Atsushi Onita's FMW-Explosion promotion held a Terry Funk Memorial Event which doubled as celebrating Onita's 50th anniversary as a pro wrestler today at Fujitsu Kawasaki Stadium in Japan before 5,000 fans.

The main event of the show, billed as a Double Hell Current Explosion Death Match with Dory Funk Jr. & Osamu Nishimura defeating Atsushi Onita & Raijin Yaguchi. Funk was nailed with an exploding barbed wire bat as part of the match. Funk scored the win, forcing Yaguchi to submit to the spinning toe hold. Nishimura competed in the match while battling stage four cancer. Dory is 83 years old, by the way.

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Other results from the show:

*Monkey D. Nolefi & Z Warrior Trunks defeated Great-CO-Khan & Great Muda.

*Chiitan, DoRaEmon & Pandita defeat FMW-E Shocker, Koji Genba no Oyaji & Tomoryu.

*Ram Kaicho & Ricky Fuji defeated Naoshi Sano & Nene Dai.

*Crusher Maedomari & Miss Mongol defeated Ancham & Gaki Nyan Kamen.

*Chikara & Masahiko Takasugi defeated Tiger Toguchi & Yuichi Taniguchi.

*Brahman Brothers defeat Maku Donaruto & Natsu Sumire.

*In what was billed as a Fire Death Match, Great Koji, Guts Ishijima, HASEGAWA, Hideki Sekine & Skull Reaper A-ji defeated Devil Magician, Monster Leather, Mr. Atomic, Mr. Pogo, Onryo & Takumi Sakurai.

*Yuki Iino & Yukio Naya defeated Dr. Luther & Dylan James.