RAW House Results -23rd Sep 2006
Location: Monterrey, Mexico

Report by Carlos

The show organization was awful, a lot of people got angry because they couldn´t get in to the show, because the city hall officials said that the place was oversold.

So I missed the first match, I guess it was the Highlanders vs Spirit Squad, I heard that Spirit Squad got squashed.

The second match was Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy (Hardy got a lot of pops and Orton a lot of heat) Orton defeated Hardy with the RKO.

Kane defeated Umaga via DQ (A lot of heat for Umaga and Alejandro Estrada).

DX defeated Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch a lot of pops to DX, HHH pulled down Cade`s trousers and he was wrestling with his bare ass. DX won via Pedigree and Sweet Chin Music.

Lilian García spoke in a very good spanish, but her accent was like a puerto rican, and not a spanish descendent.

Triple Threat match: Benjamin vs Carlito vs Nitro (Nitro pinned Carlito with Melina´s help). Pops to Carlito and Melina ;). Heat to Benjamin and Nitro.

SMACKDOWN! CHALLENGE MATCH: Rey Mysterio pinned Chavo Guerrern.

WWE Champion John Cena defeated Edge and Lita in a Street Fight.

After the match, when Cena was celebrating Edge and Lita came back to attack Cena, Rey Mysterio came back to help him, and both defeated Edge and Lita.
