Roman Reigns comes out and talks about how he didn’t win at Payback, but he had a really good time hurting people. He mentions entering Money In The Bank, then Dean Ambrose comes out and says he won’t have to reach for a chance at a championship. Ambrose says he will already be champion by that time, then Reigns says that was smart, but Ambrose should think of an exit strategy. Kane walks out and says Reigns is right, because Ambrose still got laid out with a Pedigree, because the Authority always WINS.

Reigns says Kane is always on his back so he wouldn’t know, then Kane takes offense and says Reigns isn’t in Money In The Bank. He says Reigns has been losing, and the only thing he’s EARNED is a spot at the back of the line. Ambrose says this is Rollins’ groupie doing the dirty work, but Kane says he will give Ambrose to prove himself in a rematch against Bray Wyatt. Ambrose says that’s what he wanted because he has unfinished business, and Kane says he is giving Reigns the night off to think about his failures.

Tyson Kidd & Cesaro vs Los Matadores
vs The Ascension vs Lucha Dragons

Diego and Kidd GO BACK and forth before Torito and Nattie get into it on the floor, then Torito takes her down with a hurricanrana. Fernando hits Kidd from behind and the Ascension hits a double suplex, then we get back from a break to see everybody brawling in the ring, then the Matadores and the Ascension go at it before Kalisto splashes Diego. Cesaro clotheslines Viktor and Cara splashes everyone on the floor, then Diego goes for a slingshot but Kalisto counters with a hurricanrana for the win.

WINNERS– Lucha Dragons

Dolph Ziggler is with Renee Young backstage, and he says he like what happened on Monday, eventhough he was dealing with a jealous boyfriend. Lana walks over and Dolph says he knows what game she is playing, but he is OK with it. Dolph tells Lana she is a pretty good kisser, then she smiles as he heads to the ring.

Dolph Ziggler vs Bad News Barrett

Wade hits Dolph a few times before Dolph hits a neckbreaker, then Wade throws an elbow and comes back with a tornado suplex. We get back from a break to see Wade throw a few strikes before calling for a Bullhammer, but Dolph counters with a superkick. Dolph goes for a DDT but Wade blocks it, only to have Dolph turn and hit a Zig Zag for the win.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Paige comes out and says the last time she was here she was attacked by Naomi, and she says now Naomi has a ‘boyfriend.’ She mocks Tamina until Naomi and Tamina cut her off, and Naomi says Paige needs to learn her place. Naomi says she deserves to be a champion because of talent, not screaming like Paige, because that’s all she has. Paige there’s more to being a Diva than being athletic, and this is her house, so Naomi says they are going to clean house, and she and Tamina rush the ring. They stomp Paige in the corner until Nikki Bella makes the save, then she ends up hitting Paige with Rack Attack too.

R-Truth vs Stardust

Stardust hits Truth a few times and connects with a Disaster Kick for two, then he goes for Dark Matter and gets two. Stardust gets angry and throws his gloves off, and punches Truth, then Truth throws Stardust’s glove up and hits What’s Up for the win.

Winner – R-Truth

AxelMania & Macho Mandow vs Heath Slater & Adam Rose

Rose hits Sandow a few times and knees him, then Axel tags in and does the Hulk routine. He hits Slater with a big boot, then Slater gets whipped outside by Sandow, and Axel hits a legdrop for the win.

Winners – AxelMania & Macho Mandow

Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose

Bray hits Ambrose a few times and throws him outside, then he tackles him into the barricade as we go to a break. We get back to see Ambrose fight back with a tornado DDT, then he connects with a clothesline and some jabs. Ambrose ties Bray in the ropes and jabs him a few times, then he dropkicks him before Bray rolls to the floor. Ambrose follows but Bray attempts Sister Abigail, only to have Ambrose counter and drop him with a clothesline.

Bray goes for Sister Abigail again as J&J Security runs out, but Ambrose blocks it and clotheslines Bray. Seth Rollins makes his way out and heads to the ring, but Roman Reigns cuts him off and comes in through the crowd. Reigns jumps the barricade and hits some Superman punches, and Rollins runs as Bray whips Ambrose. Reigns ends up hitting Bray through the ropes as the ref is dealing with J&J, and Ambrose follows with Dirty Deeds for the win.

Winner – Dean Ambrose