Wallace Rogers sent along the following results from the WWE SmackDown/ECW house show in Florence, South Carolina:

-The Great Khali beat Mike Knox. Knox did some classic heel moves, ducking out of the ring several times before trying to offer a handshake to Khali. Khali, sadly, squashed Knox in just a couple minutes. Really bad match to start off the show.

-Vance Archer beat Hurricane. Archer cut a promo before the match about how he was the reason we were there and that he was ECW. Hurricane came out and the building exploded. The kids really love that guy. Excellent match to follow up the horrible opener. Even though Hurricane lost his music played as he limped toward the entrance. All of a sudden the Hart Dynasty ran out and attacked Hurricane, who was saved by Jimmy Yang and Slam Master J. Somehow a match started between the two teams.

-The Hart Dynasty beat Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J. Really good high flying action in the ring. Tyson Kydd picked up the win for the Harts when he caught Jesse on the top turnbuckle and turned it into a neckbreaker.

-CM Punk initiated “Daniel” into the Straight Edge Society. Punk and Luke Gallows came out with a chair that they set up in the middle of the ring, then they did the Straight Edge Society gimmick where they picked a guy from the crowd who said his name was “Daniel” (Bryan Danielson, perhaps? He did look familiar) and had him take an oath and then shaved his head. Afterward, the three celebrated and went to the back.

-Christian beat William Regal for the ECW Title. ECW General Manager Tiffany was the guest ring announcer for the match and had a terrified looking kid from the audience answer a Wrestlemania trivia question (What city is Wrestlemania taking place in this year?) to be the guest bell ringer for the match. This was an excellent match, pretty much the best match of the night in my opinion. Lots of back and forth action with Christian picking up the win. No Jackson or Kozlov anywhere to be seen.


-Drew McIntyre beat R-Truth for the Intercontinental Title. When we got to the arena the line was stretching around the building in a way where I could see into the parking lot that the WWE staff parked in for the event. In one of the cars I spotted R-Truth and some other guy I didn't recognize sitting in the front seat, passing something back and forth. Anyway, Drew McIntyre cut a promo about how he was signed by Vince McMahon himself and because of that could do anything he wanted. R-Truth responded with the only two words he can apparently muster: “What’s up?” The match was okay, with McIntyre picking up the win with a sit-out pedigree type move.

-Michelle McCool beat Mickie James to retain the WWE Womens’ Title. I leaned over and told my wife that it seemed that McCool was working a lot harder than usual tonight, only to be made into a liar when McCool used two long rest holds in a row against Mickie. The match ended when Beth Phoenix came out and distracted Mickie, allowing McCool to take advantage. Kind of a poo poo match after all.

-Matt Hardy, Kane, and The Undertaker beat Chris Jericho, CM Punk, and Batista. This was originally supposed to be two separate matches, but they mixed Punk vs. Matt Hardy into the tag match to make it a six man tag with no explanation given. Still, it was a really good match with each man getting decent ring time.

-Jericho cut a short promo at some point after the faces were all in the ring, but I can’t for the life of me remember exactly what it was about (mostly because I only heard parts of it, the fans at the arena were very loud all night). The crowd was fully behind Batista even though he was a heel, but the place absolutely exploded for Undertaker. We don’t get to see him much in Florence. Kane picked up the win with a chokeslam on Jericho (I think, it got hectic near the end).