The crowd was hot all night. That new title is horrendous looking. They booed Atlas, but wasn't into his promo at all. The crowd got hot during Evan Bourne's match and went absolutely nuts for Matt Hardy. Hardy was way over and the fans were really into the main event.

Biggest Pops:
1. Matt Hardy
2. Finlay and Hornswaggle
3. Tommy Dreamer
4. Evan Bourne
5. The Miz (surprisingly)

Biggest Heat:
1. Mark Henry
2. Colin Delaney
3. John Morrison
4. James Curtis
5. The Miz (more boos then cheers, but they sure cheered him)

WWE SmackDown:
The crowd was dead for Kozlov and Richards. Richards got a huge reaction though, considering he's Philly's own. Triple H came out to a huge pop. When Maria's music hit after a commercial break, the crowd went nuts! We thought we were getting Maria but it flashed "Next week". The fans went into the huge Taker chant which made the Edge/Vickie promo hard to hear.

Biggest Pops:
1. The Undertaker
2. Triple H
3. Jeff Hardy
4. Ken Kennedy
5. Maria

Biggest Heat:
1. Edge
2. Vickie Guerrero
3. The Great Khali
4. MVP
5. Shelton Benjamin