Superstars Report
Airing June 18th, 2009
Report by Chris Shore, ProWrestling.net

[Q1]The opening video aired, followed by the pyro, and Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcomed us to the show. They hyped the six man tag match as the main event. ECW as the main event? Cool…Santino Marella made his ring entrance. He got a mic and cut a promo on Chavo. He said Chavo must be sad that is aunt went wee, wee, wee, wee, all the way home. He said he hated it, but it wasn’t his fault, Santina did that. Santino said tonight he was going to administer a fate worse than waking up every day as Chavo Guerrero to Chavo. It’s Santino’s English, what do you want? Chavo made his entrance next…

1. Chavo Guerrero defeated Santino Marella at 3:52. Chavo started out working strikes on Santino. He tried a hip toss and Santino countered with cart wheel. Chavo hit him and tossed him into the ring post. Chavo hit a belly to back for two. Chavo locked in an abdominal stretch, Chavo screamed, “He’s hurting me.” Santino powered out with a hip toss. Chavo backed him into a corner, but Santino punched Chavo to back him up. They argued, and Chavo ran in. Santino ducked and Chavo hit the top turnbuckle.

Santino ducked two punches and then hit Chavo. Chavo charged at Santino, who ducked, and Chavo spilled to the floor. Santino kicked Chavo on the floor and rolled him back in. Chavo kicked Santino as he got back in. Chavo hit two of the Three Amigos. Santino blocked the last one and reversed into a Jackhammer. Santino went to the top, got scared and went to the second rope, and came off for a double axe handle. Chavo raised his foot to kick Santino in the face and covered for the win. Post match, Chavo taunted Santino…

The announce team introed a video that recapped Orton’s title win, the Trump announcement, and Triple H’s battle royale win, and the announcement of the Last Man Standing match on Raw…The announce team hyped the commercial free Raw next week…[C]

[Q2]Back from commercial, Zach Ryder came out to face a local jobber. Oh joy. Matt Strike and Josh Matthews are on commentary…

Zach Ryder defeated Mike Williams at 1:39. The best part of this match was when Matthews said this was Ryder’s first appearance on Superstars and Striker said it was his third. The jobber got in one drop kick and a couple of punches. Ryder hit his finisher, Matthews called it the Zach Attack. For the win…Backstage, Maria and her ti## were getting ready to be the special guest referee in the Eve/Layla match next…

Back from commercial, Maria made her entrance as Todd Grisham and Jim Ross took over on commentary. Eve made her entrance and a video recapped her feud with Layla. Layla was out next. To expand on my previous slant, Maria looks bigger than Eve…

3. Eve defeated Layla with Maria as guest referee at 3:32. Sloppy takeovers and slams. Layla worked on the leg, but she was no match for Eve’s clotheslines and drop kick. Eve hit a suplex and then a cart wheel into a moonsault for the win.

[Q3]Post match, Maria encouraged both to shake hands. They actually did, even though Layla stood in the ring looking pissed after words…The announce team hyped the six man tag match for later…[C]

An Edge hype video played…JR and Grisham introed a video that showed the end of the World Heavyweight title match on Raw…Back ringside, the announce team hyped the double main event on Smackdown tomorrow night…Jack Swagger made his ring entrance as Matthews and Striker retook control of commentary. His tag match is next…[C]

[Q4]Back from commercial, the Hart Dynasty made their entrance. Striker put over the young and fresh ECW locker room. Christian was out next, followed by the Colons…

4. Christian, Carlito, and Primo defeated Jack Swagger, and The Hart Dynasty w/Natalya at 12:05. Smith and Carlito started out. Carlito got in a few shots and tagged in Primo. They hit a double drop kick on Smith who tagged in Swagger. Primo hit a drop kick and tagged in Christian. Christian hit a sunset flip for two, and then an elbow off the second rope for two. Christian took out the Harts which allowed Swagger to hit a slam on Christian. He tagged in Smith.

Smith went to the second rope and came off to eat a foot from Christian. Christian tagged in Primo who tossed Smith out of the ring. Kidd ran in and Primo tossed him onto Smith. Primo ran to the opposite rope for a plancha, but Natalya grabbed his foot. Smith came back in and pinned Primo in the corner. The three men worked on Primo into the break…[C]

Back at 6:47, Swagger had Primo in a head lock in the corner. He tagged in Smith who hit a neckbreaker for two. Kidd finally tagged in. Smith hit a drop toe hold on Primo and Kidd followed up with a drop kick to the side of the head for two. Kidd locked in a front head lock and tried to fight to his corner. Kidd spun and dove back to his corner, tagging in Swagger. Swagger rolled up Primo at the ropes and then kicked him to the floor. Primo hit a shoulder and rollup for two on Swagger. Swagger picked him up and tagged in Smith.

Smith hit a powerslam for two and locked in a reverse headlock. Primo tried to fight out, but Smith drove him back and tagged in Kidd. Kidd tied up Primo in the ropes. He whipped Primo and they clotheslined each other. Carlito made the hot tag at 10:55. He hit several clotheslines and then a sitdown spinebuster for two. Smith ran in and Carlito hit a drop kick on him. Swagger ran in and flattened Carlito. Christian tossed Swagger to the floor and hit a plancha on him. Primo clotheslined Smith to the floor, leaving Kidd and Carlito in the ring. Kidd hit a kick and tried for a springboard move, but Carlito moved and Kidd landed on his feet past him. Carlito popped up and hit the Backstabber for the win…