Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer

UPDATE x 3: Earlier today it was reported that Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) has been removed from the opening video for the NXT show. Ohno was not used at the latest TV tapings, and word is that officials are keeping him off TV until he focuses on getting his body into better shape.

It had been previously reported that officials have been upset with Ohno’s lack of focus conditioning and training.

The moral of the story is that WWE management isn’t happy with him at the current time. If things don’t change ASAP, he’ll more than likely be fired.

UPDATE x 2: It has been noted that Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) has been removed from the opening video for the NXT show. There have been rumors regarding his WWE status, but as of this writing, he is still with the company.

UPDATE: It had been previously reported that Kassius Ohno (formerly Chris Hero) has heat with WWE management due to the fact that he hasn’t taken WWE’s instructions seriously in regards to his physique.

Ohno was pulled from the recent NXT TV tapings and some live events and was instructed that he needs to concentrate his efforts on his physique and his strength/conditioning training. As far as his in ring work, mic work and attitude goes, he has been receiving very good reviews. With that being said, WWE officials have stated that he will not be brought up to the main roster until he gets in better physical shape.

Ohno is back on WWE NXT live events, including tonight’s show in Tampa, Florida.

ORIGINAL: Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) has been removed from the last two NXT tapings and his current push was stopped by WWE executive Triple H.