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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW Results - 12th Mar 2007

    RAW Results - 12th Mar 2007
    Location - Washington, DC
    Announcers - J.R & Jerry 'The King' lawler

    John Cena comes to the ring first, to a mixture of boos and cheers. Cena wonders if he trusts HBK, and when Michaels will stab him in the back. Cena tells Michaels that he is not down with being stabbed in the back. If Michaels wants to kick Cena's teeth down his throat, he can come to the ring and do it right now. Michaels obliges and joins Cena in the ring. Cena says time and again that Michaels has said he has Cena's back, which Cena realizes is only because John is the WWE Champion. Michaels fesses up and says that his only goal is to walk out of WrestleMania as the WWE Champion. However, he claims that he has kept his word about having Cena's back. Michaels wants to know why no one is asking when Cena is going to turn on HBK. Shawn says that as badly as Cena wants to retain, the Heart Break Kid wants one more day in the sun that much more.

    Jonathan Coachman interrupts the stare down. He claims it would be a shame if they beat the hell out of each other since so many tag teams want a shot at their tag gold. Since Vince McMahon is preoccupied with the contract signing, he is handling Cena and Michaels. He announces that they will run the gauntlet. Three matches, all with the title on the line. If they make it to match three, they will compete in a Steel Cage match.

    A limo pulls up and Donald Trump steps out.

    Several celebrities give their opinion on who they want to see lose their hair. Lloyd from Entourage, Costanza, and Travis Barker's wife are among the notable celebs.

    Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
    Randy Orton vs Ric Flair vs Carlito

    This is an elimination match. The announcers point out that this is the first time Orton and Flair have been in the ring since Rated RKO gave him all the beatdowns. Flair and Carlito immediately work over Orton in the corner. Orton comes back with a back body drop and dropkick for two. Carlito rolls up Orton for two. Orton takes down Carlito with a lariat. Flair rolls Orton up for two. Flair and Carlito chop Orton and work him over in the corner again. A chop from Flair gets two. Carlito suplexes Orton for two. Orton rakes Flair's eye. Carlito takes down Orton with a reverse elbow for two. Flair gets a two count, as well. Flair chops Orton, and then gives him a chop block. Carlito measures Orton and hits a springboard reverse elbow. Flair and Carlito argue over what to do with Orton. Flair wants to do a Figure Four, Carlito doesn't. Flair shoves Carlito off and goes for the submission. Carlito gives Flair a Backcracker. Orton dumps Carlito from the ring and hits the RKO to eliminate Ric Flair. Carlito gets a near fall before we go to commercial.

    Back from the break, Orton has an elevated Boston Crab on Carlito. Carlito makes the ropes. Randy follows up with the Garvin-Orton Stomp, and then a knee drop for two. Orton punches away in the corner. Orton with a hard Irish Whip into the corner for two. Orton applies a chinlock, but Carlito counters with a back suplex to knock both men down. They get up at the same time, but Carlito is the one to get offense, hitting several punches. Orton dodges a dropkick and sets up for the RKO. Carlito blocks it and hits a standing rana. Carlito with more punches and a Million Dollar Knee Lift. Carlito with a clothesline and Cool Shot for two. Carlito backflips off the top turnbuckle and hits an enziguri for two. He scoop slams Orton and connects with a springboard senton for another two. Orton crotches Carlito on the top rope and hits an RKO out of nowhere for the win and the final spot in the Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    The eight competitors in that match are Orton, Edge, Mr. Kennedy, Matt & Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Finlay, & King Booker.

    A recap of the Lashley-McMahon feud is shown.

    The WWE Slam of the Week is The Great Khali assaulting Kane on Smackdown, delivering some vicious HBHBs.

    Chris Masters is in the ring ready for a Masterlock challenge. No one comes out from the back, so Masters challenges Lillian Garcia. This brings out Super Crazy and they have an impromptu brawl. A low dropkick by Crazy sends Masters face first into the chair. Crazy gets some offense, but Masters reverses a DDT attempt into the Masterlock and forcing Super Crazy to pass out.

    A second limo pulls up and Vince McMahon steps out. Vince goes up to Trump's driver and gives him a message. Vince says that "mine is bigger than his."

    A video package on The Big Cat Ernie Ladd is shown, with voiceover from Jim Ross and others.

    Orton and Edge are in the locker room. Orton refers to Edge as his old tag team partner. Orton reminds Edge they are now opponents. Edge says that is impressive, but he has won more ladder matches than everyone else in the match combined. Edge has been in 7 matches, Orton zero. Edge also reminds Orton he is undefeated at WrestleMania. Randy claims that is because he has never faced Orton. Orton says he is also younger and better looking.

    Lillian points to the Titantron for a special PSA. A man is reading the NY Times and talking about the Battle of the Billionaires. FINALLY, someone knows the truth, and the paper is put down, revealing THE ROCK! Rock asks if Vince knows what Umaga means in Samoan. Rock claims that it means 'shriveled up monkey penis'. Rock asks how Vince will beat Trump with a shriveled up monkey penis. Rock guarandamntees that Vince will gets his head shaved, if ya smelllllll what The Rock is cookin'!

    World Tag Team Championship Gauntlet
    John Cena & Shawn Michaels (c) vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas)

    Cena and HBK immediately get the advantage. Cena with a hiptoss. He gives Shelton a Fisherman's Suplex out of the corner. Haas knees Cena in the back and Shelton kicks Cena down. Haas tags in and punches Cena down. Scoop slam and dragon kick by Haas get two. Haas punches Cena in the head. Haas with charges in the corner. Cena dodges a charge and bulldogs Haas out of the corner. HBK tags in and gives Haas a flying forearm. Michaels with inverted atomic drops to Benjamin and Haas. Haas whips Michaels into the corner but misses a clothesline. Michaels with a DDT. HBK sends Shelton out. HBK gets ready to tune up the band, but Cena makes the blind tag and applies the STFU to Haas for the win.

    Winners: John Cena & Shawn Michaels

    John Cena & Shawn Michaels (c) vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

    Cade & Murdoch come out and get an inverted atomic drop/big boot combo on Michaels right away. Cade and Murdoch double team Michaels again. Cade tags in and knocks Michaels down with a forearm. Murdoch tags back in and slams Michaels down. Cade tags in again and gets two with a cover. Cade with a flying lariat for two. Cade locks in a bearhug. Michaels gets out and fights back. Michaels with an enziguri. John Cena tags in with clotheslines and a Blue Thunder Driver to Murdoch. Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He lifts Murdoch on his shoulders for the FU, but Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music on Murdoch before Cena can finish the move. Cena covers for the win.

    Winners: John Cena & Shawn Michaels

    Steel Cage Match
    John Cena & Shawn Michaels (c) vs. MNM

    Nitro and Mercury have the advantage when we come back from the commercial break. Mercury applies a chinlock to Cena. Cena powers out and kicks Mercury. He ducks a clothesline and tags in Michaels. Michaels blocks a back body drop attempt, but gets sent into the cage. Nitro tags in and punches Michaels on the mat. Nitro chokes Michaels. A neckbreaker to Michaels gets two. Mercury tags in and teams with Nitro for a double team gutbuster for two. Nitro tags back in and gives HBK a scoop slam. He misses a corkscrew moonsault from the second rope. Mercury tags in and blocks Michaels from making the tag. Michaels clotheslines Mercury and makes the tag. Cena with multiple clotheslines. Cena tosses Mercury into the cage like a lawn dart. Nitro is thrown into the cage as well. Michaels throws Mercury into the cage as he and Cena engage in a game of oneupmanship. The two bicker a bit before Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music on Mercury, followed by an FU by Cena for the win.

    Winners: John Cena & Shawn Michaels

    After the cage rises, all the gauntlet competitors come back out to try and beat down the champs. Cena and Michaels get the better of all of them. Cena hits Haas with a chair and walks off. JR wonders if Cena was thinking about hitting Michaels. Michaels tosses the chair down and storms to the back.

    Jeff Hardy vs. Edge

    Edge is still dressed in street clothes and takes the mic. Edge claims he would love to beat the hell out of Hardy, but they are in DC, the home of the Redskins. Edge will be damned if he is going to compete in a city that encourages such a racial slur against Native Americans. Edge claims to have an Indian friend to take his place.

    The Great Khali vs. Jeff Hardy

    Khali no sells a couple shots from Hardy and hits a chop. Khali with a big boot. Khali chokebombs Hardy. Edge cheers Khali on the outside, but Kane's music hits. Kane has a meathook, straight out of his movie, and walks to the ring. Khali and Edge bail. Kane hooks the announcer's table and pulls it over.

    Trump is getting his hair done, and asks the hair dresser if Vince's hair is real. She says that she'd rather not say.

    The next inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame is announced. It is none other than Mr. Fuji, who was a five time tag team champion with Toru Tanaka and Mr. Saito before going on to manage various wrestlers and champions, such as Yokozuna, Demolition, and The Berzerker. He was also star of the legendary "Fuji Vice".

    Mick Foley is interviewed by Todd Grisham in the back. Foley plugs that the book is already in stores. Foley is also in Trump's corner, thinking Vince will lose. He also plugs his ECW appearance. Ashley walks up and offers a trade of her Playboy for Foley's book. He claims he can't look at naked pictures of his friends. She opens up the issue and forces him to sneak a peek. Ron Simmons comes up and gives us this week's damn.

    A tale of the tape is shown for Vince and Trump. Walk and People Kiss His Ass are two of the categories. Vince is getting his hair done now. He tells 'Jill' he will shave Trump bald. Coach interrupts. Vince tells him that his bald head reminds him too much of Trump. Vince admires himself in the mirror.

    The WWE Rewind is last week's Women's Championship Match.

    Melina vs Torrie Wilson

    This is a non title match. The storyline is that Melina is going after the Divas that have posed nude for Playboy. Torrie starts by working the back. Melina kicks out. Torrie with a bridge for two. Melina kicks Torrie in the corner. Torrie dodges a charge and rolls up Melina for two. Melina throws Torrie down. Melina hits Torrie in the stomach and tosses her down again for two. Torrie trips Melina for two. Melina with some forearms. Torrie throws Melina by the hair and hits some clotheslines. Melina floats over a suplex and rolls Torrie up for the win.

    Winner: Melina

    Melina tries to sneak attack Torrie. Mickie runs down to break it up, but she is followed by Victoria. Torrie sends Victoria out. Melina tosses Torrie out. Mickie with a Lou Thesz Press. Melina bails, but Ashley runs down to throw her back in the ring. Melina tries to escape again, but Mickie and Torrie put her back in the ring for Ashley to toss out.

    Edge runs into Mr. McMahon and wants to help Vince take out Bobby Lashley. He volunteers Randy Orton for a one on one match with Lashley on ECW. Edge says he will be in Orton's corner of course. Edge suggests that if Orton doesn't show for the match, he should be removed from Money in the Bank. Vince agrees.

    Scheduled for next week's RAW is a WrestleMania Reversal, where Cena takes on an opponent from a past Michaels' Mania match and vice versa. Cena is scheduled to wrestle Chris Benoit and Michaels is scheduled to face JBL.

    Contract signing:
    Vince comes to the ring for the contract signing, and he slips a bit. Vince brings up Trump's The Art of a Deal, and claims this is one deal that Trump will regret. A deal that will make Trump a laughingstock. Trump can't get out, either, because this is Vince's world. Vince won't be embarrassed because he has the Samoan Bulldozer wrestling for him. Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada come out. Vince claims that Trump is scared of what he has gotten himself into. He promises to deliver a Billionaire Bitch Slap.

    Trump comes to the ring accompanied by Maria and Candace. The crowd gets a 'Donald' chant going. Donald says Vince's Grapefruits are no match for his Trump Towers. Trump tells Vince to hold his man back because he's going to have a hard time on April 1st. Trump brings up how Vince was scared last week and brings out Bobby Lashley.

    Vince tells Lashley to back off. Trump asks, "Do we love Bobby". Vince signs first. He claims this will be the last contract Trump signs with hair on his head. Trump doubts that and says Lashley will kick Vince's ass. Vince claims 95% of celebrities polled want Trump's head shaved. Trump says it is the other way around. Vince says 95% of the audience is idiots. Donald calls them a smart group of people.

    Austin interrupts Vince and walks to the ring. Austin wants to ask two questions to settle the argument. If you think Vince McMahon will win, give him a hell yeah. Not much of a response for that one. Austin asks the reverse, if Trump will win. The audience approves. Austin introduces himself to Trump and says that it is his ring, and what he says goes. Austin doesn't work for Trump, so he can't be fired. He warns Donald not to rub him the wrong way or piss him off. Austin doesn't care how much Donald is worth, because if he pisses Stone Cold off, he will deliver an eight billion dollar can of whoop ass on him. Vince starts to smile and Austin catches him doing so. Austin walks over and asks if he said something funny. Stone Cold asks if Vince has a problem with bald headed people. Vince looks at Lashley. Austin gets up in Vince's face and reminds us that Vince used to make his life a living hell. He claims that someone will get a haircut. Not a crew cut, mop top, etc. Someone is getting their head shaved, and that's the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so. Stone Cold walks to the back.

    Vince gets back on the mic and claims that Stone Cold was saying that Umaga would win, and Vince would be shaving Trump's head. Trump gets on the mic and says he's been watching Vince. He brings up how Vince has been photoshopping pictures of Trump. Donald has his own picture, and on the Titantron, we see what Vince will look like bald. Trump tells Bobby he wants them to suffer. Vince asks if Trump wants some. Trump invites Vince to the ring. McMahon teases going in, but begs off. Vince wants Bobby out of the ring, and Trump orders Lashley to leave. Vince gets in the ring and turns a chair over. Vince pokes Donald and takes his jacket off. Trump shoves Vince over the table and onto the mat.

  2. #2
    Jobber GKY's Avatar
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    Great raw, with Austin and the Rock there, it reminded me of 98

  3. #3
    Main Eventer wwe9112's Avatar
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    in your mom lol
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    I liked the Umaga thing where it means shrivled up monkey penus lol

    Rep if you like my posts - I do my own banners, if you would like one please feel free to PM me; I'll do my best to get it to you. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Break Down The Walls jerichoholic_9's Avatar
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    damn! I missed a good Raw.... sounded great though, nice to hear The Rock made an appearance.

    First Post btw

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    meh The Rock, he only did it to promote his new movie.

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