
As reported on earlier this week, The Undertaker is pretty banged up right now and wasn't used at WWE TV tapings for the last two weeks.

Initial sources stated that he needed surgery on his hip, while another source stated surgery was needed for his knees. Both parts of his body are in bad shape and have been for quite some time right now. The plan as of right now is that he will be getting arthroscopic hip surgery done. This will keep Undertaker out of action for a little more than two months through the summer.

The hope internally was that giving him the time off right now will help him rest his knees and they hope to have him back for TV by July allowing for a build towards SummerSlam in August. There is said to be something significant planned in creative for Undertaker at SummerSlam, but it is possible that may not be in play with his injuries forcing him off TV for the time being. The biggest hope is that Jeff Hardy will stay with WWE through the summer with Undertaker being out as Hardy would be considered the top babyface on Smackdown with Undertaker's absence. It should be noted that some are fearing that once he gets the surgery that they may discover some serious problems that will keep him out of action even longer since he has worked through injuries for so long.