Smackdown Results / Report
Date: 15th Nov, 2014
Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Announcers: Michael Cole, Tom Phillips, and John Layfield

We begin this week’s show with a look at this week’s Raw and the attempts by the two teams in the main event to woo Ryback onto their team. After Raw, what will happen with Ryback?

Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring for The Highlight Reel.

Chris welcomes us to Smackdown is Jericho. He says that he has been away for a while, but he has been keeping his eye on things. First he wants to address who is Adam Rose’s bunny because he is awesome. Chris says that it might be Funaki.

Second, he knows that if Team Authority loses at Survivor Series, they will be stripped of their power. Chris brings out his favorite power hungry couple, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie mimics Chris Jericho’s entrance as she gets to the stage.

Chris says that everyone wants to know the answer to the question of ‘Where’s Our Network’, but let’s cut through the garbage and excuses, why did you ask to come on the Highlight Reel.

Stephanie says the real question is why did they invite Chris Jericho to Smackdown? How long as the Highlight Reel been on Smackdown? It is because Chris Jericho was right here in Liverpool. It is because they give the WWE Universe what they want. Stephanie says that she likes to have fun with you guys and she likes to interact with you. She says that without the WWE Universe, they wouldn’t have a show. You represent the hard working men and women. That is why you need Superstars and Divas you can respect.

What her father is doing to her and Hunter, is what they have been doing to the WWE locker room. They are making people fight for what they want. That is why the fans still chant ‘Yes’ even though Daniel Bryan has been gone for months. Where would Daniel Bryan be without the Authority? Where would Superman be without Lex Luthor? Where would the sun be without the moon? Where would the WWE be without a McMahon in charge?

Who could run the WWE if it is not the Authority?

Chris says that he liked what John Cena said. The Authority does not have to run the WWE, the WWE Universe can run the WWE. Chris says that it is not rocket science. You ask them a question and they say yes or no.

Chris asks if they would like to see Triple H lick his boots and clean his shoes. The crowd says yes. Would you like to see Hunter clean the toilets in the back? They say yes. Would you like to see Stephanie McMahon covered in a cesspool of filth? We see what Vickie Guerrero did to Stephanie on her way out of the WWE.

Chris says how can you not say yes to that. Chris asks if you want to see it again but Hunter stops him.

Hunter asks if you think that is funny. Hunter says that he doesn’t need Chris’ acceptance. They don’t need anybody’s acceptance. They don’t need the acceptance of anyone in the back and they don’t need the acceptance of the fans.

The wolf does not ask for the sheep’s embrace.

Hunter tells Chris to enjoy his laugh because at Survivor Series, Team Authority will rip through Team Cena. When they are standing tall, who will laugh? It will be the Authority who will be laughing.

Hunter tells Chris to keep that in mind the next time that you call him to ask him to come back and get his fix of the WWE Universe and his fix of Y2J chants he needs from the puppets. Maybe the next time, Chris Jericho will have been wiped out of the WWE history books.

Chris tells Hunter he doesn’t see an arena full of puppets. He sees an arena full of Jerichoholics. Chris says that he likes to sing and he will sing a song when the Authority loses at Survivor Series. Chris starts singing and the crowd continues the performance.

Michael and John have a heated debate about whether the Authority should still be in charge.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Bray Wyatt video package about his feud with Dean Ambrose.

Bray Wyatt versus Sin Cara

Wyatt with a punch and head butt followed by a clothesline. Wyatt with an Irish whip but Cara gets his feet up. Cara with punches and kicks followed by a springboard cross body for a near fall. Cara moves when Wyatt tries to attack him on the apron and Cara with an enzuigiri. Cara goes up top but Wyatt moves and Cara rolls through. Wyatt with a running cross body.

Wyatt with a running splash into the corner followed by a suplex throw. Wyatt rolls around on the mat and he bridges up. Wyatt with Sister Abigail for the three count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

After the match, Wyatt has a mic and he says that he can hear you Dean Ambrose. He can feel you in his chest. In his heart, he can you screaming for help. He knows. He knows about all of those lonely nights when you felt unwanted and unloved. He knows that you wished every Christmas that this would be the day that daddy came back. When you went downstairs, all you were greeted with was darkness. Wyatt tells Dean to embrace him because he is the light that Dean has been searching for all his life. He tells Dean to let him fix him because salvation is near.

Dean Ambrose’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring and Wyatt crawls out of the ring.

Wyatt says there you are . . . right on time. So hostile. The hero ready to change the day. How predictable are you? Every time he wants to see Dean’s shining face, he pushes the buttons to bring him out. You want to hurt me. You want to punish me . . . just like you want to do to your daddy.

Wyatt goes into the ring but Ambrose punches him and Wyatt leaves the ring.

Wyatt says that Dean is wearing the mask of the lunatic but he knows that Dean is just a child screaming for someone to show him the way. Bray says that he is the key to the light. He tells Dean to follow him and he will never be in the dark again.

Stardust and Goldust versus Adam Rose and The Bunny in a Non Title Match

Rose and Goldust start things off and they lock up. Goldust with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Rose with a hip toss and the bunny distracts Rose long enough for Goldust to send him into the turnbuckles. Stardust tags in and he kicks Rose. Goldust tags in and he does a rake across the chest. Goldust with a reverse chin lock.

Rose with punches and then they both bump heads and they go down. Stardust and the Bunny tag in and The Bunny kicks Stardust. It hits a missile drop kick and Rose wants to be tagged back in. The Bunny goes up top and lands on Stardust’s knees on a frog splash attempt and Stardust hits Dark Matter for the three count.

U>Winners: Stardust and Goldust

After the match, Stardust and Goldust celebrate their victory while Rose goes into the ring to talk to the bunny about why it didn’t makes the tag. Rose with a kick and Party Foul to the bunny.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Byron Saxton is with Dolph Ziggler. Byron brings up the problems that he has dealt with over the last few weeks.

Byron brings up the Three Way Dance later tonight. Dolph says that somehow he has survived everything thrown at him . . . curb stomps, choke slams, World’s Strongest Slams, steel cage matches with monsters, and now Luke Harper. He is defending his Intercontinental Championship tonight. If he loses the title, he is going down with a fight and he will be on Team Cena. The Authority is on borrowed time and the clock is ticking. Dolph says that all he has to do is survive until the pay per view because if his team survives, the Authority does not.

We go to a Ryback video package.

Byron Saxton is in the interview area with Ryback. Byron asks Ryback if he is part of Team Cena.

Ryback says the only team he is on is Team Ryback. The only person who needs to worry about surviving is that big dummy Kane. The Authority was right to try to recruit the Big Guy. That was a tiny appetizer. Unfortunately for Kane . . . it’s almost feeding time.

We go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler versus Tyson Kidd versus Cesaro for the Intercontinental Title in a Three Way Dance

Cesaro and Ziggler stare each other down and push Kidd away. Cesaro with a boot to the head and then he hits an Exploder on Kidd. Cesaro gets a near fall on Ziggler and he kicks Ziggler. Kidd kicks Cesaro away as he goes to the apron and Ziggler with a drop kick. Kidd with a shoulder from the apron and he gets a near fall with a rollup.

Ziggler with a back slide on Kidd but Cesaro with a rollup on Ziggler for a near fall. Kidd with a rollup on Cesaro for a near fall. Ziggler with a rollup on Kidd for a near fall. Cesaro rolls up Ziggler for a near fall. Kidd with a crucifix on Cesaro for a near fall. Cesaro with a clothesline to Kidd and Ziggler with a drop kick to Cesaro.

Ziggler with a leaping elbow drop to Kidd. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Ziggler stops Cesaro and Ziggler tries for a suplex on Cesaro but Kidd joins in and they try for a double suplex on Cesaro but Cesaro blocks it and he hits a double suplex on Ziggler and Kidd. Cesaro gets a near fall on Ziggler.

Cesaro tries for a Gibson Driver but Ziggler tries to counter it into a rana but Cesaro blocks it. Cesaro with a power bomb and Kidd with a springboard elbow drop to Ziggler. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto to Kidd and Cesaro gets a near fall on Ziggler. Cesaro kicks Kidd and he charges into the corner, but his attack on Kidd gives Ziggler enough time to recover and move out of the corner as Cesaro hits the ring post shoulder first.

Ziggler with a Fameasser to Kidd and he gets a near fall. Ziggler runs into the corner and Cesaro puts Ziggler on the turnbuckles. Cesaro sets for a belly-to-back superplex but Ziggler sends Cesaro back to the mat with a series of punches. Kidd with a drop kick that sends Cesaro into the turnbuckles and he hits Ziggler and Ziggler falls into the Tree of Woe. Kidd avoids Cesaro and he hits a hesitation drop kick into the corner. Cesaro with an Exploder to Kidd. Cesaro with a running European uppercut into the corner and he gets a near fall on Kidd.

Kidd with a forearm to Cesaro and Ziggler with a cross body to Cesaro for a near fall. Ziggler with a Stinger Splash to Cesaro and one to Kidd. Ziggler with a neck breaker to Kidd while hitting a DDT on Cesaro at the same time. Ziggler gets a near fall on Cesaro and then he goes for a cover on Kidd but can only get a near fall.

Ziggler ducks his head too soon and Kidd with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Kidd goes to the turnbuckles but Cesaro with a running European uppercut. Cesaro punches Kidd on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex. Ziggler goes to the apron and Cesaro gets Kidd on his shoulders and then he superplexes Ziggler while Kidd turns it into a sunset flip power bomb.

Kidd covers Cesaro and gets a near fall. Kidd tries for the Sharpshooter on Cesaro and he locks it in. Cesaro crawls to Ziggler and he covers Ziggler but Ziggler kicks out. Kidd pulls Cesaro into the center of the ring but Cesaro sends Kidd to the floor as he escapes the hold. Ziggler tries for the hesitation DDT but Cesaro counters and he sends Ziggler into the air with a pop up European uppercut.

Kidd goes for a springboard move but Cesaro catches him and hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and gets a near fall on Kidd. Cesaro gets a near fall on Ziggler and we go to commercial.

We are back Cesaro with an elbow drop to Ziggler while Kidd hits Cesaro with a forearm from the apron. Kidd with a Blockbuster to Cesaro and when Cesaro landed, he landed on Ziggler’s knees. Ziggler holds his knee and Kidd tries for the Sharpshooter on Ziggler and he locks it in.

Cesaro crawls back into the ring and Cesaro applies a cross face on Ziggler. Kidd stomps Cesaro. Cesaro picks up Kidd and puts him in the Giant Swing. Ziggler with a hesitation DDT and he gets a near fall. Ziggler tries for the Fameasser but Cesaro catches him and sets for a power bomb and he sends Ziggler behind him to hot shot Ziggler on the top rope. As Ziggler hits the top rope, Kidd hits an enzuigiri and Ziggler staggers towards Cesaro who gives the champion a German suplex and gets a near fall.

Cesaro with a knee to Kidd to knock him off the apron. Cesaro waits for Ziggler to get up and he misses a clothesline. Ziggler tries for a satellite head scissors but instead he turns it into a Zig Zag. Kidd returns to the ring and he sends Ziggler to the floor so he can pin Cesaro.

Cesaro has been Eliminated

The match continues with Ziggler and Kidd remaining.

Kidd waits for Ziggler to return to the ring and Kidd tries for a baseball slide. Ziggler stops Kidd, but Kidd turns it into a head scissors and he sends Ziggler into the ring steps. Kidd sends Ziggler into the ringside barrier. Kidd gets on the ringside barrier and he connects with a running kick to Ziggler. Kidd rolls Ziggler back in and he gets a near fall. Kidd puts Ziggler in the ropes and Kidd goes for the slingshot leg drop to the apron but Ziggler moves. Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall.

Kidd with a kick and he sets for the swinging fisherman’s neck breaker but Ziggler escapes. Ziggler tries for the Zig Zag but Kidd holds on to the ropes. Kidd hits the swinging fisherman’s neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Kidd rolls to the apron and he waits for Ziggler to get up and he tries for a springboard move but Ziggler with a super kick but Kidd is able to kick out at two.

Kidd kicks Ziggler in the head and he tries for the Sharpshooter and he locks it in but Ziggler counters and hits the Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

We go to commercial.

Layla El (with Summer Rae) versus Natalya

They lock up and Natalya with a wrist lock and Layla with a reversal. Natalya rolls through and Irish whips Layla but Layla with an arm drag into a rollup. Natalya tries for a Sharpshooter but Layla gets to the ropes before she can apply it. Layla with a forearm and Natalya shows Layla how to throw a forearm. Layla with an Irish whip but she runs into an elbow from Natalya.

Layla with a round kick that sends Natalya to the floor. The referee starts his count and Natalya gets back in at nine. Layla with a kick and she chokes Natalya in the ropes. Layla gets a near fall. Layla with a figure four head lock and then turns it into a body scissors. Natalya turns around and she connects with forearms but Layla continues with the body scissors. Layla with a guillotine.

Natalya gets back to her feet and she tries for a slam but Layla gets to her feet and she pulls Natalya to the mat and she gets a near fall. Layla has a kick blocked and Natalya sends her to the mat. Natalya runs over Layla’s back and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Layla runs Natalya into the corner and she kicks Natalya to the floor.

Layla goes to the floor and misses a clothesline. Natalya slaps Summer and sends Layla into Summer. They return to the ring and Layla with a forearm. Natalya with the Sharpshooter and Layla taps out.

Winner: Natalya

In case you missed the beginning of the show, we have highlights of the Highlight Reel.

We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you missed Dean Ambrose being called out by Bray Wyatt, we see highlights.

Dean Ambrose is in the back and Byron Saxton tries to get a word from him. He asks if Bray’s message has an effect on him.

Dean says that Bray is playing games and he is sick of games. He is sick of this crap. If Bray wants to get inside his head, he will regret it. Bray hits Dean with a case and then he hits Sister Abigail against the wall.

Bray lays down next to Dean and he says it wasn’t meant for people like them. Once you put a label on, you are stuck in that box. The next box will be the one they put into the ground.

Stephanie McMahon and Triple H follow Kane to the ring and they take their seat at ringside to watch this match.

Kane versus Ryback

They lock up and Kane backs Ryback into the corner and he pie faces Ryback and Ryback pushes back. Kane with a side head lock but Kane with a knee and uppercut when Ryback tries to get out of the hold. Ryback with a shoulder tackle and forearm to the back. Ryback with punches but Kane punches back. Kane punches Ryback and he connects with a knee in the corner and then hits Ryback with an uppercut.

Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Kane with an uppercut. Ryback with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Ryback kicks Kane. Kane with a kick and he tries for a suplex but Ryback blocks it and Ryback with a suplex of his own. Ryback clothesline Kane over the top rope as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kane with knees to Ryback but Ryback with a Thesz Press and he slams Kane’s head into the mat and then he hits a splash for a near fall. Ryback sets for the lariat but he runs into a boot from Kane. Kane gets a near fall. Kane punches Ryback. Kane with a slam and elbow drop for a near fall. Kane with an uppercut but Ryback with a chop.

Kane with an uppercut and Ryback with a chop. Ryback with another chop. Kane with a hard Irish whip and the referee checks on Ryback. Kane with a boot to the chest and he uses Ryback’s arm on a chin lock. Ryback with a belly-to-back suplex. Ryback goes for a splash but Kane gets his knees up. Kane with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Ryback with shoulders in the corner and Kane sends Ryback into the corner. Ryback with a shoulder tackle and he goes to the turnbuckles.

Ryback with a belly flop onto Kane. Kane grabs Ryback by the throat but Ryback escapes the hold and he hits a power slam. Ryback sets for the lariat and he hits it. Ryback says that it is over and he tries to get Kane up for the marching muscle buster but Kane is able to avoid the hold. They go to the floor and Kane sends Ryback into the apron and then the ring post. Kane looks around and he grabs a steel chair and he hits Ryback with it.

The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Ryback (by disqualification)

After the match, Kane hits Ryback with the chair a few more times. They go into the ring and Hunter tells Kane what to do but Ryback with a spinebuster to Kane.

Ryback stares at Hunter and he picks up the chair and he hits Kane in the back with it. Ryback sends Kane to the floor with the chair shots and then Ryback stares down Hunter one more time.

We go to credits.