WWE is currently taping this week's edition of SmackDown from the Rexall Place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Special thanks to readers Dez Loreen and Kevin for sending text-message updates.

SmackDown (Airing Friday night on MyNetworkTV):

* SmackDown opens with the pyros going off. Big Show vs. Shad is on the card. They show a recap of Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk from last week.

* CM Punk comes out for a promo. He shoots on Jeff Hardy before Theodore Long is able to come out and interrupt. It is said that Jeff is there but will not compete, he'll be ready for SummerSlam. CM Punk vs. John Morrison is announced.

* Jeff Hardy's music hits and he comes to the ring. Hardy sells the entire time at ringside and can barely left the title before leaving.

* Dolph Ziggler b. Finlay. Mike Knox comes out and interferes and ends up beating up Finlay after the match.

* Kane has Ranjin Singh held captive backstage. He does a 24-style hostage video.

* They do a Maria/Melina promo. It is announced Michelle McCool will return to SmackDown next week.

* CM Punk b. John Morrison via pinfall.

* Melina b. Layla

* Cryme Tyme comes out for an in-ring promo. Huge chants for Chris Jericho.

* Big Show w/Chris Jericho b. JTG w/Shad

* The Great Khali is shown saving Ranjin Singh from Kane. Kane attacks him with a lead pipe.

* Tyson Kidd & DH Smith w/Natalya b. Jeff Hardy when Tyson Kidd pins Hardy after a springboard clothesline. I'm told there was a massive pop for The Hart Dynasty. CM Punk comes out as does John Morrison. Morrison cleans house as Matt Hardy comes out and takes out CM Punk. Matt picks up Jeff as the Hardys celebrate with John Morrison to end the show.