Source: Digital Spy

Digital Spy has an interview with Daniel Bryan, who was promoting SummerSlam. Here are a few highlights:
Why he's one of the most popular stars in the company: "I don't know! I have no explanation for it. I worked really hard to get where I'm at, but a lot of people worked really hard. I'm not really sure why the fans took to me as opposed to taking to someone else, I have no idea. I just feel really fortunate and lucky to be put in the position that I'm in."

Why John Cena gets a mixed reaction from the crowd: "I think it's because he's been on top for so long. If Man United won the championship every single year people would be like, 'I hate Man United'. People would be so sick of them, even if they're really good. It's one of those kind of things. You see him and he's everything the WWE wants as a WWE Champion. He's been able to hold up his end on the performance aspect of it. People are always wanting something new, wanting something different, and that's where the divisiveness comes in."

If he could face anyone from history, who it would be: "Oh my gosh [laughs]. That's a very interesting question. I suppose the logical choice would be - even though everybody would know that I'd lose - would be Jesus. It would just be so interesting. But I'd also like to wrestle Genghis Khan. It's such an incredible part of human history... there's so many people that you'd love to meet and wrestle and I'm sure Genghis Khan would chop my head off."

Bryan also discussed having unfinished business at WrestleMania, stars who have broken down barriers, Paul Bearer, if he prefers being a heel and more. You can read the full interview by clicking here.