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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - August 14th, 2024

    AEW Dynamite

    This week, Mercedes Moné defends her TBS Championship against former World Champ Hikaru Shida. The Acclaimed challenge The Young Bucks for the World Tag Team Championship. Mariah May debuts her new film. AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland goes one-on-one with BCC member Wheeler Yuta.

    AEW is LIVE in Norfolk, VA and we are wasting zero time.

    TBS Championship Match
    Mercedes Mone’ (w/Kamille) vs. Hikaru Shida

    Lockup, clean break. Lockup, they jockey for position. Another clean break. Hair pull takedown by Mone, shoulderblock by Shida. Shida misses a charge. Rollup into a crossface by Mone. Reversal by Shida and we have a stalemate. Forearm shivers by Mone but Shida with a running rana. Shida with punches in the corner. Suplex for 2 by the challenger. They trade rollups. Mone bails. Mone with a shoulderblock. Kamille blocks a Shida suplex. Shida with a knee, Mone is on the floor. Kamille blocks a running knee by Shida. Mone with a knee and she rolls Shida into the ring for a 2 count. MEteora for 2 by Mone.

    Mone sends Shida into the buckles. Roundhouse kick and a double kneestrike by Mone for 2. Jawbreaker by Mone. Forearms by Mone. Dropkick by Shida. Elbow strikes by Shida. Jumping knee for 2 by Shida. Backstabber by Mone. Mone misses a kneestrike. Kick by Shida. Double knee stomp by Mone for 2. Three Amigos attempt by Mone. Shida blocks the 3rd and hits the Falcon arrow for 2. Kamille pulls Mone from the ring. Shida dropkicks Kamille and nails her with a kendo stick. Mone pulls away the stick. While she argues with the ref. Kamille with a hard kick. Moneymaker by Mone and she scores the pin.

    Winner: Mercedes Mone’ (Retains championship)

    Dr. Britt Baker’s music plays and Kamile attacks a masked figure she thinks is Baker. Baker emerges from behind and applies the lockjaw. Kamille pulls Mone’ out.

    We see footage of the Hangman Page-Jeff Jarrett brawl from last week. Page attacks JAy Lethal during an interview and our next match is on.

    Adam Page vs. Jay Lethal

    Page gets sent to the floor. 5 tope suicidas by Lethal. Deadeye on the apron by Page. Lethal gets thrown into the doctors table as we go to commercial.

    We are back. Lethal is down. Chop and a punch by Lethal. Page fires back. Sleeper by Page. Rollup by Lethal for 1. Belly to belly by Page for 2. Page works Lethal over in the corner. Uppercut by Lethal. DVD by Page for 2. Rollups for 2 by Lethal. Lethal Combination for 2. Crossface by Hangman, he goes for the deadeye but Lethal escapes. Eye gouge by Page. Lariat by Page and into a buckshot for the pin.

    Winner: Adam Page

    We see highlights of MJF vs. Michael Oku from RevPro. We see a preview of Ospreay vs. MJF

    Pac is backstage. He’s upset over not being in the American Championship match at Wembly. He’s tired of being taken advantage of. He issues a challenge to the MJF v Ospreay winner at AEW All Out.

    We see highlights of Darby Allin’s 2 wins last weekend. We hear from Darby on the streets.

    Darby Allin vs. ????

    Jack Perry attacks Allin as he comes to the ring. He drags Darby backstage. They brawl in the backstage area. Perry is getting the better of it. Perry slams a garage door on him. Security stops Perry from rolling a large case on Allin’s head. Perry wants a coffin match at Wembly.

    Mariah May has a vignette. She vows that Toni Storm’s time as champion is up.

    Rene is with Mina Shirakawa. She’s torn about what’s going on with Mariah and Toni.

    Winner gets the #1 spot in the All In Casino Gauntlett match
    Orange Cassidy vs. Roderick Strong vs. Kyle O’Reilly

    There is already a lot going on. KOR gets thrown to the floor. Cassidy gets sent to the buckles. Kneelift by KOR, he sends Strong to the floor. Cassidy with a tope suicida to Strong. We go to commercial.

    As we return, it’s a backbreaker to KOR and Cassidy by Strong. Strong unsuccessfully goes for pins. More backbreakers and a back suplex by Strong for 2 on Cassidy. Beach break by Cassidy, he rolls up KOR for 2. O’Riley with a choke. Strong applies a double Boston crab until he loses his grip. Kick by Cassidy to Strong but Strong with a big chop. Guillotine for Strong by O’Riley. Cassidy with an elbow off the top rope. The Kingdom comes down but are immediately stopped by Tomohiro Ishii and Mark Briscoe. They fight off to the back.

    Cassidy sends Strong to the floor as we go back to commercial.

    Back again Strong applies a Texas Cloverleaf. O’Riley breaks it up. They trade chops and kicks. Cassidy kicks away at both. Action picks up. Beachbreak for 2 by Cassidy on Strong. KOR applies simultaneous submission holds. They escape. Cassidy and KOR collide. KOR and Strong slug it out. O’Riley with an armbar. Cassidy rolls up KOR for the pin.

    Winner: Orange Cassidy

    Rene’ is with Claudio Castagnoli and Kazuchika Okada, ahead of their Continental Tilte match next week. Okada mocks Claudio and calls him a bitch. Claudio wants the real Rainmaker next week.

    Rene’ Paquette is with the Patriarchy. Christian Cage defends his work as a referee.

    Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brings out Hook. He has a bandage over his eye. Hook says he can’t see out the eye. But he sees fine out of the other. He challenges Jericho for the FTW Title. The Learning Tree comes out. He refuses the challenge for tonight. They’ll do it at Wembley Stadium. There are some stipulations: 1. Its his final chance at the title. 2. He leaves Jericho alone forever. 3. Hook faces Big Bill next week. Hook accepts.

    AEW World Tag Team Championship Match
    The Young Bucks vs. The Acclaimed

    The Acclaimed attack on the ramp. Double backdrop by the challengers. Bowens dives on the Bucks off the stage. They brawl to the ringside area. Dropkicks by the Bucks and a double tope. Officially the match begins with Bowens and Matthew Jackson. Face drop for 2 by Bowens.

    Billy Gunn comes to ringside. Caster tags in. Double back elbow by the Acclaimed. Elbow by Bowens. Dropkick by Nicholas, who got the bling tag. Jawbreaker by Nicholas. Matthew tags in and drops a knee on Caster’s arm as we go to commercial.

    We are back and it’s Bowens and Caster landing running elbows on Matthew. Caster eats a Nicholas kick. As Gunn threatens Matthew Jackson, he gets ejected from ringside Matthew punches Caster in the corner.Double elbow by the Bucks. They rake Caster’s back. Action spills to the floor. Caster fires away at JAckson and they make it back in the ring. Nicholas accidentally kick Matthew and Bowens tags in. Sliced bread by the Bucks for 2. Whiplash on Bowens, Matthew with a suplex as we go back to commercial.

    We are back and it’s Nicholas tagging in. The Bucks pump up the Reeboks. Double superkick. Double clothesline by Bowens. Caster tags in and nails a sling blade. Pressslam snake eyes by Caster. Caster with a dive on to Matthew. Flying cross body for 2 by Caster, he chops. All 4 in the ring now. They all go down from clotheslines. Caster misses a dive in the corner. Nicholas eats Casters knees off a senon. Matthew powerbombs Caster on the floor. Matthew tags in. Rick Knox gets knocked down. Low blow by Matthew. MAtthew grabs a title belt. Dax Harwood makes the save but Knox sees him attack Matthew and calls for the bell.

    Winners: The Young Bucks (Retains championship)

    Security gets between FTR and the Acclaimed.

    Christopher Daniels backstage declares FTR and the Acclaimed meet on Collision for the All In title shot.

    We see a video on Bryan Danielson’s career to the song “Time of Your Life”

    Bryan Danielson is at ringside.

    Swerve Strickland vs. Wheeler Yuta

    Kick by Swerve. Running kick again by Swerve. Action goes to the floor and Swerve rams Yuta into the rail and the steps. He beats Yuta down in front of Danielson and mocks him. Back in the ring, chops by Yuta, Swerve responds in kind. Flying mare by Yuta. Backbreaker by Swerve, followed by another. Into the buckle goes Yuta and nails a clothesline. Yutas tries to fire back. Kneeing stretch muffler by Swerve for 2. Leglock by Swerve.Ground and pound by Swerve. Yuta gets up and stomps Swerve. Rollup for 2 by Swerve. Yuta sends Swerve into the buckle. Tope suicida by Yuta. Yuta goes for a dive and hits a Labelle Lock. Yuta escapes and slaps on an ankle lock. Back elbow escape by Swerve. Armdrag into hammer elbows by Yuta. Seat belt for 2 by Yuta. Yuta cant get the cattle mutilation but gets a German for 2. Back elbow by Swerve. Elbows and chop by Yuta. Headbutt by Swerve. House Call by Swerve. Another House Call by Swerve, followed by a third. Swerve with Danielson stomps and the ref calls it.

    Winner: Swerve Strickland

    After the match:
    Swerve warns Danielson what’s in store at Wembly. As Danielson checks on Yuta, Swerve with a House Call.

    End of show

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