Dark Match:

- Chuck Palumbo d. Daivari.


- MVP d. Matt Hardy. After the match, Michael Cole interviewed MVP and he cut a Judgment Day PPV.

- They plugged that World Heavyweight champion Edge would give his "Inaugural Address" tonight as the new champ.

- Paul London, Brian Kendrick and Jimmy Wang Yang d. WWE Chavo Guerrero, Deuce and Domino when Yang pinned Guerrero.

- Mark Henry d. Funaki.

- Chris Benoit d. Finlay via DQ when MVP attacked Benoit

- Backstage, Ozzy Osbourne is walking. Jillian Hall tries to stop him to talk to him but he keeps going.

- Osbourne is introduced by Ashley, who does perform.

- The Miz d. Christian York.

- They plugged Timbaland's debut music video for Monday night Raw.

- Backstage, Kristal talks to Teddy Long about Vickie Guerrero. Vickie comes in for an interview for Long's assistant.

- Kane (with Boogeyman and Little Boogey) d. William Regal (with Dave Taylor).

- Long comes out and Edge. Edge talks about being champion and says he will defend the title against anyone. Batista comes out and says the World championship is rightfully his and he's coming for it at Judgment Day.

credit: pwinsider.com