Velocity Results - 8th April 2006
Peoria, Illinois

Quick Results:

- Finlay def. Psicosis
- Matt Hardy def. Colt Cabana
- Kid Kash and Jamie Noble def. Scotty and Funaki
- Bobby Lashley def. Vito


Josh Mathews and Steve Romero welcome us to the show as we go to ringside for the opening contest.

Finlay vs. Psicosis
Referee: Jim Korderas

The match:
The two lock up, and Finlay gets the advantage. But Psicosis knocks Finlay out of the ring and goes for a top rope maneuver but Finlay pulls out the apron and Psicosis lands on it. Finlay focuses on Psicosis arm, wrenching it. Psicosis goes to the top rope but Finlay gets out of the way as Psicosis crashes to the mat. He then hits the muscle buster for the three count.

Winner: Finlay

Matt Hardy vs. Colt Cabana
Referee: Charles Robinson

The match:
The two lock up with Hardy getting the advantage. He wrenches the arm of Cabana, and then Cabana counters. Hardy counters back and doesn’t let go. Hardy lets go then distracts himself as Cabana comes back with a punch and a 2 count. He land a number of rights to the face of Cabana then hits a bulldog, followed by a side effect. He then hits the twist of fate for the three count!

Winner: Matt Hardy

The Aftermath:
After the match, Animal comes from the back and attacks Hardy, throwing him into the ring post. He then takes a chair and hits the side of Hardy's head, and Hardy is laid out.

Scotty Too Hotty and Funaki vs. Kid Kash and Jamie Noble
Referee: Chris Kay

The start:
Kash/Noble immediately go after the two but then we start off with Noble and Funaki. Noble hits a scoop slam on Funaki, whips him, Funaki counters then hits him with a big shot to the face. Noble chops Funaki and whips him to the corner. Funaki then went to suplex Noble but Kash interfered. He goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Noble tags in Kash and they hit a double clothesline for a two count.

The Finish:
Kash then applies a sleeper hold and Funaki doesn’t seem to give up, as he counters it. Noble went to attack Funaki but Funaki dodged. Funaki finally takes in Scotty and he cleans house. He then goes for the worm, but Kash interferes, then Kash and Noble hit a double team maneuver for the two count.

Winners: Kid Kash and Jamie Noble

Vito vs. Bobby Lashley
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:
The two lock up, and Lashley gets the advantage. Vito counters by whipping Lashley, but Lashley counters back. Vito hits the hopes and goes for a clothesline, but Lashley hops over him, then again, then goes for a stall suplex. Vito then cheap shots Lashley and delivers a number of punches to his sides.

The Finish:
Vito whips Lashley into a corner and chokes him on the ropes. Lashley counters and goes for a number of rights to Vito. He back body drops him, then hits a belly to belly suplex. He then hits a spear on Vito, followed by the Dominator for the three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley