Burke avoided a boot to the face and slid to the floor. He tripped Kane and went to pull him to the outside, but Kane kicked him down. Kane went to the floor, picked up Burke and rammed him into the ring apron. Kane tossed Burke back into the ring and hit a side backbreaker. Kane applied a chinlock, driving his knee into Burke's back. Kane pounded Burke's back with punches, forearms and knees, then slammed Burke. Kane stomped on his back, then reapplied the chinlock, again driving his knee into Kane's back. Burke reached behind himself and poked Kane in the eyes to break the hold. They got to their feet, and Kane nailed Burke with an uppercut. Kane went for a backdrop, but Burke kicked it away. Burke hit some punches and a dropkick. Burke hit more punches, but Kane reversed a whip into the corner. Kane charged in, but Burke moved out of the way. Burke went for the Elijah Express (double jumping knee in the corner), but Kane turned around and grabbed Burke by the throat. Kane hit the chokeslam for the pin at the four minute mark.

Winner: Kane.

Backstage, Mark Henry was shaking hands with Armando Estrada. Estrada said he would "do well". As Henry left, Chavo Guerrero entered, and Henry pushed him out of the way. Chavo approached Estrada, who told Chavo that Henry, along with Big Daddy V, would be in the Wrestlemania Battle Royale. Colin Delaney entered, saying he was supposed to talk to Estrada about getting an ECW contract. Chavo ripped on Delaney for "embarrassing ECW" last night on Raw in his loss to JBL. Chavo ripped on Tommy Dreamer not being around to help Delaney, and said Delaney couldn't have a contract on "his show". Estrada interrupted and told Delaney if he wanted a contract, he could try beating Chavo tonight in a non-title match. Chavo laughed, while Delaney looked worried.

The "please like Floyd Mayweather" video package was shown.

Kofi Kingston vs. James Curtis.

Kingston grabbed a waistlock at the start, but Curtis turned it into a headlock. Curtis hit a shoulderblock, but Kofi leapfrogged him, hit a drop toe hold, and yanked back on a leg grapevine. Kingston put Curtis in a headlock, flipped out of a suplex attempt and hit a dropkick. Kofi grabbed a headlock, and hit a shoulderblock as Curtis shoved it off. Curtis hit a knee to the midsection, then stomped Kofi. Curtis punched Kofi in the mouth, then elbowed him in the back of the head. Curtis applied an armbar, but Kofi spun out of it and kicked Curtis away. Kofi hit some forearms and chops, then a side Russian legsweep. Kofi hit a double legdrop, then started clapping. Kofi charged and Curtis went to backdrop Kofi, but Kofi turned and flipped over Curtis, then hit his buzzsaw kick for the pin at the four minute mark.

Winner: Kofi Kingston.

Backstage, CM Punk was amazed by Festus' mental state. Punk said he had an uncle like that, but only after a bottle of wine. Punk asked if Festus would be ready for the match, and Jesse said "That is the face of a man ready to take it to the Extreme".

John Morrison, The Miz & Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk, Jesse & Festus.

It was pointed out that Jesse & Festus will get a tag team title shot at Miz & Morrison on Smackdown this week. Festus chased after Morrison at the bell, throwing him into the ring, then knocking Miz out of his way. Festus battered Morrison in the ring, then slammed him. Jesse tagged in and Festus slammed him on top of Morrison for a two count. Morrison tried a hiptoss, but Jesse reversed it, hit a drop toe hold and dropkicked Morrison in the face. There was a loud "CM Punk" chant. Miz tagged in, but Jesse tagged in Punk. Punk and Jesse dodged a charging Miz and Morrison, then pulled down the ropes and sent them sailing to the floor. Punk springboarded onto them, then picked them up for a Jesse dive. Benjamin ran in and clipped Jesse to prevent his dive, then went to punch Festus on the ring apron. Festus caught Benjamin's attempted punch, then yanked Benjamin, by the arm, over the top rope and onto the wrestlers on the floor as they went to break.

Back from break, Punk was working over The Miz in a corner. Punk snapmared him and hit a kick to the back. Jesse tagged in and cradled Miz for a two count. Jesse hit a rolling neck snap, then tagged Punk back in, who kicked Miz' legs, then landed one to the chest. Punk slammed Miz and hit a kneedrop. Punk hit some kneelifts, but Morrison distracted him by yelling at him. Punk pulled Morrison into the ring, slamming him down. Punk then hit a jumping knee on Miz in the corner, but Benjamin ran over and yanked Punk down by the hair, as the referee was busy getting Morrison out of the ring. Benjamin tagged in and worked over Punk with a chinlock. Punk got to his feet, kicked away a Benjamin backdrop attempt, but got caught by a Benjamin Exploder suplex. Morrison tagged in and hit a twisting legdrop for a two count. Morrison put Punk in a chinlock. Another big chant for Punk broke out. Punk battled up, but Morrison hit a backbreaker. Morrison went for a neckbreaker, but Punk turned it into a backslide for two. Morrison responded by kicked Punk in the head. Morrison decked Punk with a forearm for a two count, then kicked him in the head again. Punk nailed Morrison with an enzugiri.

Punk made the tag to Festus, just as Morrison tagged Miz. Festus cleaned house, knocking Morrison and Benjamin off the apron while taking Miz' head off with a clothesline. Festus hit Miz with a jumping kick, but Benjamin and Morrison broke up the cover. Jesse gave Benjamin a top rope dropkick, and Festus threw Morrison over the top rope. Miz tried to give Festus the Reality Check, but Festus dodged it and hit the one-man flapjack for the pin at the twelve minute mark.

Winners: CM Punk, Jesse & Festus.

The Raw Rebound was shown, followed by a rundown of the Wrestlemania lineup.

It was announced that Eddie Graham will be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. The video package on Graham focused on his success as a promoter and his tag team success with Dr. Jerry Graham, as well as his civic contributions in Florida. At the end of the package, it was announced that Dusty Rhodes would be inducting Graham at the Hall Of Fame ceremony. Sorry, Hulkster!

Colin Delaney was shown in the back, heading to the ring.

The "Big Show at home" video package was shown, featuring cameos by Show's dog and wife, both of whom are bigger than Floyd. It segued into a package on Show training, with Show noting how he is in the best shape he has been in since his 20's. It actually was a very endearing video, and made me want to cheer Big Show at Wrestlemania. Yep, WWE still doesn't know where they are going with this match.

Tazz interviewed Colin Delaney in the ring. Delaney admitted he was "a lot beat up" but said wrestling tonight would all be worth it if he wins the match and gets his ECW contract.

ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero vs. Colin Delaney (non-title).

Chavo hit a knee to the gut at the start, then pounded him across the back with a forearm. Chavo hit an uppercut, and there was a slight chant for Colin. Chavo punched Delaney down in a corner and choked him with his boot. Chavo hit a forearm, then went for a hiptoss, but Colin reversed it. Colin ducked a Chavo clothesline and dropkicked Chavo to the floor. Chavo got up angry, saying he was "taking it easy" on him before. There was a louder chant for Delaney. Chavo said "You want a contract" and slugged Delaney to the mat, then pounded him. Chavo hit a backdrop driver, then put him in an armbar. There was a chant for Colin. Chavo choked Colin against the ropes. Chavo whipped Colin into the corner, but missed a charge. Colin hit a pair of back elbows, but Chavo avoided a dropkick. Chavo hit the Three Amigos, dragging a limp Delaney off the mat after two suplexes and just shoving him down instead of hitting the third. Chavo went to the top rope for a frog splash, but Delaney rolled out of the way and Chavo crashed to the mat. Colin covered Chavo, but only got a two count. Chavo grabbed Colin and hit the Gori Bomb for the pin at the four minute mark. Chavo rubbed his forearm on Colin's face for good measure.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero.

Guerrero smiled as the show ended, with Joey Styles noting that 24 men would be gunning for Chavo at Wrestlemania.

Thoughts: Last week Elijah Burke lost to Festus, this week he gets squashed by Kane. Remember when Vince McMahon said he was going to be the future of ECW? ... Nice to see more names announced for the Wrestlemania Battle Royale. For those who care, those now included are Kane, Chuck Palumbo, Great Khali, Jamie Noble, Mark Henry and Big Daddy V. ... Kofi still shows some green in the ring, but is improving. What does it say when James Curtis gets more offense in his four minute loss than Elijah Burke gets in his? ... So, Miz apparently has no ill feelings towards Morrison beating him on Smackdown last week, or the fact that both of his six-man partners are Money In The Bank participants, while he's left hoping for a Battle Royale spot. That's pretty benevolent (and uncharacteristic) of him. ... "Biscuits and Gravy" may be the greatest entrance music since "Badstreet U.S.A." ... Festus' yanking of Benjamin over the top rope and onto the wrestlers on the outside was an awesome spot. The six man tag was just a really great match, with Punk being super over with the crowd, yet Jesse & Festus getting the glory in the end (which makes sense, given their title shot on Friday). Proof there is a solid base of young talent in WWE, if they want to use it. ... With all due respect to the Hulkster, Dusty Rhodes is the perfect choice to induct Eddie Graham. When you think Florida wrestling, you think of three names: Eddie Graham, Dusty Rhodes, and Gordon Solie. ... I don't think WWE knows who they want the fans to cheer at Wrestlemania, since both Mayweather and Show had babyface video packages. ... I didn't expect Delaney to beat Chavo after his getting destroyed last night on Raw, but the crowd really got into Colin's offense and his near fall towards the end of the match. Good stuff. ... ECW did a good job of pushing the Wrestlemania Battle Royale and the Jesse & Festus vs. Miz & Morrison tag title match on Smackdown. Plus, two out of four matches were pretty good, and there was no time wasted on yet another Kelly Kelly-Layla match!