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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE RAW Live Coverage - September 30th, 2024

    Braun Strowman and “Big” Bronson Reed collide in Last Monster Standing Match

    Broken barricades, busted walls, destroyed cars and an avalanche of Tsunamis have left Raw General Manager Adam Pearce no choice but to let Braun Strowman and “Big” Bronson Reed settle the score in a Last Monster Standing Match. With the entire arena at their disposal and nothing off the table, how will Strowman and Reed seek to prove that they are the baddest monster on Raw?

    Your anouncers are Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett.

    CM Punk is here.

    Drew McIntyre is also at the building.

    Braun Strowman and his dog enter the arena.

    Bronson Reed does not need a pet to walk into the building, but he needs some coffee.

    Joe and Wade are in the ring.

    Wade welcomes everyone to Raw and Joe mentions Jey Uso winning the Intercontinental Title last week.

    We have a video package.

    Jey Uso is in the concourse and he leads fans in the hallway and he kisses his son before he makes his way down the aisle to the ring.

    As Jey enters the ring, we see a the cell for Hell in a Cell above the ring.

    Jey says that he is in your city. He says he is going to fight every week against anyone who wants it. Jey says he appreciates everyone and loves everyone. He thanks everyone for riding with him and having his back through all of the years. Jey says he got to walk to the ring with his son behind him. He says it was a long, hard road for him to get here. He says his family made it hard for him. He says Roman made it hard for him. He was always just a twin. He says they didn't know him, but now they know him. Jey says his biggest fan is his mother. He says he spoke to his mom and she told him to go out there and show them who you are. She said to go out there and get it.

    Jey says he got it and he tells his mom they did it.

    Bron Breakker's music plays and he makes his way to the ring, but he is not dressed for a fight.

    Bron says that he is not out here to spoil the fun or crash the party. He says he is out here for the respect he has for the title. That title goes back a long way. After last week's battle, he has the same amount of respect for Jey. He said how much the title meant for him. The one who deserves the title would walk out as champion and be the better man. On that night, you were the better man. He says he won't spear Jey or attack him. He says he should be the first to come out, as a competitor and colleague and congratulate Jey.

    Bron offers his hand and Jey shakes it, without any physicality.

    Jey stops Bron as he tries to leave the ring and he says there are some dogs in Indiana.

    Bron leaves the ring.

    We take a look at the situation surrounding the New Day and LWO.

    We see Dom and Liv outside the arena and Finn calls Dom. JD and Carlito show up to talk to Liv about Finn. Finn says he is having some travel issues. He says everything is taken care of.

    Rey Mysterio vs Xavier Woods

    They lock up and Woods with a wrist lock. Rey flips in the ropes and Woods with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Woods with a head butt and punch. Woods sends Rey into the turnbuckles and then he goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Rey lands on his feet. Rey runs into a boot. Rey with a head scissors and a head scissors that sends Woods to the floor. Rey with a baseball slide and a seated splash off the apron.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Wade and Rey exchange forearms and punches. Woods with a waist lock and Rey blocks a German suplex. Rey with elbows but Woods grabs Rey. Rey with an elbow and he sends Woods to the floor when Rey holds on to the ropes. Rey with an Asai Moonsault. Rey sends Woods back into the ring and Rey goes up top and hits another seated splash. Rey with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Rey with a shoulder in the corner and he follows with punches on the turnbuckles. Woods stops Rey and gets Rey on his shoudlers but Rey with punches and Rey gets to his feet and he hits a head scissors that sends Woods into the ropes. Woods avoids the 619 and Rey with a reverse DDT set up but Woods pulls off Rey's mask when he tries to escape. Woods gets the three count with a rollup.

    Winner: Xavier Woods

    After the match:
    Woods says he didn't mean to do it.

    Lyra is in LOCKER ROOM and Sonya and Shayna show up. Sonya talks about the tough match that Lyra has with Zoey. It is shame you will be out there all alone because Natalya and Zelina aren't here. Sonya says she will be out there and so will Shayna. Sonya says not to worry about Shayna because she doesn't bite, unless Sonya tells her to.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the graphic of three items in a circle appears. Woods walks in the back and Kofi asks him if he did that on purpose. Woods says he respects Rey and he thought Kofi would congratulate him on the win. Kofi says Jey offered him an opportunity to face Jey for the IC title next week. Woods says that he will be by Kofi's side but Kofi says he told Jey that Woods should have the match. Woods says he could be the champion. He says he has to be careful with American Made later tonight. While this discussion is taking place, we see Karrion Kross in the background, listening in.

    Two: Lyra Valkyria vs Zoey Stark (w/ Shayna Baszler and Sonya Deville)

    Sonya gives Zoey some advice as the bell rings and Zoey runs Lyra into the turnbuckles. Lyra with a take down and Zoey with an arm bar. Lyra with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Lyra with a side ehad lock and Zoey with a back breaker. Zoey charges at Lyra and Lyra with a leap frog that sends Zoey to the floor. Lyra with a drop kick through the ropes.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Zoey chops Lyra. Lyra kicks Zoey to block a chop and Lyra with forearms and a cross body. Lyra with forearms to Zoey followed by kicks and a rana. Lyra with an enzuigiri and she gets a near fall. Zoey with a kick and she sends Lyra into the turnbuckles. Lyra sends Zoey to the apron and Zoey with a kick. Zoey goes for a springboard drop kick and hits it for a near fall. Zoey sets for Z360 but Lyra escapes and hits a German suplex. Lyra knocks Sonya off the apron with a forearm. Shayna distracts the referee and Lyra with an O'Connor Roll for a near fall. Sonya knees Lyra on the apron when the referee is looking at something.

    Zoey with Z360 for the three count.

    Winner: Zoey Stark

    After the match:
    Zoey, Shayna, and Sonya stand over Lyra but Kayden Carter and Katana Chance stop Zoey, Shayna, and Sonya. Carter with a super kick and then Carter and Chance with Keg Stand onto Sonya and Shayna.

    We have a video package for the Last Monster Standing Match.

    Adam Pearce is giving a lecture to security for the next segment as CM Punk walks past, dressed in white.

    Jackie Redmond.is with Lyra, Kayden, and Katana. Katana says to look at what they did to her face. They are going to take care of them and then get back their tag titles. Isla and Alba show up and they want to know why they think they can go to the head of the line. There is a lot of screaming.

    In Ring:
    The cell lowering music plays and Adam Pearce is in the ring with a lot of security.

    Pearce says he cares about delivering main events and special attractions. He expects to deliver a hell of a special attraction. Drew and Punk will go to hell. After Saturday, their war will be over. They have to make it through tonight. There will be no physical interaction between Punk and Drew tonight. They will have the opportunity to fire off one parting shot.

    Pearce brings out CM Punk.

    Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring after being introduced.

    Pearce asks for any last words.

    Drew says he will go first. You are wondering why he is wearing the black. It is out of respect, but not for Punk because he has less than zero respect. It is out of respect for his wife because she will have to feed you and bathe you, she might even leave you. Drew says he is in a tuxedo because there will be a celebration when you are gone and don't come back. You have been here for a year and you were injured for four months. It was all due to Drew McIntyre.

    Drew says you have been listening to him for ten months and after all of the evidence has been presented, you still chant his name (and the crowd does what they are accused of doing). Roxanne Perez wanted to be in wrestling because of CM Punk, but after a few days around him, she realized who he really is. Drew says he can see the hatred burning through. Drew says at one point he wasn't a blip on Punk's radar but he hates Punk and Punk hates him. You taught him that hate was a powerful weapon but it stays with you long term.

    This Saturday, that hate will die . . . with you.

    Drew starts to leave the ring and Punk is tossed the mic.

    Punk says throughout his career, he has been called a lot of things, Best in the World, Second City Saint, Voice of the Voiceless. Tonight he has nothing to say to a piece of garbage like you. Punk says he cannot go home because he will not subject his wife to what Drew has made him into. Punk says he has been turned into the boogeyman that his critics have called him. He says he will send Drew home to Scotland in a box. He says he wants Drew to remember and never forget that you prayed for all of this and it happened. On Saturday, when you are locked inside the cell with him and he has taken everything from Drew and he is gripped with nothing.

    Punk says he will wipe the blood from Drew's eyes and it won't be God or the devil you are praying to, you will be praying to CM Punk. Punk says he will see Drew in hell.

    Cathy Kelley is with Braun Strowman. She asks Braun about what has happened over the last few weeks, is he trepidacious about the match. Braun says he does not know what that word means but he will show why he is the Monster among Monsters. Miz shows up and he wants to talk to Braun about interrupting his match. R Truth shows up and Braun says he didn't expect to see him here. Braun says he has problems to deal with and prepare for his match. Miz asks Truth why didn't he tell him that he was coming. Truth says he didn't like what Kross was doing to Miz so he got them a tag match against A-OP and Miz tells him that is the Authors of Pain.

    Cathy is with Sami Zayn in the back and she asks about getting a title match against Gunther. Sami says the rejection hasn't bothered him, it has been the disrespect. There have been doubters and people who say he doesn't belong. If you say it doesn't bother you, they are lying. Sami says it is a sore spot to be told he isn't on Gunther's level. He says he is more than good enough to be World Champion. He tells Gunther he can continue to run away and duck his challenges. Sami says he does not go away that easily. He will keep coming until he gets his title match.

    JD McDonagh, Dominik Mysterio, and Carlito (w/ Liv Morgan) vs Joaquin Wilde, Cruz Del Toro, and Dragon Lee

    JD and Cruz start things off and JD with a side head lock and Cruz with arm drags but JD avoids one. JD misses an elbow drop. Cruz with an Irish whip and Cruz blocks a boot and he kicks JD from the apron and hits a cross body. Wilde tags in and JD runs Wilde into the corner and he tags in Carlito. Wilde with a neck breaker to JD and JD gives Carlito a DDT. Lee with frog splash and Cruz with a swanton. Wilde with a 450 splash to Carlito for a near fall.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dom has a kick blocked by Wilde and Wilde with a DDT. JD and Lee tag in and Lee with a forearm to knock Carlito off the apron. Lee with a kick to JD and a head scissors. Lee with a German suplex to Dom and a jumping knee to JD. Carlito sends Lee into the corner and Lee with a kick and leg sweep. Lee with a hesitation kick. Lee runs into an elbow from JD but JD pushes JD into the turnbuckles and the three of woe. Lee sends Dom and Carlito into the corner. Lee tags in Crus for a Coast to Coast and he gets a near fall on JD. JD is pulled to the floor and Wilde with a springboard flip dive onto JD and Cruz and Lee follow with stereo suicide dives. Liv gets on the apron to distract the referee and Finn pushes Wilde off the turnbuckles.

    JD with Devil Inside for the three count.

    Winners: JD McDonagh, Dominik Mysterio, and Carlito

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Judgment Day is still in the ring and they form a circle of trust.

    Finn snarls as he turns around and he says that he heard what Damian said last week. You said you would rip out his heart, but Finn says he doesn't have a heart. He says he will prove to the world that it was you who needed them. It was you who needed him. The Judgment Day never needed Damian Priest.

    Liv says she will prove that she is a homewrecking, man stealing, heart stealing, title taking Greatest Women's champion of all time. She says at Bad Blood . . .

    Rhea Ripley's music interrupts and she makes her way to the stage for something to say.

    She tells Liv she was with Dom for a very long time so she knows about his dirty little secrets. She asks for them to bring out the shark cage. Rhea says that Dom is extremely claustrophobic. At Bad Blood, when you are locked inside this cage, crying, soiling yourself, cleaning yourself up with you brand new merch. You will have the best seat in the house to watch that your girlfriend is not as good as her. Rhea says she will win back the title she never lost.

    Damian Priest appears in the ring behind Judgment Day and he takes care of JD and then he punches Finn.

    Rhea comes up behind Liv on the floor, who had her back turned with Dom and Rhea with a head butt and she grabs Dom and sends him into the cage. Priest fights off Finn and JD while Rhea chases Liv to the back. Rhea kicks Dom and connects with a forearm to the back. She opens the cage and she sends Dom into the cage but Liv stops Rhea from closing the door to the cage on Dom.

    Priest fights off Carlito and JD to runs Finn into the corner. Finn wtih sling blade but Priest stops Carlito. Finn punches Priest while JD covers Priest. Finn wtih the running drop kick to Priest. Finn with Coup de Grace. Finn goes up top and hits a second one. Finn sets for number three and hits it.

    Sheamus says the only thing worse than getting cracked with a bat is being cracked with a bat by a man you considered a brother and friend. It is a man he still calls Butch. He has gone too far and he is on the wrong side of a fight night. He says he sees what he is capable of. If you are man enough, one final banger. Bring whatever you want and they can settle it like they would on the other side of the ocean. In a Good Old Donnybrook match.

    We have a video package for Pete Rose, who passed away earlier today.

    Iyo Sky says they beat Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn last week, adding them to the list of teams they have beaten. Iyo says Bianca said they would be ready. Kairi says they plan on making Bianca and Jade fall. They challenge them to a tag title match and they will take over WWE again. Iyo says they haven't been the same since losing the title. They need to get the titles back. They are the most dominant force in the Women's Division. Iyo says she is in Bianca's head and will take back the tag titles.

    Chad Gable (w/ Julius Creed, Brutus Creed, and Ivy Nile) vs Kofi Kingston (w/ Xavier Woods)

    Chad with a double leg take down and a waist lock. Chad with a rollup and bridge for a near fall. Kofi with a side head lock take down. Chad with a shoulder tackle. Chad catches Kofi on a leap frog but Kofi lands on his feet on a German suplex and then on a monkey flip. Kofi with a drop kick and slingshot splash for a near fall. Chad goes to the floor and he goes for a suicide dive but Chad with a punch and Chad with a German suplex on the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Chad with a diving head butt for a near fall. Chad sends Kofi into the turnbuckles. Chad with an Irish whip but Kofi with a missile drop kick. Kofi with chops and a drop kick and Chad catches Kofi on the leaping clothesline attempt and Chad with an exploder. Chad goes for Chaos Theory and Kofi counters with a rollup. Chad gets a series of near falls. Kofi with a crucifix for a near fall. Kofi and Chad alternate near falls. Chad gets Kofi up and htis a Dominator for a near fall. Chad runs into a pendulum kick and Kofi goes up top. Kofi comes off the turnbuckles but Chad with an ankle pick and he applies the ankle lock. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall.

    Chad avoids Trouble in Paradise and Chad with an ankle lock. Kofi rolls through and sends Chad into the turnbuckles. Kofi with SOS but Chad gets to the ropes and rolls to the floor. Kofi goes to the floor and he comes off the ring steps and hits a splash onto the Creeds and Chad. Woods with a splash on Julius after Julius goes after Kofi. Woods trips Chad when Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise while Ivy distracts the referee.

    Chad with Chaos Theory for the three count.

    Winner: Chad Gable

    We take a look at Seth Rollins, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, and Liv Morgan at football games over the weekend.

    Jackie Redmond asks Bronson Reed if Seth Rollins' eventual return will affect him in his match against Braun. Bronson says he won't be affected by Seth. He says he hopes he comes back. He took months from his career and next time he will take years from his life. He apologizes to Braun Strowman for being the man he is because Reed says he is the last monster standing.

    Gunther walks past Adam Pearce talking to security about the main event.

    We have a video for the Wyatts.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the World Champion, Gunther makes his way to the ring.

    We are told that Ilja Dragunov suffered an injury over the weekend and it is possibly an ACL injury.

    Gunther says life as the World Champion has been fantastic. He says he loves everything about being champion. The money, the luxuries, and the amenities. He says he hates having to deal with Sami Zayn every week. He says he couldn't ask for anyone more annoying than Sami.

    Sami makes his annoying (but allowed under Kevin Owen's Rules) appearance on the stage.

    Sami tells Gunther if you find it so annoying dealing with him every week, there is an easy way to put this to an end. Sami says all Gunther has to do is give him what he keeps asking for and put your title on the line. You won't do it, will you? Sami says he knows why and he wants Gunther to tell him why he won't do it. He tells Gunther to admit it.

    Gunther says he tried to tell Sami and he tried to beat it into him. He says Sami is not on his level.

    Sami asks if he is not on Gunther's level, how did he beat Gunther at Wrestlemania. Sami says that Gunther beat everyone else, but he pinned Gunther. Sami says it drives you crazy because you think you are better than him. Sami says if it was him versus Gunther, you are afraid that it will happen again.

    Gunther looks around and he tells Sami he is right. He says he is afraid. He isn't afraid of Sami. He is afraid for his reputation. After all of those legendary things he did as IC Champion, losing to the better man would have been fine, but he lost to Sami. He was so busy embarrassing Sami in front of his family, but that is what Sami did to him. Gunther says he brought his family to Wrestlemania but he didn't parade them around for sympathy. After it was done, he had to look his father in the eye. He says his father asked him why did he fly from Vienna to Philadelphia to watch him lose to that bum Sami Zayn. Gunther says he doesn't expect Sami to understand because Sami's family expects him to lose and they expect nothing from. Gunther says his family expects everything from him because he is the Golden Goose. He is something Sami will never be, the World Champion.

    Sami says his family has watched him lose and get knocked down many times. Sami says he picks himself back up and he moves forward. What did you do when you lost in front of your family? You crumbled. Did you ask him or Adam Pearce for a rematch. You ran away and hid. You left WWE TV for months. You didn't show your face because you couldn't. All because your dad made you feel like a loser. You are showing your dad that his son is a coward.

    Gunther attacks Sami and kicks him. Gunther takes off his jacket and he tosses it aside. Sami punches Gunther and he eventually hits the exploder in the corner. Sami goes for a Helluva Kick but Gunther with a sleeper and a power bomb.

    Gunther picks up the title belt and microphone.

    He tells Sami if he wants it so bad, he has his match.

    R Truth and Miz vs Akam and Rezar (w/ Paul Ellering, Scarlett, and Karrion Kross)

    Truth with forearms to Rezar and a flying shoudler tackle or two and he bounces off Rezar. Truth with a Blue Thunderish Bomb and he sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and hits it. Truth goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Rezar blocks it and he hits a slam from a back breaker. Akam tags in and he punches Truth while Rezar holds him. Rezar tags in and Akam with a knee and Rezar with an elbow for a near fall. Akam tags in and Truth avoids a belly-to-back suplex. Rezar goes over the top rope when he cannot hit the brakes. Truth takes care of Akam. Miz tags in and he kicks Truth.

    Kross laughs from ringside and Miz leaves the ring.

    Rezar tags in and they hit the neck breaker and sit out power bomb combination for the three count.

    Winners: Akam and Rezar

    Wade and Joe run through the card for Bad Blood.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser are with Cathy. Cathy asks about the title match next week. Gunther starts to speak and Bron Breakker shows up. Bron says he's sorry and he wanted to see for himself. Gunther says Bron really is a bad ass. Bron says that's right and Gunther will see sooner than he thinks.

    Next week, Sami Zayn faces Gunther for the World Championship. Sheamus versus Pete Dunne in a Good Ol Donnybrook. Jey Uso faces Xavier Woods for the Intercontinental Championship.

    Last Monster Standing Match
    Bronson Reed vs Braun Strowman

    Braun enters the ring and clothesliens Reed. Reed with a cross body to Braun. Braun side steps Reed and he sends Reed into the ring steps. Braun hits Reed in the head with the ring steps. He does it again and Reed falls onto the announce table. Braun choke slams Reed through the announce table.

    We are back and Reed with a slam while we see chairs set up on the floor. Reed sets for a suplex to the floor onto the chairs but Braun blocks it. Braun gingerly runs the ropes and connects with a forearm that knocks Reed off the apron onto the chairs. Reed beats the referee's count and Braun with a double sledge to the back. Reed sends Braun into the wall. Reed gets a convenient chair and Braun with an uppercut to stop Reed and Braun hits Reed in the back with the chair and hits him again. Braun hits Reed again with the chair and they get on top of production crates. Braun goes for a choke slam throuhg a table but Reed blocks it and hits a Death Valley Driver through a table and someone has to find another place to eat dinner. Reed gets to his feet but so does Braun.

    Braun pushes Reed over the ringside barrier.

    We go to commercial.

    Reed with a shoulder tackle to send Braun through the always flimsy part of the ringside barrier. Reed with a spear that sends Braun through the second level of ringside barrier. Officials check on the fans taken out by Braun and Reed. Reed sends Braun intot he ring and he goes up top for Tsunami and hits it. Maybe the referee will make his way back to the ring to make the count but he cares more about the potentially injured fans.

    Reed goes up top again and he hits another Tsunami. Reed attacks security since he really can't hit a referee. Reed throws the referee down and Adam Pearce yells at Reed. Reed grabs Pearce and then Jason Jordan and security grab Reed. Strowman goes up top and he hits a cross body onto everyone. The referee starts to count but Reed leaves the slumber party. Braun gets up as well.

    The shirt is ripped off and Braun sends Reed back into the ring. Braun goes up top but Reed throws a chair at Braun to stop him. Reed climbs the turnbuckles for a superplex and they exchange forearms. Reed with a superplex and the ring implodes. The referee starts his count and . . . Seth Rollins hits Black Out on the ring steps.

    Braun gets to his feet.

    Winner: Braun Strowman

    After the match:
    Rollins stares at Bronson.

    End of show

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Dominik Mysterio arrives in Eddie Guerrero’s classic lowrider once again on RAW

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The final 3 hr RAW .... for now.

    The beginning of RAW was like the beginning of a game show with that welcome. lol They need to stop that. lol

    Jey Uso .... come on down!!! lol

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I'm not 100% sure Jey Uso deserves that as the crowd is saying.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Xavier Woods defeated Rey Mysterio

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The old school HIAC structure is back

  7. #7

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Chad Gable defeated Kofi Kingston

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Akam and Rezar defeated ummmm R-Truth

  10. #10

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