WWE Diva Becky Lynch recently appeared as a guest on Chris Jericho’s “Talk Is Jericho” podcast and spoke about the Four Horsewomen, the evolution of the Divas Revolution and more. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On a writer coming up with the Four Horsewomen name and not knowing the other Horsewomen prior to joining NXT:

“Well, we didn’t start calling ourselves that and then we did an interview and then we were called the Four Horsewomen.”

“I didn’t know any of them and I remember just being at home and I looked them up on the internet, but I didn’t know them. I hadn’t seen them work before. I think I saw a few of [Sasha Banks’] independent matches, but that was it. That was it. I certainly never saw Charlotte work before.”

On the Four Horsewomen chemistry growing over time and the evolution of the Divas Revolution:

“[Chemistry] developed slowly. We were just all so passionate about it. We just really love wrestling. All of us just love wrestling and that’s it. It wasn’t a thing where we were like, ‘oh, we’re going to build this!’ It was just that we loved it and everybody wanted to get better constantly and everybody was so willing to help each other out. Like, when I arrived, Lord, have mercy, I couldn’t do my makeup and hair and these are all the little things that you need.” Lynch continued, “Sasha really helped me with all those things and everything like that.”

“It just slowly chipped our way up there [to having longer matches in NXT]. A lot of it started, you know, Paige and Emma had a really good match on the first [NXT] TakeOver, Arrival. And then, [Natalya] and Charlotte upped the bar. And then, Sasha and Charlotte upped the bar. And then, it kept going, kept going, and then we had the fatal four-way [at NXT TakeOver: Rival]. And then, it was me and Sasha [at NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable]. And then, Sasha and Bayley at [NXT TakeOver] Brooklyn, which is one of the best matches, hands down, I’ve ever seen.”

On moving to main WWE roster and being in no hurry to leave NXT:

“I was never in a rush to get up here [to the main roster] because NXT was so amazing. I think before with the whole developmental thing, it was all, ‘oh, I [have] got to get up to the main roster’, but with NXT, we were building this, just like [Jericho] said, this incredible entity and you can feel it and everybody was so passionate and so excited and the women’s division was unparalleled. It’s just absolutely amazing.”

“I was actually out injured when I got the call because I had sprained my hip flexor, my hip becsor. I sprained that when we were in Pittsburgh [Pennsylvania] and I was out. This was shortly after the match I had with Sasha at [NXT] TakeOver [Unstoppable], but I was just starting to get better.”