Florida Championship Wrestling TV Report
Airing on June 7th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We start off tonight with a look back at the matches that the candidates for FCW General Manager set up.

We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Dusty Rhodes and Byron ‘Thank you for giving him a chance to talk’ Saxton.

Match Number One: Trent Beretta and Caylen Croft versus Kafu and Sweet Papi Sanchez with Jenny Cash in a Non Title Match

Croft and Kafu start things off and Kafu with a waist lock and take down but Croft with a hammer lock. Kafu with a single leg take down and a snap mare followed by a kick to the back. Croft with a punch before he tags in Beretta. Beretta with a suplex and a near fall. Beretta with a European uppercut and then he runs Kafu into the corner to tag in Croft. Croft with a snap suplex but Kafu gets to the ropes. Croft puts Kafu in the Tree of Woe and Beretta tags in and hits a drop kick followed by a near fall. Croft tags back in and he kicks Kafu followed by a forearm. Croft with a kick and then he works on Kafu’s back before getting a near fall. Croft with a snap mare into a reverse chin lock. Croft runs into a side kick from Kafu and Sanchez is tagged in and he punches Croft and then he sends Croft face first into the mat. Sanchez misses a splash in the corner and then Beretta tags in and hits a missile drop kick for a two count.

Tyler Reks comes out and he steals the tag title belts. Sanchez with a big boot to Beretta and then he hits a splash for the three count.
Winners: Kafu and Sweet Papi Sanchez

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Dylan Klein versus Brett DiBiase

Klein slaps DiBiase but DiBiase with a double leg take down and he punches Klein. Klein and DiBiase block hip tosses briefly until DiBiase can hit one. Klein blocks an arm drag but he misses an elbow drop. DiBiase with an arm drag and drop kick. DiBiase with a back body drop and Klein goes to the floor but DiBiase chases after him. Klein punches DiBiase and then pulls DiBiase off the apron to the floor. DiBiase finally makes it back into the ring before the referee can make the ten count. Klein with punches and elbow drops followed by a forearm for a near fall. Klein with a knee to the back and a rear chin lock. Klein sets for a suplex but DiBiase with an inside cradle for a near fall. Klein with a clothesline and a punch. DiBiase with punches but Klein with a double axe handle for a near fall. Klein with knees to the back and then Klein applies a seated abdominal stretch. Klein misses a charge into the corner and DiBiase with a standing drop kick followed by punches. DiBiase with a flying shoulder tackle and clothesline followed by a back elbow. DiBiase with the patented DiBiase fist drop for a two count. Klein with a back kick and then he tries to slam DiBiase but DiBiase with a springboard cross body but the momentum allows Klein to get the three count.
Winner: Dylan Klein

It is time for a video package to recap the feud between Johnny Prime and Alex Riley.

We go to commercial.

It is time for the general manager candidates to come to the ring and Fletcher Chase comes out first. Out next is Abraham Saddam Washington. Angela explains the voting to the candidates and everyone else. Angela says that we have a few more weeks of challenges for the candidates and people will be able to vote at the shows.

Dawson Alexander comes out and he tells them about the challenge for next week. He is interrupted by Fletcher Chase who says that he has no place to interrupt them. Chase asks how he is legally qualified. He says that he graduated from Harvard Law School, but that is not the point. Alexander says that he has been asked by Steve Keirn to verify the legal aspects of the election. Alexander says that it is his pleasure to announce next week’s election challenge. It will test their managerial capabilities as well as their competitive capabilities. Both men will be in competition next week as Fletcher Chase will face Abraham Saddam Washington.

Washington takes the mic and he asks Alexander how much did he sell out for to Steve Keirn. Alexander tells Washington that there is a special guest referee next week and that referee is Sheamus O’Shaunessy.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Count Franklin Furter versus Wes Brisco

The Count gets on the mic before they lock up and he says that he is a noble man and Wes does not have the right to be in the same ring as the Count. The Count tells Wes to listen to what he has to say to him. He tells Brisco that the match will start when he says so and it starts right now.

Brisco with a fireman’s carry and the Count goes into the corner to stop Brisco from mounting any other offense. Brisco with an arm drag and then the Count cowers into the corner again. The Count offers his hand and Brisco shakes it but it was a trap and the Count with a kick but Brisco with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Wes Brisco

We have a campaign commercial from Fletcher Chase. He says that he will stay positive and then he shows that he is not a man of his word because he accuses Washington of nasty things.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Mr. Tarver versus Heath Slater

They lock up and Slater with a waist lock and take down but Tarver escapes and puts Slater in a hammer lock. Slater escapes and puts Tarver in a side head lock. Tarver backs Slater into the corner and connects with a shoulder. Slater punches Tarver and that could be a mistake as Tarver peppers Slater with punches. Slater with a cross body out of the corner and an arm drag into an arm bar. Tarver misses a few punches. Tarver with a kick and then he sends Slater into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall. Tarver punches Slater followed by an Irish whip and a t-bone suplex for a near fall. Tarver with a rear chin lock and he has his knee in Slater’s back. Slater with a drop kick and then he hits a clothesline as Tarver charges at Slater. Slater with a forearm and clothesline. Slater with a power slam for a two count. Slater with the leaping side Russian leg sweep but Tarver gets his foot on the ropes. Slater thinks he got the three count and that gives Tarver the chance to get the three count with a rollup.
Winner: Mr. Tarver

It is time to hear from Abraham Saddam Washington.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Ricky Ortiz versus Drew McIntyre for the FCW Title

McIntyre misses a clothesline but Ortiz with a punch and kick. Ortiz with shoulders in the corner followed by an Irish whip. Ortiz misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post shoulder first. McIntyre works on the arm. McIntyre with a kick to the head and then he punches Ortiz in the arm. McIntyre wraps the arm in the ropes. McIntyre with a take down into an arm bar. McIntyre with a back elbow for a near fall. McIntyre with a key lock but Ortiz with a bridge and kip up. McIntyre blocks an arm drag and the champion returns to the arm with an arm bar. Ortiz is able to get out of the hold but he misses an elbow drop. McIntyre with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall and then McIntyre returns to the arm bar and adds a cross face. Ortiz with a back body drop. Ortiz with a kick and punches. McIntyre charges into a knee and then Ortiz with a clothesline from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Ortiz with a Northern Lights
Suplex and bridge for a near fall. Ortiz with a kick but McIntyre hits the Scot Drop but Ortiz kicks out. McIntyre tries to expose the turnbuckle and the referee stops him. McIntyre gets the title belt and he tries to hit Ortiz with it. McIntyre misses and Ortiz is able to connect but the referee sees it and disqualifies Ortiz.
Winner: Drew McIntyre by disqualification

Ortiz tries to plead his case but it falls on deaf ears.

We go to credits.