Lee's Spider-Man has performed heroically at the box office
Spider-Man and X-Men creator Stan Lee has signed a deal to come up with new superhero characters for Disney.

The 84-year-old comic book mastermind will provide ideas for new films, games, books, comics and other formats.

"I've got millions of them," Lee said. "I have file cabinets filled with ideas for movies and television shows and all sorts of things.

"I've been waiting to be associated with someone like Disney so I can start tearing into these things."

Six films based on Spider-Man and X-Men have made more than $3.5bn (£1.8bn) at box offices around the world.

Lee co-created the Fantastic Four, who appear in a new movie
A second Fantastic Four film is about to be released, while other Lee creations or co-creations - The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and Nick Fury - are also in the process of being turned into movies.

Disney Studio chairman Dick Cook said the deal was designed to create characters and projects that could become franchises for Disney.

Lee's company, Pow! Entertainment, said about 20 new characters, with names such as El Lobo, Chameleon, Thunder Rider, Whirlwind, Doubleman, Nightbird and Blaze, were in the "active stages of development".

Twenty more superheroes are in the early stages of development, with another 40 poised to be introduced.

But one of Lee's recent creations, the superhero stripper Stripperella, will not be made into a Disney film.