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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW Results - 9th Apr 2007

    RAW Results - 9th Apr 2007
    Location - Bridgeport, Connecticut
    Commentators - J.R and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    We begin tonight’s show with Shane McMahon coming to the ring and he teases the Shane-O Shuffle as he walks to the ring. Shane takes the mic and he addresses the crowd in Bridgeport. He points out that McMahon is one of the most powerful and prestigious names all over the world. When that name is mentioned, it is met with fear and respect. Over the last few weeks, every time that name has been mentioned, he has heard something foreign to him and that is laughter. He says that people have been laughing at what happened to ‘his father’ Vince at Wrestlemania courtesy of Donald Trump and Bobby Lashley when Vince was shaved bald. Shane says that this is not about his father, but about the McMahon family dynasty. He says that he is the fourth generation of McMahon in the business and his sons are the fifth generation. Tonight is about putting respect back in the McMahon name. Shane tells Bobby Lashley to come to the ring since he has something to say to Bobby and he wants to do it face to face.

    Bobby Lashley comes out to the ring and he stands face to face with Shane. Shane tells Bobby that he took his family’s dignity at Wrestlemania so he will take Lashley’s dignity tonight. He plans to take the one that the means the most to him and that is the ECW Championship. Shane says that Bobby will put his title on the line against Shane McMahon.

    Umaga comes out with Armando Alejandro Estrada and Lashley gets ready for a battle. Shane stops Umaga and Estrada. He appreciates the offer, but he is doing it his way. Shane slaps Estrada in the face and he tells them to go to the back. Shane stares down Umaga and they go to the back.

    Shane returns to the ring and he tells Lashley that he does not need Umaga to do his battles for him. Shane says that he will take great pleasure at giving Lashley the beating of his life. Bobby takes the mic and says that if Shane wins, Shane gets the ECW Title. Lashley says that if he wins, he gets to shave Shane bald just like his dad. Shane says that he does not answer to Lashley and he makes the rules since Lashley works for him. Shane things about the title versus hair stipulation and then says that Lashley is on. Shane leaves the ring. Lashley poses in the ring with his title belt as we go to commercial.

    We are back with a Mick Foley commercial about how he is now a name dropper.

    We go to footage from last week’s Raw when Mickie James attacked Melina and hit a DDT.

    Mickie James and Candice Michelle vs Victoria and Melina

    Melina and Candice start things off but Melina wants Mickie in the match. Mickie is tagged in and Melina attacks Mickie when she enters the ring. Melina with punches but Mickie sends Melina into the corner followed by a snap mare and drop kick. Mickie pulls Melina into her corner and Candice is tagged in. Candice with a double sledge to the arm from the turnbuckles. Candice works on the arm with a hammer lock and she sends Melina shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Candice with a triangle choke in the ropes, but Victoria with a kick to the chest. Victoria is tagged in and she rolls Candice back into the ring and gets a two count. Victoria puts Candice in the Tree of Woe and Melina is tagged in and Melina hits a seated senton on Candice. Melina with a fisherman’s suplex for a two count. Melina works on Candice’s back with a bow and arrow. Melina slams Candice’s head into Victoria’s boot and then she slams Candice. Victoria tags in and she misses the slingshot legdrop. Mickie is tagged in and she clotheslines Victoria and knocks Melina off the apron. Victoria with an Irish whip but Mickie with an elbow and a rana. Mickie hits a Louise Thesz Press on Melina when Melina interferes. Mickie with a neck breaker for a two count when Melina breaks up the cover. Melina holds Mickie for Victoria but Mickie blocks a kick. Candice hits a spinning heel kick on Melina while Mickie hits the spike DDT for the three count.

    Winners: Candice Michelle and Mickie James

    Melina gets the belt and she holds it over her head while Mickie and Candice go to the back. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Mick Foley is in the back with Michael Pena the child from the Make A Wish Foundation who got to be the honorary General Manager for the night. Mick stops the Highlanders for Michael to meet. Mick suggests what they can do to the Highlanders. The next person that Michael meets is Maria. Mick tells Michael to say hello and he does the Mick Foley Cheap Pop for the camera.

    Ric Flair, Carlito, and Torrie Wilson come to the ring. Before their match, Carlito gets on the mic and he tells Flair that he has something to say to him. Carlito brings up when Flair questioned Carlito’s desire and said that he had no heart or passion. Carlito says that it made him angry, but the more that he thought about it, you don’t get a wake up call from the sixteen time champion. He says that Flair is very choosy and picky about who he hangs out with. We go to a clip from the Four Horsemen DVD. Carlito says that like he had gold around his waist in the video, he can have it around his waist again. When they win their match tonight, they will get to wrestle for the Tag Team Titles at Backlash. Carlito says that is cool.

    Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade come to the ring for the next match and we go to commercial.

    Ric Flair and Carlito (with Torrie Wilson) vs Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade

    The match is joined in progress and Flair chops Cade and punches him. Cade with a flying clothesline and he tags in Murdoch who hits an elbow drop and then he punches Flair in the head. Murdoch slaps Flair in the back, but Flair responds with a chop of his own. Cade tags back in and he punches Cade. Flair chops Cade to try to get to his corner. Murdoch is tagged back in and Murdoch sends Cade into Flair in the corner and Murdoch with a belly-to-back suplex. Murdoch gets a two count when Carlito breaks up the cover. Murdoch with a neck vice on Flair. Flair chops Murdoch and Cade as he fights out of the corner, but Murdoch with a drop toe hold and Cade tags in but he misses an elbow drop. Murdoch tags in and he misses an elbow drop. Flair and Murdoch with chops but Murdoch takes Flair down with a punch. Carlito is tagged in and he punches Cade and Murdoch. Carlito with a back body drop to Murdoch and a drop kick to Cade. Carlito with a knee lift followed by a clothesline to Murdoch but Cade breaks up the cover. Cade throws Flair out of the ring. Carlito misses a springboard back elbow when Cade pushes Murdoch out of the way. Cade and Murdoch with their version of the double gouzle for the three count.

    Winners: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

    Flair wants to talk to Carlito but Carlito wants nothing to do with Flair and he leaves the ring. We go to commercial.

    We are back with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. Lawler talks about the number one contenders match and the possibility of another bald McMahon. Jim Ross talks about the Condemned and we take a look at the movie.

    Shane McMahon is getting ready for his match and Coach enters the room. Shane wonders why Coach did not knock on the door. Coach says that he liked the idea Shane challenging for the ECW Title, but he wonders about putting his hair on the line. Shane tells Coach not to touch him. Coach says that as Shane’s father’s executive assistant he wanted to give him some guidance. Shane says that Vince has been thrown over a table, been slapped by Donald Trump, and then got shaved bald. He does not like that type of guidance. Shane says that he is going to do it his way. He is going to put the respect back in the McMahon family name. Shane tells Coach to leave him. Shane tells Coach to focus on his day to day duties and let Shane focus on the big things.

    Todd Grisham is in the interview area with Shawn Michaels. Todd asks Shawn about his match with Randy Orton. Shawn says that while nice guys might not finish last, they do not finish first. He says that he is going to start telling it like it is. This match is as important as any title match because if he loses, he does not get a title match. This match is about who wants it more.

    Randy Orton enters the interview area and he tells Shawn that Shawn had his chance so Randy says that his desire is more than Michaels can imagine. Orton says that Michaels’s days as top contender are over. Shawn Michaels tells Orton that he is the 1,000th man to tell him that he would amount to nothing. Shawn says that Orton wins a new pair of dentures that he will need once he gives Orton Sweet Chin Music. We go to commercial.

    Number One Contender’s Match
    Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels

    Michaels with a side head lock out of the collar and elbow tie up but Orton turns it into a top wrist lock. Michaels with a hammer lock as Orton tries to escape and he reverses it. Michaels takes it into a top wrist lock again and he takes Orton down to his knees. Orton with a pull of the hair for a take down. Orton with a hammer lock and Michaels reverses it. Orton with an elbow followed by a shoulder tackle. Orton blocks a hip toss and hits one of his own. Michaels with a side head lock take down and Michaels is bleeding above his eye. Orton gets back to his feet and he hits a knee on Michaels as Shawn comes off the ropes. Orton stomps on Michaels’s midsection and he connects with crossfaces to Michaels. Orton slams Michaels and then he stands over Michaels as he sets for a knee drop but Michaels moves out of the way. Michaels with a clip to Orton’s knee and Michaels slams the knee into the mat. Michaels wrings the leg into the apron and then Michaels kicks the injured knee. Michaels with an elbow drop to the knee and he continues to work on the leg. Michaels with a dragon screw leg whip and he kicks the hamstring. Orton sends Michaels into the ring post and Michaels is down.

    Edge comes out and Orton is distracted and that allows Michaels to get a two count with a rollup. Orton punches Michaels and he yells at Edge again as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton has Michaels in a reverse chin lock but Michaels with punches to get out of the hold. Orton with a back body drop and Orton goes down as a result of the earlier work on the knee. We see footage from the commercial break when Michaels did the Michaels flip to the floor. Back to live action, Orton with a back elbow that sends Michaels to the apron. Orton with a DDT to Michaels but he can only get a two count. Orton tries for a series of covers but he cannot put Michaels away. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Michaels but Michaels pops up and he chops Orton. Orton responds with punches but Michaels has the advantage. Michaels with a sunset flip for a two count. Orton pops up and hits a clothesline for a two count of his own. Orton returns to the reverse chin lock to wear down Michaels. Michaels with chops but Orton responds with punches. Michaels with a swinging neck breaker and both men are down while Edge watches from ringside. Both men get to their feet and Orton with punches while Michaels with chops and punches. Michaels tries for the flying forearm on Orton but Orton moves out of the way and Michaels hits the referee who goes to the floor. Michaels with a kip up and then he hits the reverse atomic drop and slam followed by the elbow drop from the top turnbuckle. Michaels gets ready for Sweet Chin Music while the referee is still down on the floor.

    Edge distracts Michaels and that allows Orton to clothesline Michaels over the top rope and both men go to the floor. Edge has a confused look on his face as he sees both men on the floor. Orton with an RKO on the floor and both men are down. Orton staggers to pick Michaels up and roll him into the ring. Orton tells Edge to get out of here and then Edge wants to know what Orton’s problem is. Orton tries for an RKO on Edge, but Edge sends Orton towards the ring post. Orton stops short and Edge with a spear. Edge rolls Orton back into the ring and then Edge tries to get the referee to wake up.

    The referee rolls back into the ring and Michaels and Orton are on the mat. Another referee comes to the ring and he starts the count. Both men get up at nine and Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music and then collapses onto Orton. The referee makes the three count.

    Winner: ???????????

    The two referees argue over who won the match. The first referee says that Orton won the match while the second referee says that Orton won the match. We see a number of angles of the three count as there is no decision. Edge says that since they pinned each other he is the number one contender. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler wonder who won the match as we take a look at the finish of the match from a Moments Ago Moment. We see each angle and then we see Edge saying that he is the man who should be the number one contender.

    We see the return of the barber chair for the ECW title match.

    Randy Orton enters Shane McMahon’s office and he says that he should be the man to face John Cena. Shane tells Randy that he is a third generation superstar so he should know the proper avenues and that he needs to talk to Coach about it. Shane reminds Orton that he has to worry about his hair tonight so he does not have time to deal with Orton.

    Mick Foley is with Michael in the back and they meet Super Crazy and Val Venis. Cryme Tyme stop by and they have a yo-yo moment. Cryme Tyme says that they want a raise but Foley says that he cannot perform miracles. Johnny Nitro stops by and he walks away without saying anything. Coach stops by and he tells Michael that he is looking at the main guy. Coach says that he makes all of the big decisions. Edge interrupts Coach and Michael and he says that they need to talk about the situation that just happened in the ring. Mick and Michael say that they were about to tell them something but they would not listen. We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Slam of the Week: Shawn Michaels eliminating John Cena last week in the Tag Team Battle Royale Part Deux and the victory by the Hardys.

    Matt and Jeff Hardy vs Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

    Haas and Matt start things off and Haas with a hammer lock. Matt with a reversal but Haas with a punch. Matt with a kick and then he tags in Jeff. The Hardys with a double back elbow followed by a somersault senton and fist drop combination to Haas. Matt with a punch to Benjamin followed by a double team move to Haas. Jeff goes up top but Benjamin leaps to the top rope and hits a double jump round kick to Jeff’s head to knock him off the turnbuckle. Matt with a drop kick that sends Benjamin out of the ring. Haas runs Jeff into the turnbuckles and works on Jeff’s back. Haas with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Haas with a punch to Jeff and then he gets a two count. Haas punches Jeff in the head and then he puts Jeff in a front face lock before tagging in Benjamin. Benjamin with knees and punches to Jeff. Benjamin with a snap mare and reverse chin lock on Jeff. Benjamin slides and grabs Jeff’s leg but Jeff with a mule kick and Matt is tagged in. Matt with a clothesline to Benjamin and Haas followed by a back body drop to Haas and a running clothesline and bulldog/clothesline combination. Matt with a Side Effect to Benjamin. Matt sends Haas to the apron and Jeff knocks Haas off the apron. Jeff with Poetry in Motion followed by a Twist of Fate from Matt and a Swanton for the three count.

    Winner: Matt and Jeff Hardy

    Edge is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for another mention of The Condemned and we get another series of clips from the movie.

    Cutting Edge:
    It is time for the Cutting Edge and Edge comes to the ring. He says that before he gets to his guest, he wants to address the situation between Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton. Edge points out that it was a match that both men lost. Edge says that he was talking to Jonathan Coachman backstage and that they both agreed that he should be the new number one contender. Edge brings out his guest but he is interrupted by Randy Orton.

    Orton comes into the ring but Edge leaves the ring. Orton tells Edge that he cost him his number one contendership. Orton says that he talked to Coach and they agreed that Edge is the last person who deserves a title shot. Orton says that he never faced John Cena for the title. Before he can talk about the match at Backlash, he is interrupted by Shawn Michaels.

    Shawn Michaels comes to the ring and he has a mic as he enters the ring. Shawn says that it is their turn. Last week, he looked John Cena in the eye and now it is their turn. Shawn says that he is the better man and as far as he is concerned it needs to be the rematch of all rematches, John Cena versus Shawn Michaels for the WWE Title.

    John Cena’s music plays and he comes to the ring. All four men are in the ring and John Cena says that we have a problem. Cena says that this thing has gone horribly wrong. They were supposed to be talking about the title, but they are talking about packages. Cena gets in Michaels’s face and he says that if they want to talk about the WWE Title, it is time to do it. Cena talks about how the last time they met it was in Edge’s match in his home town but he could not get the job done. Cena says that if Edge wants to get broken in half, just give him the where and when. Cena addresses Orton and says that there is only one person to blame for never getting a title match against Cena and that is Orton himself. Cena says that he has never backed down from a challenge and Orton never had the guts to step forward. If Orton wants to dance, Cena says that he is easy to find. Cena addresses Shawn Michaels and he says that he would hate to see his former partner disgruntled. Cena says that Michaels wants to relive Wrestlemania and Cena says that he is with Michaels so he tells Michaels if he wants some to get some. Cena says that they need to decide who wants the match.

    Jonathan Coachman interrupts Cena and he says that Cena does not make the decisions, he does. Coach says that after the controversy tonight, Edge and Orton were the only two who sought him out and gave him the respect they deserve. At Backlash, John Cena will face Edge and Randy Orton in a two-on-one handicap match. Whoever gets the pin walks out as the champion. Coach apologizes to Cena and Michaels because that decision is final.

    Mick Foley’s music plays and he comes out. Foley says that it might be Coach’s final decision but the decision is not his to make. Foley says that Coach would not listen to him earlier. Foley says that Coach does not get to make the big decision of the night. Foley says that it is not him either. It is the honorary General Manager to decide. Foley brings out Michael Pena. Foley lets Michael make the announcement, after doing the Mick Foley Cheap Pop, for the main event. The main event will be John Cena versus Randy Orton versus Edge versus Shawn Michaels for the WWE Title.

    Shane McMahon and Bobby Lashley walk in the back in split screen as we go to commercial.

    We are back and the barber chair has moved to ringside for the main event.

    ‘Title versus Hair’ Match
    Bobby Lashley vs Shane McMahon

    As Lashley enters the ring, Shane spears Lashley and they fight on the floor. Lashley gets Shane up for a power slam, but Shane sends Lashley into the ring post as he gets out of the hold. Shane returns to the ring and Lashley tries to get back in but Shane with a baseball slide. Shane with jabs and then he runs Lashley’s back into the apron. Shane with a shoulder that sends Lashley into the ring steps.

    They return to the ring and Shane gets a few near falls as the match officially begins. Shane with kicks to Lashley and then he connects with a punch and knees to the ribs. Shane with jabs and then it is time for the Shane-O Shuffle, but Lashley blocks the punch and Lashley with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Lashley continues the attack with a running clothesline into the corner and then Lashley with a back body drop. Lashley with a fallaway slam. Shane grabs the referee and then he punches the referee. Lashley kicks the referee and then the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley (by disqualification)

    Lashley punches Shane in the corner and kicks him.

    Umaga’s music plays and he comes to the ring with Armando Alejandro Estrada and Vince McMahon. Lashley and Umaga battle in the ring. Lashley goes after Vince and Umaga takes control. Umaga with knees in the corner and then Estrada holds Lashley in the corner as Umaga hits an Avalanche into the corner. Umaga with the running butt splash into the corner and then he hits a second one.

    Vince gives Shane a chair and then Shane drills Lashley in the head with the chair while Umaga holds Lashley. Vince gets the mic while Umaga punches Lashley in the head while Lashley bleeds from the chair shot. Shane with a couple elbow drops to Lashley. Vince gets on the mic and he takes off his hat and he tells Lashley that he did this. Vince tells Lashley that it was not about the title tonight. At Backlash, Bobby Lashley will face Umaga and Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon for the ECW Title. Vince tells Lashley that the ECW title will come to the McMahons. Shane and Vince hold Lashley for Umaga to connect with the Samoan Spike and Lashley goes down.

    We go to credits with Vince McMahon, ‘his son’ Shane, Umaga, and Armando Alejandro Estrada standing over Bobby Lashley and Vince punches Lashley in the head.

  2. #2
    The Maverick legolas4792's Avatar
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    it was a decent raw ending somewhat killed it though

  3. #3
    100% GOONER AFC1986's Avatar
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    i thought raw was pretty good this week but the match for the ecw title was just stupid. they're treating the title like a joke as there wasn't much of a match between shane and lashley and now it will be defended in a 3-on-1 handicap match against umaga, shane and vince

  4. #4
    End Of All Things To Come XXKSXX's Avatar
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    I liked the ending of RAW it was pretty enjoy able if u don't like Lashley. I'm all for a beat down. The number 1 contender match on the other hand was pointless and it did have a crap ending. The tag match should have had some of the TV time that number 1 contender match had. But other then that it was pretty good show.

    RIP JC

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    If anything the fatal 4 way proves Cena may just finally lose the title at Backlash and he won't even have to be pinned and then look bad. Although, I have no idea who they would decide to give it to.

  6. #6
    100% GOONER AFC1986's Avatar
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    if cena were to lose i think either orton or hbk will win it as edge had a couple of runs as champ last year but i can see orton winning the title as he is the only participant who hasn't had a run yet as champion

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