ECW Results - 8th Aug 2006
Location - Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators - Joey Styles & Tazz

- The show kicks off with highlights from ECW last week at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer vs. Test & Mike Knox match is highlighted and ends with a shot of Dreamer screaming in pain after he was thrown into a barbed wire board by Test.

- The ECW open hits. We then go live to Nashville, TN where the fans are chanting "ECW" loudly. Sabu vs. Kurt Angle in a #1 Contendership Match for the ECW Title is plugged for later tonight.

- Mike Knox defeated Tommy Dreamer. The finish saw Dreamer hit a DDT on Knox, cover, but Paul Heyman ran out with his security. The security guards pulled Dreamer out of the ring, beat him up, threw him back in the ring and Knox hit Dreamer with the Spinning Reverse STO for the pinfall. After the match, Heyman came in the ring with his security guards standing over Dreamer. The Sandman's music hit and he appeared coming down to the ring through the crowd as we took our first commercial break.


- We are back live and The Sandman is in the ring staring down Heyman, Knox and his security guards with a singapore cane in hand. Heyman says he knows Sandman is upset about Tommy Dreamer. He says he loves Dreamer as if he was his own son. Heyman said he wanted to order a rematch from last week tonight, but Dreamer can't compete due to his condition right now. He announces The Sandman vs. Test & Mike Knox in a Handicap Match right now. Heyman adds it won't be under Extreme Rules and that the singapore cane won't be legal.

- Test & Mike Knox defeated The Sandman via DQ. This match was not under Extreme Rules. As the match began, Test walked out and hit Dreamer with a boot to the face. Test hit the ring and he took out Sandman along with Knox. The finish saw Sandman fight off both Test and Knox, grab his singapore cane and cane both of them to cause the DQ. Test and Knox were knocked out of the ring by the cane shots and walked to the back furious as Sandman celebrated on all four corners.

- A promo hyping Sabu airs.

- We then see highlights from two weeks ago when Sabu attacked ECW Champion Big Show and then last week when Sabu attacked Big Show a second time. Sabu then appears and says Big Show has been avoiding him and that he wants a shot at the ECW Title. He says after he defeats Kurt Angle tonight, he will get what he wants. Joey Styles plugs Sabu vs. Kurt Angle in a #1 Contendership Match for the ECW Title later tonight.


- Balls Mahoney says everything in ECW is just a little more extreme, more balls to the wall. He said in ECW he can still stay handsome, pauses and says, "then again, maybe not!" Mahoney sticks his tongue out and throws up the devil horns to close the segment.

- Kevin Thorn defeated Al Snow. The finish saw Thorn hit Snow with a Crucifix Powerbomb. After the match, Thorn and Ariel kissed and touched each other as the arena filled with a red light.

- A promo hyping Kurt Angle airs.

- Kurt Angle then appears. He said he has heard a lot about Sabu. Angle said for the first time in Sabu's life, the only suicidal thing he is about to do is step into the ring with the "Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle.


- Rene Dupree (with longer hair) is shown backstage. He says he plans on being the most extreme athlete in ECW history.

- The Big Show's music hits along with his pyro. The ECW Champion comes out and gets into the ring showing off his title. Big Show gets on the mic and says he bets people are thinking the ECW Champion has never looked so good. He says they are right. Big Show says normally when you think about ECW you think blood, guts and the outcasts of society. He said he is here to add a little class to the ECW brand. Big Show says he is the most dominant champion in ECW history and that if anyone has a problem with that, they must face reality. He tells Kurt Angle he will crush his spine if he gets in his way and tells Sabu he will commit suicide if he gets in his way as well. Big Show says there is only one extreme truth in this one can beat him. Big Show's music hits and he leaves with the ECW World Title over his shoulder.

- Up Next: Sabu vs. Kurt Angle in a #1 Contendership Match for the ECW World Title with the winner facing Big Show at SummerSlam.


- We come back with highlights from last week when CM Punk debuted and defeated Justin Credible. "Last week I was welcomed into the ECW family, even more than my own family, and for that, to the fans, I thank you." He said next week he gets another match on Sci Fi and that he will make the most of it because it's in his nature. The promo ends with another, "My name is C...M...Punk."

- Sabu vs. Kurt Angle in a #1 Contendership Match for the ECW World Title ended in a No Contest. Very strong match between Angle and Sabu with tons of back and forth action. Lots of overhead belly-to-belly suplexes, german suplexes and spills to the outside. The finish saw Angle have Sabu in the Ankle Lock, but Rob Van Dam ran out with a steel chair in hand and knocked out Angle with a Van Terminator (which he missed badly). RVD then dropped both legs over Angle using the steel chair and the referee called for the bell. Sabu gave RVD a thumbs up from the corner and RVD acknowledged back. RVD then took a run and dropkicked the steel chair into Sabu's face. The show finished with RVD doing his "R-V-D" pose as the crowd chanted along and then taunting at Angle and Sabu.