This week’s episode starts off with a recap of last week - Ace Austin’s road to challenging for the X-Division Championship and the eight Knockouts tag team main event chaos, which included Tessa Blanchard’s attack on Jordynne Grace and Rosemary misting Masha Slamovich.
The System with Alisha Edwards vs. Eric Young & Steve Maclin & Jonathan Gresham
Eddie Edwards starts things off fast by kicking Jonathan Gresham in the gut right away and then working him over in the corner. Gresham fights it off briefly, but takes a thumb to the eye. Gresham shakes it off and hits a crossbody off of the second rope. Eric Young tags in and helps Gresham stomp on Edwards in the corner. The referee has to pull Gresham off of the stomping.
Edwards is able to gain control of Young and tags in Brian Myers. Myers hits the ropes, but is hit with a back elbow by Young. Young then rains down some punches and hits a dropkick on Myers for a two count.
Myers rolls to the outside, but Young tosses him back into the ring quickly. Young gets into it with Alisha Edwards, which allows Eddie Edwards to get in a shot and Myers to take control. JDC tags in and whips Young hard into the corner for a two count. JDC then works over Young’s arm a bit and tags in Edwards. Edwards goes for a suplex, but Young blocks it and hits one of his own. Edwards tags in Myers, who stops Young from tagging in Steve Maclin.
Myers brings Young to The System’s corner and tags in JDC. Young tries to fight off JDC, but is cut off with punches. Myers tags in and works Young over in the corner, snapmares him, and hits him with a kick to the back for a two count. Myers slaps on a chinlock, which Young strikes out of. Myers grabs him, though, and hits a side belly-to-back suplex. Myers sets up for the Roster Cut, but Young catches him and hits a Death Valley Driver.
JDC tags in. Maclin tags in. Maclin comes in hot and drops JDC, raining down punches on him. Edwards runs in and is tackled down by Maclin. Maclin hits running strikes on JDC and Edwards in opposite corners. Maclin hits an Olympic Slam on Edwards and a backbreaker on JDC. He goes for the pin, but it’s broken up by Myers. Gresham sends Myers to the outside. Maclin hits JDC with the Crosshairs and the KIA for the win!
Winners: Steve Maclin, Eric Young, and Jonathan Gresham
After the match:
Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards take the winners out with chair shots to the back. They then hit Jonathan Gresham with Down with the System. They send Gresham to the outside and slide a chair around his neck. With the chair around his head and neck, Gresham is sent running into the ringpost. The System celebrates the destruction of Gresham until Eric Young and Steve Maclin recover and chase The System off with chairs. They then check on Gresham at ringside.
A Joe Hendry video package covering his early life, career, and climb to the World Title Shot at TNA Genesis airs. He talks about his early life, music, and his desire to become a professional wrestler. He knew he had to be different than everyone else, which is why he incorporated music. Hendry talks about starting amateur wrestling later in life and doing well in it. After that, he found TNA wrestling and became hooked on it.
When he was a teenager, Hendry had a video iPod with only one video on it - Genesis 2006. He was obsessed with it. And now…he’s challenging for the TNA World Championship at TNA Genesis in 2025. He feels very fortunate to be in this position and knows he couldn’t get here without the fans.
A commercial airs for the live TNA iMPACT! on January 23rd.
Savannah Evans makes her entrance for her match. After Savannah Evans’ entrance, Xia Brookside comes out and shows video evidence that she had Evans beat at TNA Turning Point. However, Evans ended up injuring Brookside and Brookside is not cleared to compete tonight. Evans injured someone else, too, recently…who just happens to now be ready to compete and get revenge: Lei Ying Lee!
Savannah Evans vs. Lei Ying Lee
Lei Ying Lee enters the ring and rushes at Savannah Evans. Lee gets in a bunch of quick shots, but Evans uses her size and power to stop Lee. Lee uses her speed to get on top of the ropes and leap at Evans. Evans catches Lee and slams her down a bit awkwardly. Evans rolls to the outside and Lee hits a dive.
Lee sends Evans back into the ring, climbs the ropes, and hits a crossbody for a two count. Evans gets to her knees, but eats two kicks from Lee. Lee goes for a third, but Evans catches it and hits a sitout spinebuster for a two count. Evans cranks at Lee’s head and neck. She clubs down on Lee and then cranks at her neck again. Lee fights out of the hold of Evans. Evans catches Lee’s leaping attempt and then clubs down on Lee after eating some strikes.
Lee fights it off, though, and is able to get in a shot that sends Evans to the corner. Lee rains down punches in the corner. Lee tries to hit Evans with an overhead throw, but Evans doesn’t budge. Evans hits Lee with a big clothesline. Evans goes for the Full Nelson Bomb, but Lee rolls through it and hits Thunderstruck for the win!
Winner: Lei Ying Lee
Gia Miller is in the back with Jordynne Grace. Grace grabs the mic and tells Tessa Blanchard that if she wants a fight, then Grace will be in the ring. Blanchard can meet her there.
A commercial airs for TNA+.
The TNA+ Moment of the Week airs: Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett from Genesis 2009.
A Rosemary vignette airs. She whispers Masha Slamovich’s name and some lines from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” as the video has a bunch of cuts of Slamovich down and struggling.
Gauntlet match: Mike Santana vs. The Northern Armory
Mike Santana still has Josh Alexander’s headgear, which he drapes in the corner over the ringpost. The Northern Amory make their entrance, but Josh Alexander doesn’t come out with them.
Judas Icarus is the first to face Santana. He rushes at Santana in the corner when Santana has his back turned. He uses his speed to get the early control of Santana, but Santana stands up to some strikes. Satnana hits Icarus with a big chop and a running kick. He charges at Icarus in the corner, but Icarus gets an elbow up. Icarus puts Santana on the ropes. Santana kicks at Icarus and climbs to the top. Icarus disrupts the climb, though, causing Santana to crash down on the ropes hard. Santana is favoring his arm. Santana is able to shake it off, though, and hits Spin the Block for the three count!
Travis Williams is the second to face Santana. He enters the ring and ducks under a charging Santana. Williams tries to go after Santana’s arm, but Santana blocks it and lays in some chops. Williams fights off a Death Valley Driver and chop blocks Santana. Williams hits a dropkick to the back of Santana’s head for a two count.
Williams hits a running boot in the corner. Williams still has control after a commercial break, but gets caught by Santana after a leaping strike attempt. Santana tries to hit the Rolling Buck Fifty, but Williams counters that into an armbar. Santana powers out of it and hits a buckle bomb and an overhead throw. Santana then hits a sitdown powerbomb for the three count!
Josh Alexander makes his entrance to face Santana. As he gets to the ring, Judas Icarus hits Santana from behind, causing the referee to call for the bell.
Winner: Mike Santana by Disqualification
After the match:
All three of The Northern Armory continue the attack on Mike Santana. Alexander hits Santana with the C4 Spike and reclaims his headgear. Alexander tells Santana that he’ll never be “the guy” and puts his headgear back on.
The Personal Concierge is in the back with a breaking announcement. Next week, he’s going to do something unprecedented. He has a vision - Heather and Ash as the next TNA Knockout World Tag Team Champions. Therefore, next week will be a pre-launch championship celebration…by elegance.
Rosemary is at a bar. She says that Masha Slamovich is so predictable. She sees the cracks forming in Slamovich because she can smell Masha's…someone says “fear” in the background and Rosemary agrees. Raven enters the frame and asks Rosemary if she’s ready. It’s been a while since Rosemary won a title. Rosemary grabs Raven and holds a knife to his throat. Raven suggests having a Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun match against Masha Slamovich. Rosemary likes the idea.
The Rascalz vs. The Good Hands
The Good Hands come out with a microphone. John Skyler doesn’t understand why the fans boo them, but cheer The Rascalz. He makes fun of the crowd and their trailer park homes.
Jason Hotch and Zachary Wentz start things off. They lock up and Hotch grabs an arm. Wentz flips out of the hold and then fights Hotch off in the corner. Wentz leaps off the ropes for a two count on Hotch. Trey Miguel tags in.
The Rascalz double team Hotch for a two count. Wentz tags back in. He goes for a handspring move, but Skyler grabs his legs - allowing for Hotch to gain control. Skyler tags in and stomps down on Wentz. Hotch tags back in and The Good Hands hang Wentz in the Tree of Woe. They both climb to the second rope and thrust their feet down on the nether region of Wentz.
Skyler tags back in and slaps on an abdominal stretch. Wentz is able to get out of the hold and hits a handspring knee. Hotch tags in. Miguel tags in. Miguel fights Hotch’s attack off and hits a headscissors. Miguel hits a leaping DDT on Hotch for a two count. Wentz tags in.
The Rascalz try to double team Hotch, but Skyler runs in. The Rascalz are able to keep control until Miguel is sent to the outside. The Good Hands double team Wentz for a two count. Wentz fights off another double team and tags in Miguel. The Rascalz hit Feed Em’ to the Lions for the win!
Winners: The Rascalz
Rhino is in the back, getting in a pump. Frankie Kazarian approaches him and says that if he sees Rhino hit the Gore on Nic Nemeth, he’ll be ready. Kazarian taps his Call Your Shot Gauntlet trophy and walks away.
A commercial airs for upcoming TNA live events.
Steve Maclin and Eric Young are in the back. Maclin says that The System crossed a line with what they did to Jonathan Gresham. Message received. Young says that they’re going to hand out their own kind of justice their own way. First Class interrupt. AJ Francis thought that Maclin and Young were supposed to be tough. They’re looking for tag team gold and don't mind stepping over Maclin and Young to get there. First Class goes to talk to Santino Marella about taking on Steve Maclin and Eric Young.
Alisha Edwards and Moose come to the ring. Moose says that he’s the greatest X-Division Champion of all time. At TNA Genesis, Ace Austin is going to find out why one should always trust The System. He’s going to beat the hell out of Austin. He gives the X-Division Title to Alisha Edwards and tells her to throw it out of the ring. He doesn’t want to be associated with it anymore because at TNA Genesis, he’s going to debut a new title fit for the face of the franchise. Alisha throws the title out of the ring. Moose calls the title ugly and is upset that he had to carry it around recently.
Andrew Everett comes to the ring and says that Moose has no business being in the X-Division. When Everett was in TNA, the X-Division Championship was the only thing he cared about and he never got a shot at it. He says that the X-Division built TNA…not the face of the franchise.
Moose is confused. Who the hell is Andrew Everett? Alisha Edwards doesn’t know who he is, either. Moose gives Everett the opportunity to leave the ring…or else he’s going to put him down. Everett says that he is an X-Division wrestler and Moose is not. Moose hits Everett with a big boot and tells him that he earned an X-Division Championship match right now!
TNA X-Division Championship
Moose (c)vs. Andrew Everett
A referee comes out and calls for the bell. Moose hits a running attack in the corner and then throws Everett to the center of the ring. Ace Austin is shown looking on as Moose goes for a powerbomb. Everett fights out of it and goes for a moonsault. Moose catches him, but Everett counters into a DDT. Moose rolls out of the ring and Everett hits a dive.
Back in the ring, Moose stops Everett’s springboard attempt and chokeslams Everett onto the apron. Moose goes to the outside and powerbombs Everett onto the apron. Back in the ring, Moose hits a powerbomb and stands on Everett with one foot for the win!
Winner: Moose (retains championship)
Jordynne Grace is shown walking in the back as she gets ready to come to the ring.
A TNA Genesis commercial airs.
Santino Marella is in the back. Sami Callihan approaches him and wants a shot at the Tag Team Titles with PCO. Santino says that they can take on The Hardys next week in a non-title match. If Callihan and PCO win, they can be part of the Tag Team Title match at TNA Genesis.
Jordynne Grace comes to the ring. She says that she can say so many things about Tessa Blanchard, but she’s nothing like Blanchard. She just wants Blanchard to come out and fight. If the Knockouts Division is truly Blanchard’s, then Tessa will have to go through Grace. Blanchard hits the ring and the two women brawl until security floods the ring. They separate Blanchard and Grace briefly, but neither woman can be restrained easily. Security eventually gets control.
A commercial airs for next week’s TNA iMPACT!
Tom Hannifan announces that Santino Marella has made the following official for TNA Genesis:
*Jordynne Grace vs. Tessa Blanchard
*Ash and Heather by Elegance vs. Spitfire for the TNA World Knockouts Tag Team Titles
*Masha Slamovich vs. Rosemary in a Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match for the TNA Knockouts World Championship
*Josh Alexander vs. Mike Santana
TNA Champion Nic Nemeth & Ryan Nemeth vs. Joe Hendry & Rhino
Frankie Kazarian joins the commentary table.
Rhino and Ryan Nemeth start things off. They circle and Ryan rolls to the outside. He comes back in and tags himself out. Nic Nemeth comes in and locks up with Rhino. Nic goes behind, but Rhino grabs an arm and cranks it. Nic reverses and cranks Rhino’s arm. He transitions to a headlock, but is sent to the ropes. Rhino hits a tackle, but then eats a dropkick after Nic gets up. Ryan tags in.
The Nemeth Brothers double team Rhino for a two count. Rhino fights off some punches and tags Joe Hendry in. Hendry hits Ryan with a chop and tags Rhino in. Rhino hits a chop and tags in Hendry. Hendry hits a chop. Ryan pumps himself up and hits Hendry with a chop. Hendry smirks it off and lays Ryan out with a chop.
Ryan very briefly gets control, but Hendry hits a big tackle and a very delayed suplex for a two count. Rhino tags in and loses control of Ryan. Nic comes in and eats a tackle. Rhino hits the ropes and gets a knee up to the back of Rhino. Rhino elbows Nic. The referee checks on Nic and Ryan pulls Rhino down by the hair. Both the referee and Nic are confused, but Nic keeps control with a neckbreaker and a shot to the heart. Ryan tags in and gets in a shot and a choke on the ropes for a two count on Rhino. Nic tags back in and hits another shot to the heart for a two count.
Nic slaps on a headlock with Rhino down on the mat. Rhino powers and strikes out of it, but Nic gets control back. He goes for the Fame-Asser, but Rhino counters it into a powerbomb. Hendry tags in. Ryan tags in. Hendry comes in hot. He tackles down Ryan twice and hits the Attitude Adjustment. Nic is caught by Hendry and eats a Fallaway Slam. Hendry kips up and sets up for the Standing Ovation on Ryan. Ryan hits Hendry with a thumb to the eye, but Hendry shakes it off and hits a running cutter. Nic breaks up the pin. Rhino throws Nic and calls for the Gore. Kazarian stands up at the commentary table in anticipation. Ryan shuts down the Gore attempt on Nic. Rhino fights off Ryan and Gores him. Nic hits Rhino with a superkick. Hendry clotheslines Nic over the ropes and hits the Standing Ovation on Ryan for the win!
Winners: Joe Hendry and Rhino
After the match:
Joe Hendry celebrates the victory as he locks eyes with Nic Nemeth.
End of show.