Tonight, the feud between Sami Zayn and Antonio Cesaro reaches Defcon 1 with a two out of three falls match. Who will be the one to claim the victory in this battle of international stars?
We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Tom ‘Ole’ Phillips and Alex ‘Hey’ Riley.

Match Number One: AJ Lee versus Bayley for the WWE Divas Title

Bayley wants to either shake hands or hug before locking up and AJ pie faces Bayley. AJ with two neck breakers and she gets a near fall. AJ sends Bayley into the turnbuckles and kicks he. AJ with a snap mare and a cravate. Bayley with punches but AJ with a back elbow and she gets a near fall.

AJ sends Bayley into the turnbuckles again. AJ with a kick and then she misses a splash into the corner. Bayley with a hug and then she backs AJ into the turnbuckles. Bayley hugs her again and sends her into the turnbuckles. Bayley with a third hug and shot into the corner. Bayley with a clothesline into the corner followed by a slam and she gets a near fall.

Bayley with a knee drop for a near fall. Bayley gets another near fall. Bayley goes for another cover and gets another two count. Bayley goes to the turnbuckles and hits a back elbow for a near fall. AJ says that she has some issue with her mouth and Bayley looks remorseful for what she has done.

It was a ruse and AJ with a back heel kick and Shining Wizard for the three count.

Winner: AJ Lee

Tyler Breeze is in the back and a woman walks by and Tyler asks her if she wants a picture. He tells her that he wants her to take a picture of him. CJ Parker shows up behind Tyler without him knowing and he is in the photo. Tyler sees the photo and he cannot believe that CJ photobombed him.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Michael Zaki and Ron Hicks versus Kenneth Cameron and Rick Victor

Zaki and O’Brian start things off and Conor with a kick to the midsection and a series of rolling side head locks. O’Brian with a knee in the chest while he has Zaki in a head lock. Victor tags in and he hits a double thrust to the chest and he sends Zaki into the turnbuckles and he chops Zacki. Victor with a back body drop and he tags in O’Brian. They hit a double hip toss into a double slam. Victor tags back in and they go high and low for the three count.

Winners: Rick Victor and Conor O’Brian

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Baron Corbin versus CJ Parker

Parker with a side head lock and he backs Corbin into the corner and he gives a mellow break. Parker with a hammer lock into a side head lock. Parker with a rollup for a near fall. Corbin with a shoulder tackle and kick to the midsection followed by punches. Corbin with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot and Parker with a running clothesline out of the corner.

Parker with knees to the chest in the corner followed by a palm thrust and a modified DDT for the three count.

Winner: CJ Parker

After the match, Renee asks CJ where he has been. CJ says that it is more where he hasn’t been and he has found what he is looking for. CJ says that he is a guy who is going with the flow and having fun. Renee asks if fun is photobombing people.

CJ says that it is not bombing, but more video loving.

Tyler Breeze makes his way to the ring and he does not believe what CJ is saying about photo loving because he ruined his photo.

CJ says that he is having fun and to chill out because he is having a good time.

Tyler says the only joke he is looking at is CJ and he calls him a Lenny Kravitz wannabe. Tyler pokes CJ’s chest and CJ teases a punch and Tyler leaves the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Alexander Rusev has a board with Ziggler’s name on it and he breaks it in half before Ziggler comes to the ring.

Match Number Four: Alexander Rusev versus Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall. Rusev with a kick to the midsection followed by a punch. Ziggler holds on to the ropes after ducking a clothesline and he struts. They lock up and Rusev sends Ziggler to the mat and Rusev stomps in the ring to intimidate Ziggler.

Ziggler with a drop kick and he tries for a cross body but Rusev catches him. He puts Ziggler on the top rope and connects with knees to the back and then he drops Ziggler over the top rope to the floor. Rusev goes to the floor and he sends Ziggler back into the ring.

Rusev with a running shoulder into the corner and he gets a near fall. Rusev with a waist lock but Ziggler with a jawbreaker to escape. Rusev misses a splash into the corner but Ziggler with a Stinger Splash followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Rusev with a body block as Ziggler hits the ropes and Rusev gets a near fall.

Rusev stands over Ziggler and says something to him. Ziggler wit a kick followed by the Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler tries for the Zig Zag but Rusev is in the ropes. Rusev with a leaping spinning heel kick and he gets a near fall. Rusev shakes the ropes and then he pulls Ziggler into the center of the ring. Rusev goes up top but misses the splash. Ziggler with the Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at footage from NXT’s involvement at SummerSlam Axxess. We will have more next week.

Match Number Five: Sami Zayn versus Antonio Cesaro in a Two Out of Three Falls Match

Fall Number One

Zayn with a flip dive onto Cesaro before the bell rings. Zayn rolls Cesaro into the ring and the referee calls for the bell. Zayn with a Yakuza Kick for the three count.

Winner of Fall Number One: Sami Zayn (Zayn 1 Fall Cesaro 0 Falls)

Fall Number Two

Cesaro punches Zayn and Zayn clotheslines Cesaro over the top rope to the floor. Zayn with a double sledge from the apron and then he sends Cesaro into the ring steps. Zayn sends Cesaro’s head into the apron. Zayn with punches.

Zayn sends Cesaro back into the ring. Cesaro rolls to the apron and he connects with a shoulder. Zayn with a leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Zayn climbs the turnbuckles to punch Cesaro but Cesaro grabs Zayn and he tries for a back drop but Zayn goes for a sunset flip. Cesaro misses a double stomp.

Zayn with elbows and a cross body for a near fall. Cesaro with a kick but Zayn with punches. Cesaro with a hot shot into the turnbuckles for a near fall. Cesaro punches Zayn and then he stomps on Zayn’s head. Cesaro punches Zayn and connects with a forearm. Cesaro goes for the snug reverse chin lock to wear down Zayn but Zayn backs Cesaro into the turnbuckles. Cesaro holds on to the chin lock and Zayn finally gets out of the hold.

Cesaro with a spine buster for a near fall. Cesaro returns to the chin lock but Zayn with a jawbreaker and punch. Cesaro with a clothesline for a near fall. Cesaro with a double stomp to the chest for a near fall. Zayn backs himself into the corner and he punches and chops Cesaro and Cesaro wants more from Zayn. Zayn with forearms to the chest.

Cesaro with a Karelin Lift and then he slaps Zayn and connects with forearms. Cesaro with another double stomp to the chest. Cesaro with the deadlift side salto but Zayn holds on and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Cesaro misses a running forearm into the corner and Cesaro with a rana for a near fall. Cesaro with a fallaway slam and bridge for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro waits to pounce on Zayn and he returns to the chin lock. Zayn tries for a leap frog but Cesaro catches him and then Zayn escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup. Zayn with a drop kick to Cesaro and then he charges into the corner but Cesaro returns to the chin lock and he swings Zayn around the ring. Zayn taps out.

Winner of Fall Number Two: Antonio Cesaro (Zayn 1 Fall Cesaro 1 Fall)

Fall Number Three

Cesaro with a splash into the corner for a near fall. Zayn rolls to the apron and Cesaro picks him up by the ear. Zayn with shoulders from the apron. Cesaro drops Zayn on the top rope and Cesaro goes for the gorilla superplex and he hits it and gets a near fall.

Cesaro picks Zayn up by the throat and he taunts Sami. Zan tries for an inside cradle but Cesaro blocks it. Zayn escapes a suplex and gets a near fall with a rollup. Cesaro with the chin lock and Zayn bridges and gets a near fall. Zayn with a Yakuza kick but he can only get a two count.

Cesaro holds on to the ropes on an Irish whip attempt and Cesaro with forearms. Zayn counters a power bomb with Code Red for a near fall. Cesaro rolls to the floor. Zayn goes to the floor and he dives through the ropes and hits a tornado DDT on Cesaro.

Cesaro gets back into the ring at nine and Zayn gets a near fall. Zayn grabs the wrist and he goes for the tornado but Cesaro holds on and then he lifts and holds Zayn over his head. He sends Zayn into the air for Swiss Death and then he hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro (Two Falls to One Fall)

After the match, we see highlights of the match.

We go to credits.