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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE RAW Live Coverage - May 27th, 2024

    Liv Morgan defends Women's World Title against Becky Lynch inside a Steel Cage!

    Tonight, any questions regarding Liv Morgan's Women's World Title win over Becky Lynch at WWE King and Queen of the Ring will be answered as they battle inside a Steel Cage. This past Saturday, Morgan finally defeated Lynch for the first time to win the Women's World Championship, the very title Rhea Ripley had to vacate after being injured by Morgan. Her win, however, was tainted by "Dirty" Dominik Mysterio, who tried to help The Man by giving her a steel chair. His plan backfired, as Morgan took advantage by DDT-ing The Man into the chair to win the match. Can The Man win back her title, or will Morgan cement herself as the Women's World Champion?

    Video: Highlights from this past Saturday’s WWE King and Queen of the Ring.

    Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan is shown entering the arena earlier today. Her opponent for tonight, former champion Becky Lynch, arrived shortly after. They will compete in a Steel Cage Match for the championship later tonight.

    Ludwig Kaiser is in the ring. Kaiser demands the crowd’s attention to acknowledge the Ring General and the King of the Ring, Gunther!

    Gunther, who defeated Randy Orton in the Finals of the King of the Ring tournament this past Saturday, makes his way to the ring, holding his crown. Gunther gets in the ring and looks pleased. Gunther embraces Kaiser in the center of the ring. The commentators address the controversy of Orton’s shoulder being up on the final pinfall, but they mention that Paul “Triple H” Levesque said the referee’s decision is final. Due to the win, Gunther will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam.

    Gunther stands in the ring, and the crowd is lightly buzzing. Gunther looks at the crown and begins to speak, but the crowd loudly boos. Gunther says on Saturday, he beat Randy Orton. He is now the rightful King of the Ring. With that being said, he has earned the opportunity to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion at SummerSlam. Gunther wants to talk about the current champion, Damian Priest. Gunther says he’s followed his path. Since Rhea Ripley has been out with an injury, Priest stepped up and took responsibility. Gunther is a man who succeeds when he takes over responsibility. The Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship lacked prestige. It was on Gunther to step up and become the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time. The crowd is booing him.

    The King of the Ring Tournament lacked prestige. Again, he stepped up and raised it to levels and heights never seen before. Now, the World Heavyweight Championship is lacking prestige because the champion won it by taking a shortcut.

    World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest makes his way to the ring alongside Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh of The Judgment Day. Priest will defend the championship two weeks from Saturday against Drew McIntyre at WWE Clash at the Castle. Priest stands in the ring alone with Gunther. Bálor, McDonagh, and Kaiser are outside. Priest incredulously says, “Prestige? Shortcuts?” Gunther is the King of the Ring with that adorable little crown to prove it. Gunther does get a shot at SummerSlam, but does he really think he earned it? Everyone saw he didn’t beat Randy Orton. Gunther proved nothing. If he wants a pat on the back, he’ll get it. If Gunther wants to take credit for something, he can take credit for costing Randy Orton a shot. Priest cashed in because he earned a briefcase in a Ladder Match. That’s how that works. He cashed in just like others have before him. That’s how that works. Does Gunther get how business around here works? Priest can teach him a lesson.

    Gunther doesn’t care what Priest thinks of this. Gunther focuses on facts. The fact is he is the King of the Ring. If Priest is still champion at SummerSlam, he’ll face him for the title. In terms of teaching him about the business, maybe Priest can. Business isn’t Gunther’s expertise. Gunther has been waiting for anyone to teach him anything once the bell rings. Gunther can’t teach Priest about business, but he can teach him about this great sport. Priest can either give him a business lesson before SummerSlam and address him as “King,” or he can give it after SummerSlam and address him as “World Heavyweight Champion.”

    Priest says he respects what Gunther can do in the ring and respects his Intercontinental Title reign. As the World Champion, what can Gunther teach him that he doesn’t already know? They’ll go to war at SummerSlam…

    Drew McIntyre’s music hits, and the Scottish Warrior makes his way to the ring. This past Saturday, Paul “Triple H” Levesque announced that McIntyre was cleared to compete. A “CM Punk” chant picks up. McIntyre says he has to address this quickly, or they’ll never shut up. CM Punk has been back for six months, and McIntyre has been the highlight of his return. If he didn’t injure him, Punk would have screwed up and been fired with nowhere else to go. McIntyre addresses the men in the ring and says he’s the #1 Contender. He’ll be champion in less than three weeks. Gunther leaves the ring without incident. Priest says he’s not looking past McIntyre… he just knows what’ll happen when they’re done. McIntyre says he’s trying to help Priest. Priest is spreading himself too thin. His Judgment Day is screwing up left and right. Dom-Dom went all the way to Saudi Arabia to screw up. It seems ever since Mami got hurt, the real leader, the group has gone to hell. McIntyre tells Priest to focus on what’s important: himself and that World Championship. McIntyre wants to paint a picture. Wade Barrett, Fit Finlay, William Regal, and the British Bulldog? They’re UK Legends and have won exactly zero WWE World Championships. McIntyre is the only person from the UK to win the World Title, and he did it three times. Soon, it’ll be four. McIntyre tells Priest to do some tape study. Watch when he fought Roman Reigns. The fans were so crazy that they broke Reigns. If it weren’t for Solo, he’d be a champion. Now it’s time for a geography lesson because they don’t teach that in America. A “USA” chant picks up. McIntyre says he’s an American citizen. McIntyre says Wales is far away from Scotland, but the fans were still nuts. All the Scottish fans are like him. McIntyre says he’s about to take the bloody title.

    Priest chuckles and asks if that’s really the game plan to get under his skin. Priest isn’t afraid of the crowd booing him. Priest has made a living of proving people wrong. Priest wants to talk the truth. Is McIntyre’s wife going to be there? What’s her name? McIntyre warns him. Priest says he just wanted to see if he could get under his skin, but he also wanted to see if he’s man enough to do something about it.

    Braun Strowman’s music hits. McIntyre leaves the ring. Strowman walks up to the World Heavyweight Champion and goes face-to-face with him. Priest backs up and points to McDonagh. McDonagh looks a little worried.

    We go to commercial.

    JD McDonagh (w/ Finn Bálor) vs. Braun Strowman

    We join this match in progress. McDonagh gets in the ring and charges, but Strowman catches him and easily presses him above his head. McDonagh eventually slides off, but Strowman throws him to the corner. McDonagh tries to avoid him, but Strowman easily lifts and slams him on the mat. Finn Bálor checks on McDonagh at ringside. Strowman yells at Bálor and head-butts McDonagh down. Strowman hits a big forearm to the chest in the corner. Strowman wildly throws McDonagh across the ring and poses. McDonagh sidesteps an avalanche, but Strowman quickly rebounds with an uppercut. Strowman casually slams him down before kicking him in the ribs. McDonagh tries to chop at him, but they have no effect. Strowman chops him down and holds up a fist. Strowman shoves him to the corner and connects with an avalanche. Strowman head-butts him down and shakes off the impact from McDonagh’s large head. Strowman puts him in the corner and charges for an avalanche, but McDonagh clips the knee. Strowman hits the ring post with his shoulder and falls out of the ring. McDonagh wants a count-out, but he sees Strowman getting up. McDonagh charges and hits a chop block at ringside.

    We go to commercial.

    Back from the break, Strowman shoves McDonagh back, but he rebounds with a dropkick. McDonagh ties the injured knee in the ropes, but Strowman knocks him back. Strowman then hits a leaping clothesline. Strowman slaps the mat a few times and shoves McDonagh away before hitting a big back body drop. Strowman quickly collapses to the mat. Bálor runs over and pulls McDonagh away from the ring. Strowman gets up and is limping around. He sees Bálor checking on McDonagh, and the crowd knows what’s coming. Strowman gets out of the ring and hobbles around the ringside area to crush McDonagh with a Strowman Express!

    Strowman gets McDonagh in the ring and gets in. Strowman lifts McDonagh, but Bálor gets on the apron. Strowman drops McDonagh and brings Bálor into the ring the hard way. Strowman lifts McDonagh. Bálor distracts the referee as Carlito runs down to hit Strowman from behind. Strowman turns around angrily and grabs Carlito by the hair before punching him down. McDonagh hits Strowman with a head-butt and a chop block. McDonagh hits the ropes, but Strowman scoops him up for a big powerslam to pick up the win.

    Winner: Braun Strowman

    After the match:
    Carlito and Bálor immediately double-team Strowman. Strowman powers them away. Strowman sends Bálor out of the ring and shoves Carlito over the top rope. Strowman poses and absorbs a chair shot to the back from McDonagh. The crowd chants, “You f—ed up!” Strowman slaps the chair out of McDonagh’s hand. McDonagh, Bálor, and Carlito run away.

    Cathy Kelley is backstage with Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan. Does she have any remorse over how she beat Becky Lynch? Morgan says she doesn’t. She didn’t know Dominik Mysterio played such a role, but she had no remorse. Still, she’s never beaten Becky Lynch straight up. Tonight, they’ll face in a Steel Cage Match with nowhere to run or hide. Morgan will come out victorious. She says, “Watch me.”

    We go to commercial.

    Finn Bálor is backstage with Carlito, asking why it took so long for him to come out. Carlito says he was waiting for the right moment. World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest walks up and says that plan didn’t work. Priest asks where JD McDonagh is. They say he’s being chased by Braun Strowman. Priest says Strowman should have been handled. He tells them to get McDonagh and bring him back to the Clubhouse so they can regroup. Carlito and Bálor argue over who is going to get McDonagh.

    Replays are shown of the absolutely vicious beating Bron Breakker delivered to Kale Dixon last week on WWE Raw. Breakker told Raw General Manager Adam Pearce this is because he didn’t put him in the King of the Ring Tournament. Later that night, Breakker viciously speared Ricochet through a road crate.

    WWE Trainer’s Room
    Earlier today, the trainer cleared Ricochet for action. Raw General Manager Adam Pearce walked in. Ricochet says he wants Bron Breakker. Pearce says he fined and suspended Breakker, so he has to wait. Ilja Dragunov walks in and thanks Ricochet for shoving him out of the way of Breakker. When he’s better, he wants to face Ricochet again. Ricochet challenges him for tonight. Dragunov says he doesn’t face broken people, but Ricochet tells him he’s good to go.

    We go to commercial.

    During Ilja Dragunov’s entrance, the QR code flashed on the screen again.

    Ricochet vs. Ilja Dragunov

    The bell rings, and Ricochet dropkicks Dragunov down. Ricochet, who has taped ribs from Bron Breakker’s attack last week, holds them in pain. Ricochet uppercuts him, but Dragunov responds with some chops to the chest. Dragunov whips him to the opposite corner, but Ricochet slingshots over him. Ricochet holds his ribs again. Dragunov applies a waistlock, but Ricochet flips through a German Suplex attempt. Ricochet knees away at Dragunov. Dragunov ducks a right hand and connects with a German Suplex. Dragunov keeps the waistlock on and hits another German Suplex. Ricochet elbows out of a third one, but Dragunov applies an abdominal stretch and elbows away at the ribs. Dragunov then grabs him between the legs and hits a modified German Suplex with a bridge for a near fall.

    Ricochet crawls to the corner and forearms Dragunov back. Dragunov takes him down with a step-up enzuigiri. Ricochet gets out of a powerbomb, but Dragunov blocks a kick and flips him onto his front. Dragunov viciously knees him in the face to knock him out of the ring. Dragunov bites the top rope.

    We go to commercial.

    We return from the break to see Dragunov and Ricochet exchanging strikes. Dragunov stuns him with a kick to the head and hits a snap German Suplex. Dragunov hits the ropes and sets up for a Constantine Special, but Ricochet viciously knees him in the face to knock him out of the ring. Ricochet hits the ropes and hits a beautiful suicide dive. Ricochet holds his ribs in pain and gets back in the ring. Dragunov is stumbling around ringside. Ricochet hits the ropes again and goes for a suicide dive, but Dragunov catches him and drives him hard into the ring apron. Dragunov goes for a powerbomb, but Ricochet lands on the apron and knocks him back. Ricochet hits a big moonsault block off the second rope to the floor!

    The crowd chants, “This is awesome!” Ricochet gets Dragunov in the ring and goes to the top rope. Ricochet sets up for a 630, but he lands on his feet when Dragunov moves. Dragunov boots him in the face, but Ricochet rebounds with some strikes. Dragunov then lays him out with a vicious lariat. Dragunov pulls him up to his feet and turns him inside out with a Constantine Special. Dragunov covers 1… 2…, and Ricochet kicks out. Dragunov chops him down in the corner and hits the ropes. Ricochet pops up for a superkick attempt, but Dragunov blocks it. Dragunov crushes him with a powerbomb, but he is too exhausted to follow up. Dragunov heads to the top rope and comes flying off for an H-Bomb, but Ricochet superkicks him out of midair! Ricochet connects with a Recoil and covers! 1… 2… Dragunov just barely kicks out!

    Ricochet is stunned and starts to pull himself to the top rope. Dragunov cuts him off with a right hand and climbs to the second rope. Ricochet clubs away at Dragunov, but Dragunov shakes it off. Ricochet head-butts him a few times to knock him to the canvas. Ricochet hits a beautiful shooting star press and rolls around in pain from the ribs. All of a sudden, Bron Breakker KILLS Ricochet with a Spear! The referee calls for the bell.

    Winner by Disqualification: Ricochet

    After the match:
    Breakker rips his shirt off and is fired up. Breakker isn’t supposed to be here tonight. Dragunov tries to chop at Breakker, but Breakker shakes it off, hits the ropes, and wipes him out with a Spear! Raw General Manager Adam Pearce runs down with WWE officials and producers. Pearce gets in the ring and screams at Breakker, but Breakker doesn’t acknowledge him. Breakker leaves the ring, and Pearce follows him. Breakker stops and angrily turns to face the Raw General Manager before walking off again.

    We go to commercial.

    Cathy Kelley is backstage. We see Raw General Manager Adam Pearce berating Bron Breakker about the attack. Kelley wants to interview Pearce, but Kiana James walks up to him. Pearce says they need to head to his office because he needs a drink. Kelley says she’ll try to get a word with Pearce later.

    Earlier today, The Miz walked up to an ice cream truck. R-Truth gave him an ice cream cone. Miz asked why R-Truth wanted him to be all white, so R-Truth said he wanted Miz to match his flavor. Miz says if he’s vanilla, then R-Truth is… R-Truth says he’s strawberry. R-Truth asks what Miz was actually going to say. The New Day walked over and asked what Miz was going to say. Miz says he was going to say “strawberry.” The New Day asks if they’re still doing the Memorial Day Raffle for the Tag Titles. Miz says that’s not happening. R-Truth closes the ice cream truck.

    Karrion Kross walked up to Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. Kross says Kingston has already had his time in the sun. He wants to help Woods. It’s time for Woods to cut the New Day crap and let him help him. Kross tells Woods to watch AOP tonight. Woods says he would never break up a 10-year friendship and possibly the greatest tag team of all time just because he asked nicely. Kingston says the answer is “no.” Kross asks when Kingston will let Woods shine. When he retires? Woods says they’ll face AOP next week and show what New Day has left in the tank. Kross says he wants to do this the hard way, which is his favorite. Kross walks off. Woods says Miz wasn’t going to say strawberry.

    The Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar) (w/ The Final Testament: Karrion Kross, Scarlett, and Paul Ellering) vs. The Creed Brothers (w/ Ivy Nile)

    The Authors of Pain attack the Creed Brothers as they enter the ring. The referee calls for the bell. Rezar grabs Brutus and drives him hard into the turnbuckle with a Death Valley Driver. Akam tags in and punches Brutus in the face. Akam chokes Brutus on the middle rope. Rezar tags back in, and Akam throws Brutus into Rezar’s knee. Rezar applies a neck vice, but Brutus fights up. Rezar slams him back down and tags Akam in. Akam stomps Brutus and whips him to the corner. Akam charges, but Brutus sidesteps him.

    Julius tags in and comes off the top rope with a flying forearm. Julius hits Rezar and hits Akam with a suplex and a kip-up. Julius hits Akam with another exploder and a kip-up. Rezar runs in and meets the same fate. Julius hits Akam with a moonsault. Brutus tags in. The Creed Brothers go for the Brutus Ball, but Scarlett distracts them by sending Nile into the ring steps. Akam slides off and shoves Julius into Brutus, knocking him to the floor. Akam hits a uranage on Julus and tags Rezar in. They hit a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo called What a Rush in tribute to the Legion of Doom for the win.

    Winners: The Authors of Pain

    The attack on Cruz Del Toro last week on Raw.

    Rey Mysterio says Carlito was welcomed into the LWO with open arms. If he hadn’t taken the path he’s taken, Carlito would still be his brother. Carlito’s jealousy over Dragon Lee made him bitter. His attack on Cruz Del Toro was a huge mistake. Carlito can run to the Judgment Day. Maybe they’ll welcome him with open arms as Msyterio did, but those days are over. When they step into the ring tonight, Carlito won’t find an old friend. He’ll find out what happens when you cross the LWO. You’ll find out what happens when you cross Rey Mysterio.

    Sheamus is walking backstage. JD McDonagh is talking with Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan in the background. Braun Strowman shouts and limps after McDonagh, who runs away. We’ll hear from Sheamus next.

    WWE acknowledges the sacrifice many have made for the freedoms of the American People on Memorial Day.

    We go to commercial.

    Allegiant Stadium, the site of next year’s WrestleMania, is shown. Priority Passes are going on sale soon.

    Sheamus makes his way to the ring. Replays are shown of Gunther defeating Sheamus in a brutal King of the Ring First Round Match three weeks ago on Raw. Sheamus grabs a microphone and says he’s out of breath just walking out here. Sheamus is huffing and puffing, saying he’s fired up because of the crowd. There were some great matches in the King of the Ring Tournament, nothing but banger after banger after banger. Sadly, there was no Sheamus. Why? That little Ken Doll named Ludwig Kaiser smashed his knee and took him out. Sheamus isn’t bitter, but what he is salty about is Kaiser did nothing but talk crap about him while he sat at home and waited to be cleared. Sheamus says he is now back. Sheamus cannot wait to get his hands on Kaiser’s pigeon chest.

    Ludwig Kaiser appears on the Titantron. Kaiser asks if Sheamus can see him with his old eyes. Kaiser hears Sheamus crying and complaining, blaming Gunther for Sheamus’ loss at King of the Ring. Sheamus can blame Gunther because he is the King of the Ring. No one stood a chance anyway, especially not Sheamus. After weeks of being at home and acting tough online, Sheamus is trying to tell Kaiser what to do. Kaiser operates on his own terms. Sheamus yells at Kaiser to shut his mouth. Sheamus says they can either listen to Kaiser’s garbage, or Sheamus can go get him. Sheamus heads to the back.

    The camera follows Sheamus through the Gorilla Position and backstage into the Enmarket Arena. Ludwig Kaiser blindsides him and fights him behind the stage. The brawl spills back into the arena. Raw General Manager Adam Pearce, along with some WWE officials and producers, pull them apart. The crowd chants, “Let them fight!”

    Locker Room:
    Lyra Valkyria is holding her ribs in the locker room. Becky Lynch comes up and says Saturday didn’t go their way. It’s not about winning all the time. It’s about learning from each time. They’ll either win and learn until it’s time to walk away. Lynch tells Valkyria that she’s got this and bumps fists with her. Lynch walks off and tells her to consider knee pads.

    We go to commercial.

    WWE SummerSlam will expand to two nights in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 2026. The commentators want to know where SummerSlam 2025 will be.

    Replays are shown of the absolutely VICIOUS Annihilator Nia Jax delivered to Lyra Valkyria to win the Queen of the Ring Tournament this past Saturday.

    Kairi Sane (w/ Dakota Kai) vs. Lyra Valkyria

    The bell rings, and Valkyria hits a waistlock takeover. Sane fights up and applies a waistlock, but Valkyria elbows out and takes her down with some quick strikes. Valkyria holds her ribs in pain. Valkyria connects with a northern lights suplex for a two-count. Valkyria quickly heads to the top rope, but Sane hits the top rope to take her down. Valkyria falls off the top rope to the mat. Sane kicks her in the injured ribs a few times. Valkyria tries to fight back, but Sane stuns her with some right hands. Sane punches away at her against the ropes and stomps around on the mat. Sane hits the ropes and hits a basement forearm to the chest. Sane stomps the ribs and hits a double stomp. Valkyria writhes in pain on the mat. Sane covers for a two-count.

    Sane goes to the top rope, but Valkyria cuts her off. Sane punches her into the tree of woe. Valkyria tries to pull herself up, but Sane crushes her with a double stomp down to the mat. Sane pulls her away from the corner and picks up a near fall. Sane pulls Valkyria up by the hair. Valkyria is out but manages to lightly shove her away. Sane goes to the top rope and leaps for an In-Sane Elbow, but Valkyria gets the boots up. Valkyria applies a crucifix pin to get the victory.

    Winner: Lyra Valkyria

    The Judgment Day Clubhouse
    World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest asks Finn Bálor and Carlito where JD McDonagh is. Priest then asks what Carlito is doing here. Carlito says he wanted the Judgment Day in the Clubhouse. Priest says Carlito isn’t in the Judgment Day. Priest tells him to go prepare for his match. Carlito asks Bálor if he’ll still be out there. Bálor tacitly agrees. JD McDonagh walks in, and Carlito says he found him. McDonagh says he gave Braun Strowman the slip. Priest asks why he was talking to Liv Morgan. McDonagh says he was telling Morgan she won’t be Women’s Champion for long.

    Priest asks where Dominik is. “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio walks in. Priest asks to speak to him alone. Bálor and McDonagh leave. Priest asks Mysterio what he is doing. Mysterio says he talked to Rhea Ripley and will fix this. Priest warns him to fix it tonight.

    In the arena, Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring alongside Dragon Lee and Zelina Vega of the Latino World Order. Mysterio will face Carlito next.

    We go to commercial.

    Damage CTRL Locker Room
    An upset IYO SKY is sitting on the couch. Dakota Kai and Kairi Sane walk in. Sky begins screaming, throwing lamps, stomping through the coffee table, and walks off.

    The exhibition baseball team, the Savannah Bananas, is at ringside.

    Rey Mysterio (w/ LWO: Dragon Lee and Zelina Vega) vs. Carlito

    The bell rings, and Mysterio throws his shirt at Carlito. They circle the ring, and Carlito rolls out of the ring. Carlito yells at Dragon Lee at ringside. Carlito turns, and Mysterio forearms him in the face a few times. Mysterio gets Carlito in the ring. Carlito attacks the WWE Hall of Famer as he gets in the ring. Carlito whips him hard into the corner, and Mysterio collapses to the mat. Carlito whips him hard into the corner again before hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a two-count. Carlito sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Mysterio goes for a springboard moonsault, but Carlito catches him and drives him into the corner. Carlito locks him in the tree of woe and hits a dropkick. Carlito backs up and charges for a sliding dropkick, but he crotches himself on the ring post when Mysterio sits up.

    We go to commercial.

    We come back from the break to see Carlito forearm Mysterio down for a two-count. Carlito punches Mysterio in the corner and whips him to the opposite corner. Mysterio boots him back and rolls up his body, but Carlito counters into an alley-oop. Mysterio rolls to the apron to recover. Carlito stands on the second rope and grabs Mysterio for a deadlift superplex for a two-count. Carlito furiously clubs away at Mysterio as soon as he kicks out.

    Carlito has him in the corner and puts him on the top rope. Mysterio fights out of a superplex and knocks Carlito down. Mysterio hits a seated senton, followed by a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Carlito reverses a whip, but Mysterio ducks a clothesline. Carlito catches him and hits a TKO for a near fall. Carlito lifts him, but Mysterio slides off and dropkicks him into position. Mysterio hits the ropes for a 619, but Carlito pops up and drops him on the apron. Mysterio knocks him back and goes for a springboard, but Carlito dropkicks him down. Carlito goes to the apron and lifts Mysterio. Mysterio slides off and shoves him shoulder-first into the ring post.

    Finn Bálor appears at ringside and attacks Dragon Lee. Bálor sends him over the commentary table. Mysterio hits Bálor with a seated senton off the apron. A stunned Pat McAfee lets out an expletive. Mysterio gets in the ring, but Carlito attacks. Carlito sets up for a Backstabber, but Mysterio reverses and sends him into the ropes. Mysterio hits a 619 and a slingshot splash for the win.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    After the match:
    Mysterio celebrates with the LWO before going out of the ring and attacking Finn Bálor. Mysterio puts him on the commentary table. Dragon Lee goes to the top rope, but World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest attacks Mysterio. Carlito pulls Lee’s leg and crotches him on the top rope. Priest hits Lee with the Razor’s Edge. Mysterio gets in the ring and dropkicks Priest into position. Mysterio knocks Carlito off the apron and charges, but Priest big boots him down. Priest hits Mysterio with a South of Heaven and stands tall in the ring. Bálor and Carlito look happy at ringside, but Priest angrily looks over at them, taking their smiles away.

    Chad Gable is backstage with a timid Akira Tozawa. Gable says he didn’t see Tozawa in Saudi Arabia, so he must’ve had a good reason for not making the trip. Tozawa apologizes. Braun Strowman interrupts and demands to know if they’ve seen JD McDonagh. They say no. Strowman keeps walking. Maxxine Dupri walks up with Otis. Gable makes fun of them and says he’ll give Otis a chance to redeem himself. He’ll face “Big” Bronson Reed. Otis will beat him. Gable makes Otis say, “No matter what.”

    We go to commercial.

    Bronson Reed vs. Otis (w/ Chad Gable)

    Chad Gable is still talking with Otis as the bell rings. Reed avalanches Otis and punches away at him before hitting a head-butt. Reed sends him into the ropes for a back elbow. Reed stands over Otis and talks trash. Reed sends Otis into the ring post shoulder-first. Otis falls to the floor. Gable shouts at Otis to get up. Otis gets back in the ring at the count of seven. Reed greets him with a dropkick. Reed grabs him and sends him to the corner. Otis elbows him back and connects with a clothesline.

    Otis is down on the mat and firing himself up. Otis clubs Reed with some right hands. Reed reverses a whip, but Otis ducks a pair of clotheslines and hits a running cross-body block. The crowd roars for Otis. Otis scoop slams Reed down. Reed gets up in the corner, so Otis avalanches him. Reed drops down in the Caterpillar position. Otis starts to gyrate to the delight of the fans. Gable quickly gets on the apron and stops Otis from doing the Caterpillar. Otis looks upset, but he rips his shirt off anyway. Otis gyrates, but Gable grabs his face and yells at him. Otis turns into a superkick from Reed, followed by a senton splash. Reed goes to the top rope and yells at Gable. Reed crushes Otis with a Tsunami for the win.

    Winner: Bronson Reed

    After the match:
    Chad Gable gets in the ring and shouts on the microphone for Otis to get in the ring. Gable demands Maxxine Dupri and Akira Tozawa also come out. They nervously come out to the ring. Gable says he’s having an Alpha Academy meeting now.

    We go to commercial.

    Chad Gable is in the ring with the Alpha Academy. Gable sneers at Otis, who does not look happy. Gable asks what he is going to do with Otis. Not only did he cost him the Intercontinental Championship on Saturday in Saudi Arabia, he gave him another chance, but he blew it. Gable knows how to get through to Otis. Otis lacks discipline, so Gable will show him discipline in front of everybody here.

    Gable says he doesn’t want to do this… he starts to unbuckle his belt. Gable says Otis made him do this. Gable tells Otis to grab the rope. Otis doesn’t move, so Gable orders him to grab the rope. Otis slowly makes his way over to the ropes and grabs the top rope with his back to Gable. Gable tells Maxxine Dupri and Akira Tozawa to watch because this is what happens when you fail the Alpha Academy. Gable says this will hurt him more than it hurts Otis. Gable goes to smack Otis with the belt, but Maxxine stops him! Gable yells at her to get out of the ring. She sadly leaves. Gable asks if Tozawa has anything to say. Gable goes to hit Otis…

    …but WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn angrily makes his way to the ring. Gable suggests Zayn turn around unless he’s giving him his rightful title shot. A “Sami” chant picks up. Gable warns him to not take another step, but Zayn ignores him and gets in the ring. Zayn asks what Gable is going to do. Zayn says Gable isn’t tough. Gable is a weak, little man. Gable sneers at him. Zayn says he has manipulated his way into Intercontinental Championship opportunities and come up short each time. Gable wants to blame everyone else: the people, Zayn, and the Alpha Academy. It’s no one’s fault but Gable’s. Gable can’t get the job done. Gable says Zayn doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He beat Zayn last week on Raw and would have done it on Saturday if it wasn’t for that “idiot” (Otis). Gable goes to whip Otis, but Zayn rips the belt away from him.

    Zayn throws down the title and approaches Gable, but Otis stands in his way. Zayn asks Otis what he’s going to do. Is he going to listen to Gable? How much more will he take? Zayn told Otis to stop listening to Gable and listen to the people. The crowd cheers for Otis. Zayn tells Otis to listen. If they can’t hear them, then he needs to listen to his heart. Gable blindsides Zayn and punches away at him. Gable punches away at him in the corner, but Zayn fights back and takes him down. Otis pulls Zayn off Gable. Zayn tries to talk sense into Otis, but Gable wipes him out with a German Suplex. Gable takes his jacket off and mounts Zayn before punching away at him. Gable talks trash to Zayn. Otis teases like he’s going to act, but he doesn’t do anything. Gable throws the Intercontinental Championship down onto Zayn.

    The crowd loudly chants, “Let’s go, Otis,” but he doesn’t do anything. Gable leaves the ring with Tozawa, but Otis doesn’t follow him. Gable shouts at Otis to follow, and he sheepishly obliges.

    The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour culminated with her victory over Becky Lynch for the Women’s World Championship this past Saturday at WWE King and Queen of the Ring.

    Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan is stretching backstage. Elsewhere backstage, Becky Lynch is pacing.

    The Steel Cage is lowering around the ring. The main event is next.

    We go to commercial.

    Cathy Kelley is backstage with Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark. They are the #1 Contenders for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship. Stark says they’ve never been properly introduced to Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill. Sonya Deville walks up and says they’re talking like they’re champions, but they’re not. They can’t do it without her help. Baszler and Stark walk off on Deville. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn stop Baszler and Stark. They mention that Baszler and Stark haven’t faced or beaten them yet. That won’t change. Deville says Fyre and Dawn have no respect.

    Next week on Raw, Sheamus will battle Ludwig Kaiser. We’ll also see the New Day take on the Authors of Pain. In a non-title match, World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest will battle WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio.

    Women’s World Championship
    Steel Cage Match

    Liv Morgan (c) vs. Becky Lynch

    Becky Lynch, whose WWE contract legitimately expires this Saturday, could be competing in her final WWE match for some time. Lynch was initially supposed to take some time off before being called back to action following the untimely injury to Rhea Ripley.

    They do the introductions in the ring, and we go to commercials.

    We go to commercial.

    We join this match in progress. Morgan digs Lynch’s face into the steel mesh and rubs it around a bit. Morgan drives her hard into the cage wall and presses her against it. Morgan rubs Lynch’s face on the steel mesh and happily shouts, “Hi, Rhea!” Morgan starts climbing the cage in the corner of the ring, but Lynch climbs after her. Lynch pulls her down to the top rope. They begin battling on the top rope, and Morgan bounces Lynch’s face off the steel a number of times before knocking her down to the mat. Morgan gets down from the top rope and attacks, but Lynch sends her to the corner. Morgan drops her between the cage wall and the ropes. Lynch knocks her back and goes to the top rope, but Morgan cuts her off. Lynch is hanging on the top rope, and Morgan drives her face into the steel wall a few times. Morgan stands her up and dropkicks her into the cage wall three times. Lynch is barely getting in any offense. Morgan shoulders away at her and charges, but she hits the cage wall headfirst when Lynch moves. Lynch kicks away at Morgan and wildly smashes her face into the cage wall.

    Lynch heads to the top rope and connects with a missile dropkick. Lynch crawls over and covers the champion for a two-count. Lynch hits the ropes and dropkicks Morgan into the cage wall. Lynch hits the ropes and repeats the move. Lynch uppercuts and spin kicks Morgan. Lynch goes for a leg drop off the second rope, but she lands on her feet when Morgan moves. Morgan pulls Lynch face-first into the cage wall.

    We go to commercial.

    Back from the final break of the evening, there are only six minutes left for WWE Raw. Morgan is climbing the cage in the corner of the ring, but Lynch cuts her off. Lynch quickly scales the ropes to pull Morgan down. Morgan knocks her off the ropes, but Lynch quickly pops back up. Lynch connects with a superplex and crawls over for a two-count.

    Lynch goes for a Dis-Arm-Her, but Morgan shoves her into the cage wall. Morgan connects with a springboard codebreaker and covers for a near fall. Morgan shouts in frustration. Morgan starts to climb the cage in the corner of the ring and pulls her leg over the top of the steel trellis. Lynch follows her up there and punches away at her. Lynch punches Morgan back into the ring. Lynch is now half over the trellis, but desperately drags her back in at the last moment. Morgan pulls her off the top rope and hits a big powerbomb for a near fall. Morgan sees Lynch getting up against the ropes, so she goes for Ob-Liv-ion, but Lynch moves. Lynch then applies the Dis-Arm-Her on the ropes! Morgan screams in pain before shoving her face into the cage wall. Morgan starts to climb, but Lynch hits a side leg sweep off the middle rope for a near fall.

    “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio runs down and opens the cage door. Mysterio shouts for Lynch to exit the cage. Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh run down to ask Mysterio what he’s doing. They tell him to stay out of this. All of a sudden, Braun Strowman runs down and starts to chase Bálor and McDonagh! Strowman circles the ring and crashes into Mysterio, who inadvertently slams the cage door into Lynch’s head! Morgan crawls out of the cage door to retain her title.

    Winner: Liv Morgan (Retains championship)

    After the match:
    Dominik Mysterio sneers at Liv Morgan as she walks off with the Women’s World Championship. Liv walked to the back, stopped and stared at Dominik. Liv planted a big kiss on Dominik who did not seem to want it and Liv broke down to the floor.

    End of show.

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    Braun Strowman defeated JD McDonagh

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